Author Topic: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]  (Read 26213 times)

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Offline Mike

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« on: September 29, 2023, 06:29:14 pm »

Version 1.16

In light of the long amount of time that 1.15 was in development, I have vowed to release updates more often, albeit containing less features.

This approach will mean:
- Players get updates more often
- There's less to test, and therefore less bugs
- It puts less stress on myself to pack in lots of stuff into a single update

Therefore, 1.16 is not as huge of an update as 1.15 was, but there's some good stuff in there - some stuff that has been requested for years.

Halloween Event 2023

It's October, and for the first time the Halloween event is going to run for the whole of October.

Find out more info on the blog post here:

Friend System:
- A friend system has been added. Players can add each other as friends for various in-game benefits.
- Benefits include: Join alerts, vehicle access, property access, supply drop sharing, damage protection, auto-joining groups, allowing PMs even when PMs are disabled, and more.
- See /friend in-game for help.
   - Use '/friend add/remove [name/id]' to add and remove friends (they must accept a friend request).
   - You can also press Y while looking at a player to add or remove them as a friend.
   - Use '/friend list' or '/friends' to view your friend list. It's also under 'Other' on the Interaction Menu.
- A 'Friends' category has been added to /settings to configure friend features.

Property Sale Alerts:
  - Donator-exclusive #property-alerts channel on Discord will show when properties go on sale.
  - Donators can 'watch' a property to be alerted (in-game and on Discord via DM) when it goes on sale.
  - The old chat message when someone puts a property on sale isn't being removed;
    the new property alert for donators is just a more stark/noticable alert, with an alert sound.

New daily objectives:
  - Get a disease (STD or food poisoning)
  - Rappel from a helicopter
  - Tail a suspect in a police/news helicopter

Server HUD settings improvements:
- Added a new /setting to enable thousand separators in bank balance and cash adjustments HUD.
    - For example, instead of '$1234567' it will display '$1,234,567', making it easier to interpret.
    - To enable this for bank balance, change the 'Bank Balance' setting in the /settings HUD category, or use the shortcode '/set bank_hud'.
    - To enable this for cash adjustments, change the 'Cash Adjustments' setting in the /settings HUD category, or use the shortcode '/set show_cash_change'.
    - This cannot be enabled for the wallet HUD as this is part of the game, but you can get mods for this.
- Server HUD settings are now in a separate /settings category from 'Display'.

Personal Vehicle Shortcodes:
- Custom 'shortcodes' can be set for individual personal vehicles, to manage/request them more easily and quickly.
- To set a shortcode, manage the vehicle in /v and select 'Set shortcode'.
   - Shortcodes can only contain a-z, A-Z, and 0-9, and cannot exceed 12 characters.
- To manage a vehicle by shortcode, use '/v [shortcode]'.
- To request a vehicle by shortcode, use '/pv [shortcode]'.

Radar Jammer:
The 'Radar Jammer' item has been added, which can be purchased from Zero RC in San Fierro.
When activated, the user's radar blip and location will be hidden from all other players for 30 seconds.
NOTE: Location won't be hidden for friends (unless opposing teams) or for fellow public service workers.

Medic/Mechanic Item Selling:
- Medics can now sell Medkits, Disease Relief Pills, Condoms, and Lube to players.
- Mechanics can now sell Repair Kits and Jerry Cans to players.
- 'Wholesale' versions of these items can be purchased at a Hospital (for Medics) or Gas Station (for Mechanics). They cannot be used, only sold.
  - They won't use any space/weight in inventory so you can fully stock up on them.
- The wholesale price is 25% of the actual price. They are sold to players for 10% more than the regular price.
- Players can offer their services to players by pressing LALT (or whatever key 'walk' is mapped to).
- On a side note, the price of Medkits has been increased slightly.

- Added 'Disease Relief Pill' item which can be purchased from hospitals. Taking one will stop disease effects for 10 minutes.
- Property owners can now view a property's purchase history in the Property Management Menu.
- There is now a 'Spawn Location' setting for each city, allowing players to spawn at different places depending on the city.
    - This will be most useful for spawning at different properties for each city.
- Added stats and achievements for Treasure Hunt and Mafia Moneybag.
- Added action log for self-inflicted damage, including health lost.
- Some properties can now store 3 or 4 vehicles in the garage(s), if the garage looks large enough or there are more than 2 physical garages.
- Added /sd short command for requesting a Supply Drop.
- The Bullet now has a 'weak spot' on the rear engine block. Shooting it will explode the vehicle, just like when shooting a petrol cap on vehicles that have visible ones.
- Donators can now change skin any time any where using '/skin [skin id]'. '/skin' will show a skin menu.
- Condoms and Lube now have purposes.
  - They can both be purchased from Sex Shops as always.
  - They can now also be purchased from Hospitals.
  - Lube will make sex end faster.
  - Condoms will decrease STD chance from 1 in 3 to 1 in 10.
  - These two items are used by the customer, not the prostitute.
- Added trespass area to Ocean Docks aircraft carrier.
- Added a stat/achievement for killing players that just robbed you.
  - This replaces the 'Vigilante' achievement to 'Kill Most Wanted players', as there is no longer a vigilante bonus for killing most wanted players.

- Muted players are now shown how long until they are unmuted when trying to send a chat message.
- Properties with inactive owners will now be sold on city change, instead of only on server restart.
- All property system messages now use the Avery Properties color instead of teal (don't forget to check out!).
- The Property Management menu has been slightly reorganised and now shows the property name in the title bar.
- The /settings (/set) command can now be used to search settings more easily (e.g. '/set spawn') and also jump straight to categories (e.g. '/set display')
- /settings (/set) search will now also search in setting descriptions as well as names.
- Additional boat spawn positions have been added to the North shore of SF to prevent boats spawning on Dwayne Island when requested near Jizzy's Pleasure Domes.
- Player map blips are now hidden while inside a Smoke Screen.
- Sit/crouch/lay animations now allow surfing on vehicles at higher speeds (same speed as crouching).
- Using a Prostitute will now give a health boost. Doing it inside a vehicle will give more HP.
- Medic service offers now give the customer the choice of Heal or Cure, instead of prioritising heal before cure.
- Certain dialogs/menus no longer get closed on city change, if they are not relevant to current player state.
  - For example, the dialog to add a friend won't be closed, but the Ammunation menu will be.
- Inventory item capacity increased from 50 to 100, but each item now has its own size and weight which counts towards capacity.
- Certain dialogs which have a grace period where they cannot be responded to can now be closed early.
  - For example, when confirming an action, sometimes there is a 5 second delay before the action can be confirmed. Now, the action can be cancelled before that time is up.
- In addition to Repair/Refuel/Recolor, boat/aircraft checkpoints now allow purchasing of repair kits and jerry cans, as well as adding armour to aircraft.
- When entering a boat/aircraft service menu checkpoint, there is now a 1 second delay, to lessen the chance of premature menu closure due to going out of the checkpoint.
- When changing a vehicle's colour(s) via a Gas Station or the new boat/aircraft menu, the menu will be re-shown once the color is changed.
- Properties can now be viewed even if they cannot be afforded.

- Desk Duty changes:
    - Desk Duty reports required lowered from 5 to 3.
    - Desk Duty key press requirement reduced from 30 to 20 (per report)
    - Desk Duty will now complete automatically once a second.
      - You can still tap SPRINT to speed up the process.

- Securicar robbery payout increased (doubled).
- When cops are placing roadblock objects, they are no longer shown to other players until they are placed.
- Maximum service tip reduced back to $10k from $100k.
- Prize money for Catch of the Day (fishing) increased.
- When personal vehicles are repaired (engine/tires/fuel) in storage, they cannot be requested for a few seconds afterwards, while there is 'work in progress'.
- When personal vehicles are returned to storage, they cannot be requested again for a few seconds.
- Personal vehicles can no longer be returned to storage if they're destroyed or about to be (on fire).
- Closing the Personal Vehicle Management Menu will no longer go 'back' to the Interaction Menu, to allow faster closing.
- /missions can now accept typed input, bypassing 2 dialogs (e.g /missions trucking will find the nearest trucking mission available).
- Players will no longer be ejected from vehicles if they are in drive-by mode as a passenger unless they actually shoot.
- Vehicle crate supply drops can no longer be called in next to other players, to prevent getting them killed (especially if they are afk).
- Player blip distances have been increased, including a 50m increase when in a vehicle and a 400m increase in aircraft.
  - CIA/FBI/SWAT blip distance has also been increased slightly.
- Supply drop prices increased.
- Players can now evade their wanted level inside a property they own - giving properties a new benefit.
  - NOTE: The distance a player must be away from cops does not reduce when entering a property. It will be equal to if the suspect is stood directly outside the property.

- Various internal fixes that caused error spam for staff.
- Fixed wrong respawn location after desk duty.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a safe robbery to fail if a hideout was involved.
- Fixed an issue where players might be told they had more infraction points than they had if an infraction was revoked (it would count expired/revoked infraction points too).
- Fixed a bug where Special Cargo could be duplicated.
- Fixed property management menu 'Instant maid' not charging a fee.
- Fixed players 'flying upwards' during city transition if caught in the middle of CPR, cuff removal, BJ, and similar two-player animations.
- Daily objective for 'Drive 50 different vehicle models' will now check off the player's current vehicle if objective assigned while driving.
- Fixed three bugs related to the 'Stolen Vehicle (Parked)' cop job event:
   - Player personal vehicles could be stolen as the 'stolen' vehicle, locking the owners out as the vehicle was 'in use for a mission'.
   - Vehicles not in the main game world could be chosen as the target vehicle.
   - Other players could enter the stolen vehicle.
- Fixed issue with campfires where 'resting' might apply to players after they enter a vehicle while resting at a campfire.
- Fix server HUD failing to show on spawn if chat disabled.
- Fixed achievement for 'Win x times at dice' tracking the wrong stat (dice games played instead of dice games won).
- Fixed players being able to immediately regain hp lost through fall damage if falling while health was increasing (e.g. medkit used).
- Possible fix for players losing weapons when going on duty as a cop while already on duty as another job (e.g. Mechanic).
- Fixed /modelsdriven being tester-only command.
- Fixed payphones not working inside interiors.
- Fixed action logs showing Minigun/M4 as weapons used to attack players when it was in fact Seasparrow/Rustler.
- Fixed player revival/CPR being possible when above/below the victim.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update!

Huge thanks as always to the testers the rest of the staff team that help to keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

Revision 1 (R1)
- Maximum inventory space/weight has been increased to 500%.
- Heavy/large inventory items no longer take up such a large proportion of inventory allowance.
- The new inventory space/weight system needs future tweaks. For now the capacity will simply be increased above 100% to allow better inventory functionality.

- Fixed '/skin' (model preview menu) causing a runtime 4 error if closed.
- Fixed special cargo unable to be delivered.
- Fixed /propertyalerts command showing 'invalid command' (but still worked).
- Fixed a runtime error when players were damaged by the 'Box Freight Car' vehicle.
- Fixed players being able to buy more wholesale items (e.g. Medkits from Medics) than the seller had stock of.
- Fixed setting for spawning at properties not saving correctly.
- Fixed being unable to set a personal vehicle shortcode to one in use by another player.
- Fixed error when trying to set spawn location to a property when none are owned.
- Fixed /settings dialogs not returning to search results sometimes.
- Fixed friends unable to damage each other in duels.

Revision 2 (R2)
- Fixed vehicles not taking damage from bullets.
- Offline friends list now shows when they were last online.
- Resting at a campfire now requires the crouch key to be held for one second, instead of just pressing it.
  - This was suggested to avoid situations where one may accidentally rest at a campfire when only intending to crouch.
- Player weather is now locked to 'clear' during a vehicle time trial.
- When a time trial is retried, the vehicle is now repaired.
- Donators must now wait one minute between skin changes with /skin.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2023, 09:01:10 pm by Mike »

Offline xgg

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 03:01:15 pm »
Thanks for update.


Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2023, 03:05:50 pm »
- This will be most useful for spawning at different properties for each city.

I was about to sell all 3 of my houses, not anymore

Offline GhostemaneFan2009

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2023, 03:39:21 pm »
Decent update, stil waiting for driveby nerf.

Offline Mido

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2023, 04:45:15 pm »
- Desk Duty reports required lowered from 5 to 3.

Finally, great update. Keep it up!

Offline Daryl_Dixon

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2023, 05:06:19 pm »

Version 1.16

In light of the long amount of time that 1.15 was in development, I have vowed to release updates more often, albeit containing less features.

This approach will mean:
- Players get updates more often
- There's less to test, and therefore less bugs
- It puts less stress on myself to pack in lots of stuff into a single update

Therefore, 1.16 is not as huge of an update as 1.15 was, but there's some good stuff in there - some stuff that has been requested for years.

Halloween Event 2023

It's October, and for the first time the Halloween event is going to run for the whole of October.

Find out more info on the blog post here:

Friend System:
- A friend system has been added. Players can add each other as friends for various in-game benefits.
- Benefits include: Join alerts, vehicle access, property access, supply drop sharing, damage protection, auto-joining groups, allowing PMs even when PMs are disabled, and more.
- See /friend in-game for help.
   - Use '/friend add/remove [name/id]' to add and remove friends (they must accept a friend request).
   - You can also press Y while looking at a player to add or remove them as a friend.
   - Use '/friend list' or '/friends' to view your friend list. It's also under 'Other' on the Interaction Menu.
- A 'Friends' category has been added to /settings to configure friend features.

Property Sale Alerts:
  - Donator-exclusive #property-alerts channel on Discord will show when properties go on sale.
  - Donators can 'watch' a property to be alerted (in-game and on Discord via DM) when it goes on sale.
  - The old chat message when someone puts a property on sale isn't being removed;
    the new property alert for donators is just a more stark/noticable alert, with an alert sound.

New daily objectives:
  - Get a disease (STD or food poisoning)
  - Rappel from a helicopter
  - Tail a suspect in a police/news helicopter

Server HUD settings improvements:
- Added a new /setting to enable thousand separators in bank balance and cash adjustments HUD.
    - For example, instead of '$1234567' it will display '$1,234,567', making it easier to interpret.
    - To enable this for bank balance, change the 'Bank Balance' setting in the /settings HUD category, or use the shortcode '/set bank_hud'.
    - To enable this for cash adjustments, change the 'Cash Adjustments' setting in the /settings HUD category, or use the shortcode '/set show_cash_change'.
    - This cannot be enabled for the wallet HUD as this is part of the game, but you can get mods for this.
- Server HUD settings are now in a separate /settings category from 'Display'.

Personal Vehicle Shortcodes:
- Custom 'shortcodes' can be set for individual personal vehicles, to manage/request them more easily and quickly.
- To set a shortcode, manage the vehicle in /v and select 'Set shortcode'.
   - Shortcodes can only contain a-z, A-Z, and 0-9, and cannot exceed 12 characters.
- To manage a vehicle by shortcode, use '/v [shortcode]'.
- To request a vehicle by shortcode, use '/pv [shortcode]'.

Radar Jammer:
The 'Radar Jammer' item has been added, which can be purchased from Zero RC in San Fierro.
When activated, the user's radar blip and location will be hidden from all other players for 30 seconds.
NOTE: Location won't be hidden for friends (unless opposing teams) or for fellow public service workers.

Medic/Mechanic Item Selling:
- Medics can now sell Medkits, Disease Relief Pills, Condoms, and Lube to players.
- Mechanics can now sell Repair Kits and Jerry Cans to players.
- 'Wholesale' versions of these items can be purchased at a Hospital (for Medics) or Gas Station (for Mechanics). They cannot be used, only sold.
  - They won't use any space/weight in inventory so you can fully stock up on them.
- The wholesale price is 25% of the actual price. They are sold to players for 10% more than the regular price.
- Players can offer their services to players by pressing LALT (or whatever key 'walk' is mapped to).
- On a side note, the price of Medkits has been increased slightly.

- Added 'Disease Relief Pill' item which can be purchased from hospitals. Taking one will stop disease effects for 10 minutes.
- Property owners can now view a property's purchase history in the Property Management Menu.
- There is now a 'Spawn Location' setting for each city, allowing players to spawn at different places depending on the city.
    - This will be most useful for spawning at different properties for each city.
- Added stats and achievements for Treasure Hunt and Mafia Moneybag.
- Added action log for self-inflicted damage, including health lost.
- Some properties can now store 3 or 4 vehicles in the garage(s), if the garage looks large enough or there are more than 2 physical garages.
- Added /sd short command for requesting a Supply Drop.
- The Bullet now has a 'weak spot' on the rear engine block. Shooting it will explode the vehicle, just like when shooting a petrol cap on vehicles that have visible ones.
- Donators can now change skin any time any where using '/skin [skin id]'. '/skin' will show a skin menu.
- Condoms and Lube now have purposes.
  - They can both be purchased from Sex Shops as always.
  - They can now also be purchased from Hospitals.
  - Lube will make sex end faster.
  - Condoms will decrease STD chance from 1 in 3 to 1 in 10.
  - These two items are used by the customer, not the prostitute.
- Added trespass area to Ocean Docks aircraft carrier.
- Added a stat/achievement for killing players that just robbed you.
  - This replaces the 'Vigilante' achievement to 'Kill Most Wanted players', as there is no longer a vigilante bonus for killing most wanted players.

- Muted players are now shown how long until they are unmuted when trying to send a chat message.
- Properties with inactive owners will now be sold on city change, instead of only on server restart.
- All property system messages now use the Avery Properties color instead of teal (don't forget to check out!).
- The Property Management menu has been slightly reorganised and now shows the property name in the title bar.
- The /settings (/set) command can now be used to search settings more easily (e.g. '/set spawn') and also jump straight to categories (e.g. '/set display')
- /settings (/set) search will now also search in setting descriptions as well as names.
- Additional boat spawn positions have been added to the North shore of SF to prevent boats spawning on Dwayne Island when requested near Jizzy's Pleasure Domes.
- Player map blips are now hidden while inside a Smoke Screen.
- Sit/crouch/lay animations now allow surfing on vehicles at higher speeds (same speed as crouching).
- Using a Prostitute will now give a health boost. Doing it inside a vehicle will give more HP.
- Medic service offers now give the customer the choice of Heal or Cure, instead of prioritising heal before cure.
- Certain dialogs/menus no longer get closed on city change, if they are not relevant to current player state.
  - For example, the dialog to add a friend won't be closed, but the Ammunation menu will be.
- Inventory item capacity increased from 50 to 100, but each item now has its own size and weight which counts towards capacity.
- Certain dialogs which have a grace period where they cannot be responded to can now be closed early.
  - For example, when confirming an action, sometimes there is a 5 second delay before the action can be confirmed. Now, the action can be cancelled before that time is up.
- In addition to Repair/Refuel/Recolor, boat/aircraft checkpoints now allow purchasing of repair kits and jerry cans, as well as adding armour to aircraft.
- When entering a boat/aircraft service menu checkpoint, there is now a 1 second delay, to lessen the chance of premature menu closure due to going out of the checkpoint.
- When changing a vehicle's colour(s) via a Gas Station or the new boat/aircraft menu, the menu will be re-shown once the color is changed.
- Properties can now be viewed even if they cannot be afforded.

- Desk Duty changes:
    - Desk Duty reports required lowered from 5 to 3.
    - Desk Duty key press requirement reduced from 30 to 20 (per report)
    - Desk Duty will now complete automatically once a second.
      - You can still tap SPRINT to speed up the process.

- Securicar robbery payout increased (doubled).
- When cops are placing roadblock objects, they are no longer shown to other players until they are placed.
- Maximum service tip reduced back to $10k from $100k.
- Prize money for Catch of the Day (fishing) increased.
- When personal vehicles are repaired (engine/tires/fuel) in storage, they cannot be requested for a few seconds afterwards, while there is 'work in progress'.
- When personal vehicles are returned to storage, they cannot be requested again for a few seconds.
- Personal vehicles can no longer be returned to storage if they're destroyed or about to be (on fire).
- Closing the Personal Vehicle Management Menu will no longer go 'back' to the Interaction Menu, to allow faster closing.
- /missions can now accept typed input, bypassing 2 dialogs (e.g /missions trucking will find the nearest trucking mission available).
- Players will no longer be ejected from vehicles if they are in drive-by mode as a passenger unless they actually shoot.
- Vehicle crate supply drops can no longer be called in next to other players, to prevent getting them killed (especially if they are afk).
- Player blip distances have been increased, including a 50m increase when in a vehicle and a 400m increase in aircraft.
  - CIA/FBI/SWAT blip distance has also been increased slightly.
- Supply drop prices increased.
- Players can now evade their wanted level inside a property they own - giving properties a new benefit.
  - NOTE: The distance a player must be away from cops does not reduce when entering a property. It will be equal to if the suspect is stood directly outside the property.

- Various internal fixes that caused error spam for staff.
- Fixed wrong respawn location after desk duty.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a safe robbery to fail if a hideout was involved.
- Fixed an issue where players might be told they had more infraction points than they had if an infraction was revoked (it would count expired/revoked infraction points too).
- Fixed a bug where Special Cargo could be duplicated.
- Fixed property management menu 'Instant maid' not charging a fee.
- Fixed players 'flying upwards' during city transition if caught in the middle of CPR, cuff removal, BJ, and similar two-player animations.
- Daily objective for 'Drive 50 different vehicle models' will now check off the player's current vehicle if objective assigned while driving.
- Fixed three bugs related to the 'Stolen Vehicle (Parked)' cop job event:
   - Player personal vehicles could be stolen as the 'stolen' vehicle, locking the owners out as the vehicle was 'in use for a mission'.
   - Vehicles not in the main game world could be chosen as the target vehicle.
   - Other players could enter the stolen vehicle.
- Fixed issue with campfires where 'resting' might apply to players after they enter a vehicle while resting at a campfire.
- Fix server HUD failing to show on spawn if chat disabled.
- Fixed achievement for 'Win x times at dice' tracking the wrong stat (dice games played instead of dice games won).
- Fixed players being able to immediately regain hp lost through fall damage if falling while health was increasing (e.g. medkit used).
- Possible fix for players losing weapons when going on duty as a cop while already on duty as another job (e.g. Mechanic).
- Fixed /modelsdriven being tester-only command.
- Fixed payphones not working inside interiors.
- Fixed action logs showing Minigun/M4 as weapons used to attack players when it was in fact Seasparrow/Rustler.
- Fixed player revival/CPR being possible when above/below the victim.

Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoy this update!

Huge thanks as always to the testers the rest of the staff team that help to keep MCNR running. Have fun everyone!

<a href="#r1" id="r1"><strong>Revision 1 (R1)</strong>[/url]

- Maximum inventory space/weight has been increased to 500%.
- Heavy/large inventory items no longer take up such a large proportion of inventory allowance.
- The new inventory space/weight system needs future tweaks. For now the capacity will simply be increased above 100% to allow better inventory functionality.

- Fixed '/skin' (model preview menu) causing a runtime 4 error if closed.
- Fixed special cargo unable to be delivered.
- Fixed /propertyalerts command showing 'invalid command' (but still worked).
- Fixed a runtime error when players were damaged by the 'Box Freight Car' vehicle.
- Fixed players being able to buy more wholesale items (e.g. Medkits from Medics) than the seller had stock of.
- Fixed setting for spawning at properties not saving correctly.
- Fixed being unable to set a personal vehicle shortcode to one in use by another player.
- Fixed error when trying to set spawn location to a property when none are owned.
- Fixed /settings dialogs not returning to search results sometimes.
- Fixed friends unable to damage each other in duels.
i need the bus!

Offline PlopZero

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2023, 05:38:05 pm »
Nice updates; my first time for the Halloween event. Nice spirit in ammunation, I turned around thinking I'm dead.

Offline Cobra_.

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2023, 06:15:56 pm »
nice :)

Offline sixstars.

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2023, 10:59:59 pm »
still waiting for brand new robberies...
enhance your CNR , actually Is Just a rdm = reason Deathmatch

Offline overdoz

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2023, 11:10:50 pm »
Good job!
So the video is not unlisted ill wait for an admin to respond this. You can see on this video and the actions he shows that he was killed by aventador and you and your friends were involved in killing ardealul. Which means your revenge has been already taken but still you somehow started shooting them even when they were running and wasnt shooting you. ill wait for admins to respond this appeal now

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2023, 11:13:09 pm »
Why didnt u fix robbing players? people still ninja robbing people while on fights or busy doing an activity.

Offline Ast

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2023, 11:34:14 pm »
Why didnt u fix robbing players? people still ninja robbing people while on fights or busy doing an activity.
That's cause of crouching as H Button or either by /rob "See what has included in your headache...:


Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2023, 10:38:14 am »
i need the bus!
You just quoted the whole changelog just for this ._.
even if the bus is added it will be limited only for civ to drive no way public services will be able to drive them.

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2023, 11:02:38 am »
That's cause of crouching as H Button or either by /rob "See what has included in your headache...:

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2023, 03:04:54 pm »
GG , Nice Update  Mike , Great Work   Mike and His Team
o.0 Keep your Ca$h & Your Family Safe X.x.

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2023, 07:49:49 am »
Overall nice update,Many things get enhanced and make our gameplay more better than before.


« Last Edit: October 07, 2023, 08:10:38 am by FugiTive. »

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Re: Current Version: 1.16 [HALLOWEEN EVENT 2023]
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2023, 07:52:49 am »
Still waiting for buissnesses overall nc work mike majestic fudgie and chris if hes developing mcnr still