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Messages - Crazlix

Pages: [1]
Rejected Suggestions / More Garages
« on: January 18, 2023, 06:12:29 pm »
We need more garages in the game as the maximum amount (by buying all the garage slots in the server) is 67 garages and the amount of cars that a person can buy is more and as some ppl including myself i like buying every vehicle in the game as for planes and boats u can buy them all but when it comes to cars ur limited by the amount of the garages the game provide and its not causing any harm to let ppl buy all the cars in the game by providing enough garages for them to buy in game and if u gonna say u can buy houses to store cars inside well if u stop playing for like a month for some reason and im sure in life u can be in a time u cant play then u will lose the house for auto selling for inactivity so its not a solution .

Denied Complaints / [AoD]Voldemort cophunting
« on: October 04, 2022, 01:51:51 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: [AoD]Voldemort
Details: i was chilling with another cop riding in my car infront of the PD when this [AoD]Voldemort came with his car and started shooting at us and killed us both
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
My /Actions ->

Denied Complaints / [K]Jhaycee Cophunting
« on: October 04, 2022, 12:03:33 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: [K]Jhaycee
Details: i was in a persuit with a mw and we had a gun fight so this dude saw me low on health so he got out of his car and killed me also he was innocent and i was just unbanned couple of minutes ago so i got no history with him
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
My /Actions ->   

Denied Appeals / Ban Appeal
« on: September 30, 2022, 11:05:55 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)   2421

Your in-game name   [MSF]Crazlix

Ban or infraction appeal?   Ban

Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone   12:00 AM    10/1/2022  Egypt timezone

Ban/infraction reason and details   Harassment

Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?   Because first of all the admin was at wrong so i got PSO and called admins many time to mention what did i do (SINCE WHEN ADMINS IGNORE MENTIONING THE RULE THAT I BREAK) Because im pretty sure i did nothing wrong and i deserve to know what did i do and that admin didnt want to say so so i got mad and talked disrespectfully in the chat but didnt mention him i mentioned ("admin") cuz idk who that admin was and still doesnt mean i wasnt wrong at talking in such a way but this admin is also wrong i dont deserve getting punished and my hours of work taken away from me without mentioning the reason at first it was final warning as 5 min admin jail and when i kept asking for the reason he gave me PSO and xp reduced and rank demoted like what the hell ...

Any witnesses that can vouch for you?   N/A

Any more information to provide?   I apologize for my temper but doesnt mean that both sides were at wrong

Denied Complaints / Gori and NZXT cophunting
« on: September 28, 2022, 06:28:54 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: Gori  NZXT
Details: first i was going to a criminal using gps when i came across the street from Gori  NZXT but i didnt go after them cuz they were 2 and i was 1 so i drove away and they came after me and killed me first time then they came to the PD where i spawned and killed me once more and they didnt have revenge first time to start with
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
My /Actions ->

Denied Complaints / Designate007 Cophunting
« on: September 28, 2022, 05:58:08 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: Designate007
Details: i was afk in the PD and this dude came and killed me for no reason or any revenge between us and when i asked him for the reason he said same reason as yesterday and the day before it as i reported him twice before once got INVALID REPORT and second This player will be warned this is the third time he does it
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
My /Actions ->

Denied Complaints / Constantine Cophunting
« on: September 28, 2022, 05:55:51 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: Constantine
Details: i was playing with other 2 cops when this dude came to us while being orange and we were just finished with a fight with some most wanted so the 3 of us were low on health and this Constantine dude came and killed us 3 and he didnt have revenge history with any of us or motive to kill us it was absolute cop hunt
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
My /Actions ->

Rejected Suggestions / Bots V2
« on: September 28, 2022, 05:42:22 am »
why dont we get bots as car drivers like the actual game which the driving between them will be more fun and also it would be cool if ppl can actually steal cars from traffic and the mechanic job can be better job as they will have more stolen-damaged cars to recover also ppl can steal small amount of money from bots walking on the streets but like under a 100 so they dont make millions of it and reduce the amount of regular bots walking on the street also ppl can kill them for fun and get most wanted off them so they will lower the killing crimes (cophunting - unreasonable killings)

Accepted Complaints / Corrupted cophunting
« on: September 26, 2022, 01:46:42 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: Corrupted
Corrupted camps on top of SFPD and cophunts all the cops that spawn or walk near the PD
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->

Accepted Complaints / [$corpion] Claims revenge twice / cophunt
« on: September 26, 2022, 01:45:56 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: [$corpion]
Claimed his revenge more than once in a raw and the last kill i was afk inside the SFPD and he came in and killed me for no reason saying i was close to him even tho he wasnt a criminal at the time so it was intentional kill (cophunting)
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions -> 

Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: franklyn
he killed me as a criminal and i was a cop twice as first time was his revenge and second was his passenger revenge then he came for me for the third time and tried to come for the force for no reason
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->

Approved Appeals / Re: unfair infraction
« on: September 22, 2022, 02:10:43 am »
oh i understand well im new to the server and never experienced infraction so i thought thats it

Approved Appeals / Re: unfair infraction
« on: September 21, 2022, 01:29:14 pm »
so i cant appeal for that ? cuz its unfair i lost hours of playing and the once who broke the rules didnt get punished

Approved Appeals / unfair infraction
« on: September 20, 2022, 03:48:27 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable):   
Your in-game name:   [MSF]Crazlix
Ban or infraction appeal?:   Infraction Appeal
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone:   9/20/2022 4:35PM Egypt Timezone
Ban/infraction reason and details:   killing non threat as a cop 
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?:   because i wasnt the one who killed him indeed it was me the one who got the kill but wasnt me who kill him
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?:   i was playing with 2 more cops one of them were driving and then i went to get water came to find them shooting at someone and this someone on the ground ( SnaX ) waiting for either revive or takedown so i shot the final bullet to get the kill for more xp as a cop thinking hes a threat cuz why would the 2 cops shoot at him if he werent and a second after i got banned for killing non threat and here is my actions i only shoot the final bullet there is no attacking logs
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?:   the other two cops names were  moath  and [R1AW]ABDA
Any more information to provide?:   i understand that my actions werent the perfect one but u gotta understand that i wasnt there i came to see them killing a 5 star criminal and he was dead on the ground at the moment i didnt think he was non threat as one of the cops were lvl 10 cop and im sure he wouldnt kill a non threat so i only shoot the final bullet on that guy like with me or without me he was dead and i apologized to him afterward when i checked his /crimes and saw he was a non threat and im pretty sure the logs will show that it wasnt me the one who knocked him down i was the one who shot the final bullet

Accepted Complaints / Ravenn killing non threat
« on: September 19, 2022, 02:31:08 pm »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: Ravenn
i was riding around the bank when i found a money back outside the bank so i picked it up and summoned my car when Ravenn as a cop started shooting at me in the car till it blow up then continued shooting me till i died and i was 5 stars and had no threat history in the past 5 min
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->
My /crimes ->

Accepted Complaints / beatn killed me as non threat
« on: September 13, 2022, 12:24:18 pm »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: beatn
i went to the bank saw a robbery going down so i went and grabbed a bag and once i stepped out of the bank 2 cops started gun blazing even tho i had no guns in my inventory and didnt kill the guard just grabbed the bag so the 2 cops killed me but i only got the name of the one who finished me (beatn) but the other one didnt catch his name
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : new minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->
My /crimes ->

Accepted Complaints / 51ck51ck killed me without a reason
« on: September 12, 2022, 06:09:05 am »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: 51ck51ck
i had a gun fight with a guy as he stole from me and this dude came and killed me when i had half health for no reason or revenge or anything
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : yesterday around 9 am
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->     ----
My /crimes ->

Accepted Complaints / KV1939 killed me as firefighter for no reason
« on: September 11, 2022, 01:00:19 pm »
Your in-game name: [MSF]Crazlix
Their in-game name: KV1939
i was riding my bike and saw firefighter killing mw player so i stopped and stole money from that mostwanted then stood away to watch then he killed the mw and afterward killed me for no reason
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : Few minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)   
My /Actions ->    ---
My /crimes ->

Rejected Suggestions / Bots
« on: September 08, 2022, 07:36:23 pm »
The server is almost complete but its missing a great subject which is bots your server idea was to recreate a single player environment in multiplayer server but how would you do that when u delete the main idea of gta which is interacting with bots such as drivers , people walking , and traffic also it would be great to add traffic rules and part of police as patrol officers so people who break the traffic rules gets punished as in tickets and after certain amount of tickets you become arrest able

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