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Messages - joseph

Pages: [1]
Denied Appeals / Banned by auto-ban band ID:3573 Ban Code:16
« on: November 23, 2019, 08:24:17 pm »
i was playing when a police officer came and issued me a ticket i was confused cuz i just baught this bike so i hold Y and put it back in garage and spawn it back in after i pay the ticket it spawned but i didnt see the blue car marker so i opned my map to see it then the screen went black when i pressed Z and i lost connection and it told me that i was banned i tried to get in with another name so that i can talk to staff but it gave me the info so am here now posting this hoping that someone will responed AND i did read the guide. i have almost  1 day tottal play time now on the server and i really dont want to lose all of this becouse of some bot so pleas view this post.

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