Revision 1
- Fixed issues with high FPS detection.
Improvements to Discord integration:
- Added facilities for admins including restarting the server remotely.
- Added echo channel for beta testers.
- Added emphasis to some messages to make them stand out including the join/leave message and the death messages.
- Death messages now show more detail. For example 'Mike killed James with a Vehicle' will now show the vehicle name just like in-game. Will also show headshot/drive-by descriptor.
- Players that are silent-kicked no longer show a leave message.
- Fixed markdown not being escaped. Players with underscores in their names were intefering with Discord's use of underscores to make text italic.
- Fixed member @mentions sometimes not showing up correctly in-game if the member didn't have a nickname set.
- Added Discord commands: /plist and /citychange.
- Messages echoed to in-game can now be split onto two lines if two long.
- Added echo message when a player logs in in-game. Will alsos show in-game (you can't talk to players until they login).