follow the steps above and you will be good to go 

Repeating every step:-
Download GTA SA 1.0
Install SAMP 0.3.7 R4 in your gta sa directory
Open San Andreas Multiplayer
Click on the ✅ (tick) button. The orange one
Type '' in the empty space (don't type the inverted commas too) of that dialog box and click ok
Double click on server's name and click connect. (All same till here)
It will show you SAMP loading screen for a while and then you will have to go through a small introduction to the server.
After its over, press T or F6 on your keyboard to open chat, type /register and press ENTER on your keyboard.
It will ask you to set-up your password, do so. The next time you login, you will have to Enter that password .
Now you are good to go and enjoy with others