Author Topic: Beginners guide  (Read 17121 times)

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Offline Mike

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Beginners guide
« on: July 28, 2020, 11:32:25 pm »
Beginner’s Guide to Mike’s Cops and Robbers.

- The basics
  - Registration
    - Changing name and password
    - Forgot password (Discord)
  - Rules
  - Commands
  - /help and /helpme
  - Interaction menu
  - Inventory system
  - Settings
  - Entering vehicle as passenger, drive-by weapon cycling etc.
  - Ability to enter drivers seat from passenger seat
  - Active city
  - Score, XP, unlocks
- Getting around
  - Stealing vehicles
  - GPS
  - Taxis
  - Trains
  - Payphone vehicle locator
- Earning money
  - Missions
  - Jobs
  - Food trucks
  - Tail suspects (news heli or polmav)
  - Scrapping vehicles
  - Exporting vehicles
  - Player robbery
  - Store robbery
  - Bank robbery
  - Bounties (inc. mw)
- Crimes, wanted levels, and jail
- Combat
  - Weapon license
  - Weapon skills
  - Fight styles
  - Medical fees
  - Revival
  - Medics
- Banks and ATMs
- Buying weapons
- Changing skin
- Buying clothes
- Buying a garage
- Buying personal vehicles
  - Modding vehicles
  - Fuel
  - Engine health
  - Repair kits
  - Mechanics
- Selling personal vehicles
- Buying properties
  - Property spawn
  - Safe
  - Garage
- Selling properties
- Law enforcement
  - XP and ranks
  - Player colors
  - Cuffing
  - Tazer
  - Arrest (escort)
  - Arrest (auto)
  - Lethal takedowns
  - Most wanted
- Events
  - Decathlon
  - Treasure hunt
  - Mafia money bag
- Stats and achievements
- Collectables
- Bounties
- Bribing
- Health/armour/weapon pickups
- Leisure activities
  - Bars/dance clubs/strip clubs etc.
  - Fishing
  - Boombox
  - Prostitutes
- Quick-strings and 10-codes
- Audio plugin
- Forums and Discord
- Reporting rule-breakers
- Infraction system
- Ban appeals
- Suggestions and bug reports
- Staff complaints
- Donations
- Common problems and FAQ

Structured into chapters:

Chapter 1 - In The Beginning
- Getting SA-MP
  - Make sure you have GTA:SA Version 1.0 (versions can be downgraded with a downgrader)
  - Download samp from [....]
  - Install SA-MP
- Joining MCNR
  - Once SA-MP is installed, go to the favourites tab and add '' and join! The port is not required as it defaults to :7777 if it's omitted.
- Intro scene
  - The first thing you will see is an introduction scene which explains what MCNR is about. It shows your character arriving in San Andreas via plane at the airport.
- Gender selection and skin selection
  - After the intro scene, you come to gender selection. This narrows down the skins you can browse through to make it easier to find one suited to you.
- Intro tutorial
  - Skip if you want, but you get cash at the end! and it shows a lot of useful stuff
- /register your account
  - If you don't register your account with a password, it will still exist, just won't be protected by a PW so anyone can play on your name (this is a unique feature of MCNR, to save player data without someone registering, to increase accessibility and in case they decided to come back and they didn't register and they realise 'omg my stuff was saved' yada yada
  - Use a secure PW
  - Don't use same PW as ANYWHERE else
  - Verify your Discord (/verify) to allow password reset
  - Explain a bit about Discord and Discord echoing and stuff idk
- /help /helpme etc.
- /settings
- Basic controls such as G to enter vehicles, H to enter-driveby, tap H in DB to cycle weapons, hold H to exit DB
- Interaction menu (hold Y or use /im)

Chapter 2 - Welcome to San Andreas
- You spawn at the airport. You have no money, no weapons, no vehicles, nothing. You must work and rob your way up.
- Explain active cities (every 1 second irl is a game minute = 24 minutes a day = 168 mins a week) - city changes Sunday 23:59, explain 'Players of the Week' etc. on city change stats
  - Explain inactive cities are accessible, just less content (players/vehicles/stores to rob etc.)

Chapter 3 - Getting Around
- SA is a big place, you need to get around
- You should find a vehicle straight away to add a form of protection to yourself
- You can rent a bike from the bike shack (BS icon on radar) near the airport for a small fee
- It's GTA - steal vehicles! You have to tap ENTER/F repeatedly to break in
  - You will only get a wanted level if a cop is nearby, or if you drive past a cop
  - You can change the licence plate on a stolen vehicle to prevent the cops from noticing you are in a stolen vehicle
  - If you buy a garage, you can store it and call for it at any time
  - You can mod it, pay 'n' spray etc., gas station menu etc. bulletproof tires yada yada
- GPS system, gps sub-commands such as '/gps hospital' or '/gps bank'.
- Locate players with /loc
- Find weapons/vehicles/bribes at a payphone (/gps phone).
- Trains
- Taxis (/taxi or press Y near an on-duty taxi)
- Explain Mechanics
- Tire/engine repair kits

Chapter 4 - Cash Is King
- Cash is the most imporant commodity in San Andreas. With no cash, you can't do jack.
- Of course, as the name suggests, you can rob cash, OR you could be a law-abiding citizen and earn it legitimately.
- You can rob players by looking at them and pressing Y and selecting Rob, or by pressing H (I think?) or by using /rob.
- You can rob any shop/store/stall by aiming at the cashier with a weapon (see below about weapons)
- You can rob the bank alone or with others, see below
- You can rob ATMs by pressing N at them
- You can scrap and export vehicles
- You can do a selection of missions, activities and challenges (/missions)
  - Enter any Trashmaster to start that
  - Enter any Sweeper to start that
  - Sell food from food trucks and Pizzaboy bike
  - etc. for most missions brief explanation and point to /missions to navigate via GPS
- Explain how bank/ATM works (set up ATM pin at bank first)

Chapter 5- Climbing The Ladder
- While cash is important, score/xp comes second
- You need score/xp to level up and unlock features and lift limits
- Explain unlocks (skins/weapons/vehicles) and max level is 100 and you can see info about this with /level /lvl /xp /score /rank etc.
- Explain you can tail suspects in a police helicopter (as a cop) or news heli (as a civ) for a bonus

Chapter 6- Combat
- Find weapons around the map
- Buy weapons from Ammunation
- Weapon licence
- Weapon skills
- Shooting range
- Fighting styles (gym)
- Petrol cap
- Drive-by
- /dropweapon
- Store weapons/ammo in house safes (see below)
- Health and armour and death
- Hospital fee
- Respawning in jail if die near cop with wlvl 2-5 or 1 in 5 chance if MW wl 6
- Revival system
- Call for medics
- Bounties

Chapter 7 - Criminality
- Explain wanted levels
  - 6 levels, yellow (1), orange (2-5) and red (6 MW)
  - Explain cops will ticket (1), taze/cuff/arrest (2-5) and taze/cuff/arrest/kill (6 MW)
  - Explain cuffing/tazing system, how to break free from cuffs etc.
  - Explain ALL players can kill MW level 6 for vigilante bonus

Chapter 8- Stats, Objectives and Achievements
- Many stats for individual players and the entire server
- Complete daily objectives (/obj) to earn cash and score
  - Complete all 3 daily objectives for consecutive days to get (days*1000) cash and (days*10) score.
- Complete many different achivements for cash and score

Chapter 9 - Assets and Personalisation
- Skin change
- Clothing
- Vehicle mods
- Buy cars
- Buy garages
- Buy properties

- fFshing
- Fuel
- Engine health (vehicles die at 30% health, on fire at 25% health)
- Selling personal vehicles at scrapyard (not full value)
- Boombox
- Supply drop

- How to buy
- Where to find
- Features (safe, spawn inside/outside)
- Upgrades
- Invite others
- Use a boombox inside
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 06:20:35 pm by Mike »

Offline Night

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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 06:32:20 pm »
  • Getting started
    • Make sure you have GTA San Andreas Version 1.0 (versions can be downgraded with a downgrader)
      - We recommend that you buy the game via Steam on this link or find it in some other store.
    • Download SAMP from it's official website
    • Install SA-MP by following instructions on the screen during the installation process.

  • Joining MCNR
    • Once SA-MP is installed, go to the favourites tab and add '' and join!
      - The port is not required as it defaults to :7777 if it's omitted.

  • Introduction
    After joining the server, the first thing you will see is an introduction scene that explains what MCNR is about. It shows your character arriving in San Andreas via plane at the airport. Once you arrive at the airport, the next thing that comes up is a gender selection screen, where you choose what gender are you going to play during your time at our server.

    You can select by using your mouse and clicking on the desired gender. Once selected, the next thing you need to do is select the look of your character (skin) that you will use for the time being, since you have the ability to change it later on in the game by visiting one of the Clothes Shops.

    After the selection is over, the introduction tutorial will start, which will show you some of the basic things you need to know about the server and its features. You can skip the tutorial by clicking on the SPACE button, but it's recommended that you watch it, since you will get a nice reward afterward, and you will also learn about the server and what exactly you can do in it.
    Once the tutorial is over, you will be spawned at the airport, the next thing you should do is register your account, so your statistics and everything you do is saved after you leave the server.

    To register your account, all you need to do is type /register in the chat, after which dialogue will appear where you need to provide a password for your account, it's recommended that you use a STRONG password, and to avoid the usage of passwords that you use on other websites/servers, to avoid the chance of losing your account. Once registered, you will be rewarded with $1000 to help you on your journey.

    Now, since your account is registered, there is always a chance that you forget your password, and the way to retrieve it, it's by using our Discord server which you can join by following this link To be able to use it and enjoy all of its features, you will first need to verify your in-game account with your Discord account by typing /verify in the chat (You need to have at least 1 hour of playtime on the server, to be able to verify your account.)

    Our Discord offers you a way to communicate with players in-game without actually being in-game, by using our #server-echo channel. If your Discord account is verified, you can simply type your message in there, and it will be shown to the players in-game, and now you can communicate with your friends. We also have a channel in which you can check your stats, players online, and much more, it's called #bot-commands.
    Some common commands for that channel are:
    • /players (It displays all the players online),
    • /stats [NAME] (Shows stats of player with that name)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 01:43:20 pm by Night »

Offline Night

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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 07:11:57 pm »
Chapter 2 - Welcome to San Andreas
- You spawn at the airport. You have no money, no weapons, no vehicles, nothing. You must work and rob your way up.
- Explain active cities (every 1 second irl is a game minute = 24 minutes a day = 168 mins a week) - city changes Sunday 23:59, explain 'Players of the Week' etc. on city change stats
- Explain inactive cities are accessible, just less content (players/vehicles/stores to rob etc.)

Offline Night

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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2020, 07:13:00 pm »
- SA is a big place, you need to get around
- You should find a vehicle straight away to add a form of protection to yourself
- You can rent a bike from the bike shack (BS icon on radar) near the airport for a small fee
- It's GTA - steal vehicles! You have to tap ENTER/F repeatedly to break in
  - You will only get a wanted level if a cop is nearby, or if you drive past a cop
  - You can change the licence plate on a stolen vehicle to prevent the cops from noticing you are in a stolen vehicle
  - If you buy a garage, you can store it and call for it at any time
  - You can mod it, pay 'n' spray etc., gas station menu etc. bulletproof tires yada yada
- GPS system, gps sub-commands such as '/gps hospital' or '/gps bank'.
- Locate players with /loc
- Find weapons/vehicles/bribes at a payphone (/gps phone).
- Trains
- Taxis (/taxi or press Y near an on-duty taxi)
- Explain Mechanics
- Tire/engine repair kits

Offline Night

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  • MCNR name: Night
  • Discord name: Night#4645
Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2020, 07:14:46 pm »
- Cash is the most important commodity in San Andreas. With no cash, you can't do jack.
- Of course, as the name suggests, you can rob cash, OR you could be a law-abiding citizen and earn it legitimately.
- You can rob players by looking at them and pressing Y and selecting Rob, or by pressing H (I think?) or by using /rob.
- You can rob any shop/store/stall by aiming at the cashier with a weapon (see below about weapons)
- You can rob the bank alone or with others, see below
- You can rob ATMs by pressing N at them
- You can scrap and export vehicles
- You can do a selection of missions, activities and challenges (/missions)
  - Enter any Trashmaster to start that
  - Enter any Sweeper to start that
  - Sell food from food trucks and Pizzaboy bike
  - etc. for most missions brief explanation and point to /missions to navigate via GPS
- Explain how bank/ATM works (set up ATM pin at the bank first)

Offline Night

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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2020, 07:16:50 pm »
- While cash is important, score/xp comes second
- You need score/xp to level up and unlock features and lift limits
- Explain unlocks (skins/weapons/vehicles) and max level is 100 and you can see info about this with /level /lvl /xp /score /rank etc.
- Explain you can tail suspects in a police helicopter (as a cop) or news heli (as a civ) for a bonus

Offline Night

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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2020, 07:19:05 pm »
- Find weapons around the map
- Buy weapons from Ammunation
- Weapon licence
- Weapon skills
- Shooting range
- Fighting styles (gym)
- Petrol cap
- Drive-by
- /dropweapon
- Store weapons/ammo in house safes (see below)
- Health and armour and death
- Hospital fee
- Respawning in jail if die near cop with wlvl 2-5 or 1 in 5 chance if MW wl 6
- Revival system
- Call for medics
- Bounties

Offline Night

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  • MCNR name: Night
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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2020, 07:22:53 pm »
- Explain wanted levels
  - 6 levels, yellow (1), orange (2-5) and red (6 MW)
  - Explain cops will ticket (1), taze/cuff/arrest (2-5) and taze/cuff/arrest/kill (6 MW)
  - Explain cuffing/tazing system, how to break free from cuffs etc.
  - Explain ALL players can kill MW level 6 for vigilante bonus

Offline Night

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  • MCNR name: Night
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Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2020, 07:24:32 pm »
- Many stats for individual players and the entire server
- Complete daily objectives (/obj) to earn cash and score
  - Complete all 3 daily objectives for consecutive days to get (days*1000) cash and (days*10) score.
- Complete many different achivements for cash and score

Offline Night

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  • MCNR name: Night
  • Discord name: Night#4645
Re: Beginners guide
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2020, 07:25:43 pm »
- Skin change
- Clothing
- Vehicle mods
- Buy cars
- Buy garages
- Buy properties