Author Topic: A notice regarding Deathmatching complaints  (Read 5677 times)

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A notice regarding Deathmatching complaints
« on: March 15, 2020, 06:21:12 pm »
Considering there's quite a few dismissed DM complaints around here, Chuppy decided to make a short guide which will hopefully give you a sense on what is and what isn't enough (proper) evidence. We appreciate all the time you take to record, edit and upload, because it helps us deal with bad players even when we're not online, but sometimes the evidence you provide simply isn't clean enough and this guide might help both you and us save time.


Deathmatch, commonly known as DM, means killing a player without a legitimate reason (in other words, random killing). Players are allowed to take revenge if you harm them in any way, but there are also a few other, may i say petty reasons they can kill you for, such as wanting your car or the moneybag on your back. Speaking of harming a player, there are a lot of ways to do so. Some of them, such as shooting or robbing are listed in your crimes list (shown by using /crimes command), but some unfortunately are not. Those that are not shown in the crimes list, such as ramming, lag pitting or blocking a way with your car is why proving DM is a difficult task.

Gathering Evidence

This of course would point at you having to record entire game week, which would take ton of gigs and hours of editing and uploading. Obviously, no one is expecting you to do all that and there are a few other ways to make this process easier and faster. Revenge kills are allowed, but you are only allowed to do it once. Meaning, if you robbed someone he can kill you for it once, but not again. By that logic, you can start recording from your first death to the next time he comes for you. Also, if he didn't start playing from the start of the week (he joined later, for example on thursday) you can use it to your advantage and cut the video from the moment of his join (thursday) to when he killed you. These "tricks" most likely won't make your video be 2 minutes long, but it will definitely be shorter than a full game week.

There are a few programs that can do this, such as Open Broadcaster ( or FRAPS (

If you're in no position to record, whether it's because you have a bad pc or you just don't have enough time or hdd space to do so, you can always complain ingame. If the admin is present, he can then watch his next move, among other things. Also, as for every other ingame complaint, don't shout anything out in the global chat. You doing that might scare the DMer off and we won't be able to catch him in the act.

Any complaints without enough valid proof will be denied.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 10:21:45 am by Mike »
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