Author Topic: 1.0.20  (Read 12183 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: May 29, 2019, 05:05:27 am »
- If a cuffed player enters a vehicle as a passenger they are now ejected if no cop enters the vehicle as a driver within 20 seconds. This is to prevent cuffed players becoming stuck in vehicles.
- Added a new game setting (/settings) to toggle the displaying of
player nametags (useful for recording video).
- /settings immersion mode now hides bank balance display and new
nametag option is set to off.
- Added /showpolicerules to view police rules.

- Reduced police crime response bonus cash from $50 to $10.
- Donation system improved. Player bonus story skins now unlocked when
donator status verified.
- /donator now shows true donator status and unlocked rewards.
- Reduced chance of rain/fog/sandstorm weather.
- Robbery payouts are now based on the ratio of cops to civilians playing. If there are not many cops on the server you'll get a much lower payout for robberies.
- Increased maximum bank/ATM deposit to $10000.
- Increased maximum cash transfer between players to $50000.
- ATMs outside the active city can no longer be robbed.
- Until army is added, cops with max rank (10) can now access Army vehicles including the Rustler.
- Cops can no longer re-cuff a suspect immediately after they break free from their cuffs or when the cop has been very recently attacked.
- Cops can no longer place roadblocks or spike strips in interiors.
- Player dialogs are now closed when exiting an interior to prevent interior menus being used outside the interior.

- Fixed an issue with bank robbery not resetting when dye packs explode if a dropped cash bag exists.
- Fixed issue where a player could be revived just after they died and before they respawned.
- Fixed runtime 4 error when going off duty as a taxi driver with no
active fare.
- Fixed civilians being able to see police crime response checkpoints on
rare occasions.
- Fixed players being able to place roadblocks while in a vehicle.
- Fixed cops being able to drop an unlimited number of spike strips from
a police car.
- Fixed players dying during prostitute service. Caused by anti-cheat
detecting CJ running animations.
- Fixed a runtime error in the carwash script.
- Fixed issue where players could enter vehicles during money rush
- Player dialogs are now closed if they are ejected from the interior to
prevent menus being able to be sued while not at inside the interior.
- Fixed issue where a player could place a spike strip and a roadblock
object at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where player textdraws were being wrongly destroyed when a different player was kicked/banned.
- Fixed an issue where if a player entered the house robbery hideout checkpoint while bailing from their vehicle (or exiting the vehicle from just outside the checkpoint and ending up exiting into it) they didn't receive the stolen item cash.
- Fixed a bug where if a player went off duty seconds before city change they respawned afterwards in their old location and were not moved to the next city. The duty change will now be instant if city change is imminent.

- Fixed anti-cheat log files being created in scriptfiles directory path as ban reason string.
- Debug logs now include a date and timestamp.
- /bans now displays bans in pages, so all existing bans can now be
- Fixed /setlevel not saving player's set admin level.
- Management can now set lower-ranked players' staff levels.
- Added /showpolicerules (/spr /prules) to show the police rules to a player (or enter 'all' for all players).
- Added /arspike and /arblock to remove players' spikes and roadblocks. Usage is same as /rspike and /rblock (leave blank for closest or specify range/player).
« Last Edit: June 07, 2019, 10:24:19 pm by Mike »