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Apologize ?!
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:25:31 pm »
Hi guys, i'm not crazy so i want to expose some things that made me mad, most of this things aren't related to players. I left the most important one at the end.

All actions are around bank, so the gameplay and the active city is locked around it. This isn't anymore a issue because i'm pretty sure mike adding more quick profitable things to rob around the active city and maybe will increase stores profits a little bit more.

K/D ratio shouldn't exist, it affects negatively the community and doesn't allow people to feel free sometimes. NOT ASKING to remove (it is a real important for someone), a setting to enable/disable it from your stats, would help people who doesn't care or can't just take care. They will be able to feel free playing as they like.

Leaderboard shouldn't exist too, but it is a cool thing on city change so NOT ASKING to remove, a setting to enable/disable your account being able to appear there would be really appreciated. Active players will decide if they want to play for achieve or just disabling and feel free to play as much they want and as they like.

Requirements for this settings as you wish, for everyone or just active players.

Revenges are far from the logic of cops and robbers, NOT ASKING to remove, just leave them from cnr logic, they should be just between civilians so doesn't affects the gameplay:

Public service should be preserved

Cops can't fuck with rules, even if they are new players, more pso on people abusing force to arrest/take down someone if not needed, they can arrest even if someone shooting them if they aren't in trouble and have time to, criminals fault if using a heavy force to escace cops, they are already aware of take down (same for cops, abusing violence will turn into a recurrent punishment).

Revenges on cops not allowed, you're able to kill a cop just if he chasing you or to defend your group mates (i think mike doing a group chat,
so i think being able to defend someone just if he is in your group chat would be perfect, so everyone can check members and plan a big team arrest/gangwar).

More punishments for medics/firefighters that interfere with cops/civs actions (ramming and impediments in any kind of way).

Finally the main thing that made me mad and sick is rights between different kinds of players (STAFF included), someone forced to respect rules and act good (somehow) and someone else can feel free playing as he wish. Even if their behaviour have a profitable aim for community, having to deal with, is sad for everyone.

I'm sorry if sometimes i'm sick as fuck during bad moods days, now you know what affected me negatively.

Feel free to discuss if you want to, if not i will understand, however if i was in another cnr, i were already told "go play somewhere else if you don't like the server" (happened), maybe here the same, but i don't know you all and until i'm enough sure no one care, i will make a try to feel free playing in a server i really like. If you haven't understood something, just ask here, ig or discord.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 02:31:35 pm by p4bl0 »

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2020, 02:30:21 pm »
I agree mostly with the topic.

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2020, 06:47:46 pm »
is that general topic or suggestion

let me break it to you in peaces so you can understand

1-you refuse to leave the bank and i personally sent you message throw admin pm telling you camping is not allowed but you are in denial you refused to listen to me a lot of times and don't say it did not happen i can extract your response from the chat log and you were going to be aggressive to me to a staff member that trying to force the rules in nice way

2-revenge on cops is a balancing way anyone can be a cop and start hunting players and not expecting to be killed under revenge so it is here for a reason

3-k/d should be exist since crew need it to decide if they are gonna accept the player or not we are not in roleplay server (just close your eyes and don't look at it)

4-Leader Board is here to make a competitive game mode who is the best who is trying to be visible (just close your eyes next time the city change)

5-There is something called /report   and as you said it doesn't do anything well i have to tell you it do a lot but as i stated in the first point you are in denial

6-Calling a staff is not easy but use record program  and record that staff and report it to @M3E6

7-Oh yea btw i see you every time talk about rules and it is sick to follow it but why are you calling the staff and not including your self in it as you don't like the rules

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2020, 07:33:57 pm »
As moderators and admins we are there to pso or infract rule breakers. Most of the time I see you breaking the rules tbh, there's no need to put all the blame to the staff. Also, @Mazen explained everything throughly and I don't really think there's more to explain on this topic. Cheers :))

Offline 51ck51ck

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 10:13:09 pm »
Didn't ask any explanation but i will reply to you anyway (i asked for a discussion)

1-you refuse to leave the bank and i personally sent you message throw admin pm telling you camping is not allowed but you are in denial you refused to listen to me a lot of times and don't say it did not happen i can extract your response from the chat log and you were going to be aggressive to me to a staff member that trying to force the rules in nice way

I never camp bank and harrass people robbing it the whole day. No one can tell me i camp bank or wait there to hunt someone and let he lost his moneybag, i hunt bank just when i want to, if i can't and there aren't suspects around city, i choose someone to arrest in bank and everytime i hope there aren't 10 players or more shooting me. Sometimes happen staff spam "stop camp bank cops" and i would suggest to avoid it when i arrested a guy 3 seconds before and i'm gonna spawn my car to go away from there (you wasn't even moderator when happened) (same for others, give them time to go away before spam). When we had our fight in /apm i was mad ok, but you can't tell me stop camp bank, because i never do and anyway if i must follow the gameplay and arrest just on bank (because of no suspects around the rest of the city), i will be there 24/7 (never happened), this isn't how i supposed to play. Anyway this point isn't even a point because something will change, mike adding more quick profitable things to rob maybe, so people spreading around active city and gameplay isn't locked just in bank.

2-revenge on cops is a balancing way anyone can be a cop and start hunting players and not expecting to be killed under revenge so it is here for a reason

You already doing much to prevent stupid fights, if a cop is stucked into a suspect and hunt him the whole day, you all know how to deal with him and if there aren't ways to stop him, just punish, revenges shouldn't interfere with cops and robbers logic.

3-k/d should be exist since crew need it to decide if they are gonna accept the player or not we are not in roleplay server (just close your eyes and don't look at it)

NOT ASKING to remove, just add a setting to disable it. Your reply makes no sense, you prevent stupid fights and gangwars the whole day, gangs can't fight as fuck outside deathmatch events, they don't need any k/d, if a guy is good his kills and his deaths doesn't matter  because they hire if they like you and how you play (skills), if you're hitler or the best cheater of sa-mp no one cares. This isn't a roleplay server but even a deathmatch one, so open your eyes.

4-Leader Board is here to make a competitive game mode who is the best who is trying to be visible (just close your eyes next time the city change)

NOT ASKING to remove, just add a setting to disable it. No one want to change the logic of competitions and everything else mike made, just let people choose if they want to achieve or not, i'm not 100 % no lifer, but if i want to play the whole day (sometimes i haven't anything better to do) without being in leaderboard, i should be able to disable my nickname appearing there.

5-There is something called /report   and as you said it doesn't do anything well i have to tell you it do a lot but as i stated in the first point you are in denial

I don't use /report for stupid things, because when i really need it for a cheater or heavy abuser i pretend a rage reply if there are admins online (also infront of me sometimes). I'm sorry if i don't like to cry for too less, you always spectating actions, most of times /report not needed.

6-Calling a staff is not easy but use record program  and record that staff and report it to @M3E6

I know, but i can't fill up my hard disk of videos with people can't deal with deaths/arrests, you know every single guy abusing aimbot here, not sure why few aren't banned.

7-Oh yea btw i see you every time talk about rules and it is sick to follow it but why are you calling the staff and not including your self in it as you don't like the rules

I'm forced to understand your rules because this is sa-mp (even if sometimes i forget), but sometimes you disappoint your own logic, make rules smooth and let people feel free, then you can prevent abuses for real, fucking up "things" isn't a solution. My problem aren't rules but GAMEPLAY, anything i can deal with, anyway i have many defects, always open to talk with you about me, you have all time you need to understand i don't make just criticism without judging my-self too.

Anyway i haven't issues with staff, if someone (player or staff) stucked into me, i will try avoid him. Finally @Mazen if you have issue with your staff mates record them and report to @M3E6 but i suggest you to avoid wasting your time, he already know everything about his staff. The only profitable time we can spend, is a normal speech about things can let players feel free.

Maybe there is a misunderstanding, i'm not the kind of guy to act like this to get a place into the staff, maybe i can like the idea but:
-Doesn't affect or change my opinion of gameplay
-Being a staff member doesn't allow you anyway to make a "big change" without having to deal with the community
-Sometimes i play too much and i have to with my account, i can't play or moderate something if playing the whole day can hurt sensibility of someone
-I can't feel free if someone else tell me how to deal with players and if i can punish them or not.

Hope you understood i'm not a hater, throwing shit for free on you all, always up to expose my opinion (here/ig/discord) and try to feel free here, because i will play in the future too and as i know my own moods, as i like to deal with them and being able to decide if i want competition between me and players, or just feel free to play the whole day without impediments.

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2020, 11:49:51 pm »
New missions are on the way, and the current ones are due for a hefty buff I think.

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2020, 02:02:55 pm »
everyone who want to meet me, already know where i'm

nvm, i can't go even there, how to get fucked up from the staff of whole cnr community, have fun for me too, i will be on bewz to train (if i'm not rejected even there)

Did you just advertised another server? eh?

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2020, 06:48:20 pm »
This thread must be starred. All of what is written in the OP has been said a dozen times on discord and in handful of suggestions but no one gives a shit about it. There is something wrong with the current status quo and refusing to admit it does not solve the problem. You will just keep losing players, and this goes directly to Mike. People from other CnR servers came here because this community proved (past tense) that it is different. Just another group of people, who earned skills over their time playing this game and got fucked up reputation on other communities, here to empty loads on others who just want to enjoy this game. This is all the way from half of the admin team down to normal players. If this will stay as is, the community's average maturity will just collapse and this place will just end up the same as all other CnR servers existing now. Just to sum it up, this server is lacking the basics of being a proper CnR server.

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2020, 12:38:39 am »
1. There are tons of other things that you can do in the game right now aside from robbing the bank like tons of missions, fishing and robbing stores. However, I do agree as the player-base is much bigger than before what we need right now is the features that Mike planned for later for long that will make the game exciting (Casino heists, drug system, crews, business).

2. In /stats it shows you your kills and deaths, not directly your K/D ratio. I also don't think it affects the game in a bad way that will lead to players to only deathmatch.

3. I think leaderboard should exist as it is for me encourages players to rise to the top and try to compete with others. (At least the one on the city change.)

4. Revenges on cops does make sense to me just like how Mazen said, but at the same time if it's making problems and ruining the gameplay to players more than it's not I think it should be changed and have a limit.

5. I didn't understand.

6. Medics and Firefighters are not meant to be siding with suspects or cops, they should not ram and they should focus on healing and reviving people. The next time a medic or firefighter rams or attacks you for no reason report them using /report or at the forum with proper evidence, you may also kill them for self-defence.

7. All players including staff should be treated equally, no one should be free to do whatever and not follow rules. If a player is rule breaking report them, if a staff is abusing you report them. This is why the complaints section exists.

To sum up, I do think that a good server is made by a good community, and the main reason that I joined the server is because it accepted feedback. No one should be told to quit just because they want to tell their opinion. The person himself decides when to quit.

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Re: Apologize ?!
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2020, 01:09:22 am »
nothing had to start

delete this thread please, lockdown made me sick, apologize

idk what it is with you and starting huge ranting posts on servers and then deleting them later