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Messages - Mahogany

Pages: [1]
Fixed Bugs / Invalid Placement of Patient (Medic Mission)
« on: December 07, 2022, 01:51:36 pm »
- What is your in-game name and account ID (if known)? Mahogany
- What happened exactly? I responded to a job/mission as a medic, which is a cardiac arrest mission and the patient is placed somewhere unreachable by the ambulance to pick him up.
- What circumstances may have led to the issue? Random patient generation.
- Has anyone else experienced the issue? Not that I'm aware of.
- Can you replicate the issue? This is my first time experiencing this issue.
- Can you provide us with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue ourselves? Become a medic yourself, get lots of Cardiac Arrest job and hope that you get the same place as me.
- If relevant, what was the time and date (GMT) of the issue? December 7th, 8:49 PM GMT+7


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