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Messages - Dashtakh

Pages: [1]
Videos / Re: Funny video (thanks to friends)
« on: August 16, 2020, 02:03:36 pm »
hoes gon be mad that's fo sho XD

Archived / Re: Goodbye!
« on: August 08, 2020, 07:14:32 pm »
Best of luck to you Uncle! I wish I see you back soon! :-*

Accepted Complaints / RDMing
« on: August 08, 2020, 02:57:25 pm »
Your in-game nameDashtakh
Their in-game nameispr
Detailsit's simple. I was chilling, this dude comes and tries to kill me. we've never seen eachother before, he does kill me, I report in game but no response (as usual) so I gather some evidence and report here. not much going on, I request punishment.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)I've uploaded a video of him not reviving me after shooting me down and obviously killing me intentionally
plus a picture of my recent crimes, as you can see I'm a pretty chill person 8) (compared to others :p)

Denied Complaints / AC=Aimbot Crew?
« on: March 23, 2020, 11:25:42 pm »
Your in-game name


Their in-game name

mlgerror, ruby, shells.


greetings, good afternoon to all dear MCNR players especially it's hardworking staff. today I've come to expose a sinister group of toxic players famously know as AC due to their rude behavior towards innocent players. we all have seen how they like to annoy other players with killing them for no reason (basically acting as a "serial killer") but that's not the reason I'm writing this topic today. after all this time, i finally got able to record a piece of evidence, of why can this crew kill people so fast and easily? many players have reported these people by the reason "aimbot" but their request got turned down due to the lack of evidence and how much these players are master in hiding their cheats in time. so what I'm asking now, is to check my evidence video. i also have many suspects including all other players in my video and [SAS]Stalenin. the judgment is yours. i'm just doing my duty...

Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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