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Messages - RalTheSecond

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Approved Appeals / Re: Sampgod lessons by Ralsei
« on: September 23, 2023, 05:33:27 pm »
What I would also like to note Is that I don't want to attack anybody but, get your shit up. I was just tired of the way things are going and blown up, from now I just won't care about things impacting others because I anger myself for no reason, not an apology but yeah, just unban me I don't want to fight with you anymore It's exhausting, and my mental state is shit so provoke myself easier than average person, not an excuse but nothing I have done is permban worthy

-1 I don't like rules

Acknowledge your mistake and stop turning this report into a circus, all of the points have been explained I will not reply further

What is this bullshit report, my friend explained all of the points lock it, no need to argue.

You did the same thing and didn't report (It was griefing tho) cunthead,17622.0.html

Not to mention that you randomly attacked me which got me stressed even more so kanyehappy.

I think u missed the point there buddy I amnt mad u skipped the anim of entering the vehicle am mad that I died after being carjacked immediately which is the point of ninjajacking and i tried the thing with no door and only pressed f or enter to jack the vehicle with no passenger door present its didn't "autoninjajack" It also seems here that u were aware of the "autoninjajacking" that u claim and even if that was a thing it seems u r pretty aware of it and I don't recall seeing in the rules "ninjack is prohibited unless the passenger car door is missing" and what kind of excuse is that u r being 3vs1 so u r ninjajacking me like u say I was being 3vs1 so i toggled I am sorry cuz my mom was calling me and i wanted to finish the fight and didn't wanna q2a same logic

Okej but, my intention was to kick you out of the car and kill you to get at least one kill, well It ended up on almost 3, you died so what move on I've already explained my point of view. I get stressed easily so I think dynamically and simply. If I kick you out of the car then I can get you on foot either way. This entire ninjajacking is one big gray area let's just not fight over It and finish this shenanigans. We both are stressing off eachother over 1 minuscule thing, It I'll be better If Karbz or anyone makes clear statement about It instead of us babyraging for the next few days. Under stress you don't think the same way as you'd do in normal state, example could be a school test and forgetting answers due to stress while you were studying for It. +Don't want to get really personal but I'm very loyal to my parents and usually stop playing or solve things the quickest when they call me so take that In account.

Thanks and recover from the trauma.

Your in-game name[K]Ralsei
Their in-game nameDani.
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today
DetailsVery biased punishment towards a cheater. Cheating is cheating and shouldn't be excused like Dani. has done. I've seen people get instantly banned for using sprinthook/speedhacks not to mention that said person was Decathlon participant so, that could've bring people anger and frustration that a cheater wins a tourney and only gets told to uninstall. Might aswell not ban me for /mr finder few months ago with that logic. It's terrifying to see any form of cheating being let go of.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.),14904.0.html

8 @Dani you asked, autistic video where I was closing my pc after It. I forgot to stop recording lmfao. There was a short inactivity between quitting the game and closing my pc because I had to open the doors. I know irl stuff isn't a good excuse but you see that I had to go and wanted to finish the fight then log off immediately

That's not ninjajacking. You can't skip an animation of closing car doors If there is no car doors. Simple as that

I can drop recording from my povwhenom back at home

Go into singleplayer, enter a car with no passanger doors from passanger side. Same result, do you except me to get on your rooftop to m4 you in 3v1 against 2 cars. I had to go out quick and didnt want to q to avoid ofc. I ignored my mom just to finish the fight sorry but it is like that. If I get banned then ggs 10/10 game knowledge admins. I insta left after dying cuz i was in rush

No serious punishment for him btw, I want 150k refund + apologies for shattering my mental health

Closed Staff Complaints / DabbingPitbull self proclaimed god + retards
« on: April 01, 2023, 03:44:29 pm »
I apologize for making another acc but It's for a good cause, you can trash this account after It gets solved

Your in-game name[K]Ralsei
Their in-game nameDabbingPitbull, ManipulatedMindz_, [TB]2pac1zac, Godzilla.
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Few mins ago
DetailsTargetting me with events, being retarded (believing obvious admin jokes thinking It's an excuse to dm <goes to people who killed me) It'd be fine If he'd refund me for any of loss and not just go with "Fuck off no refund" Even If It's time for joking around, april 1st then nigga shouldn't be so greedy to refund me 50k or something. I haven't had any previous interaction with said people prior to the incident.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.),

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