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Messages - BehindYou

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Approved Appeals / Re: Wronful RDM/CopHunt
« on: Yesterday at 11:04:37 am »
Well yeah, I was the driver and perhaps the person who reported him did something like you can see him following us/being around the area and doing sneaky tactics. Funny thing is it's cops and robbers so ask him why was he in the area, the mystery cop reporter.

General / Re: Investigation for community transparency - Dio
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:20:27 am »
It's a joke, I already tagged mike and karbz to fix the community, like look at the server barely anyone joins so what's the point releasing updates if it has no purpose, you literally have under 40 players and unbalanced cops and robbers, this is not mike's cnr like the old days, just some staff that can't handle the team properly so it's mike responsibly to fix it if he cared about community instead of hyping over updates.

@Mike bro, this is your sever, you created it from scratch and was the best when it got released,with insane amount of players, now it feels like nothing. Barely anyone joins, surely you can fix this if you really care about the community.

It is up too @Karbz the Second boss to handle the staff and make this server alive again that's your job if you can't do that then leave the team and let someone else do the justice.

Accepted Complaints / Quit to avoid
« on: May 28, 2024, 09:38:39 pm »
Your in-game name : BehindStealth007
Their in-game name : Gokuson
Details : Quit to avoid
Date & Time of incident (UTC) : Today
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Just revert 2000 health like the old days and disable driver from being shot. Tbh old system was way fun now it's just dead hence no active players and lack of fun.

General / Re: Community Transparency - Overdoz
« on: January 23, 2024, 10:27:17 am »
You haven't asked me anything. And if you're going to be a rude cunt I'm not going to respond regardless.

I have asked before in this thread, I @ mentioned you and that's not being rude, that's telling you to fix up with the ban system and give the reset a polish if you sincerely cared.

General / Re: Community Transparency - Overdoz
« on: January 23, 2024, 08:06:06 am »
I take player privacy very seriously. Protecting people's sensitive data - including IP addresses - is something I am not happy we've not been able to do, however what do you expect me to do? There is no way for me to know who leaked those IPs. Unfortunately someone (or multiple people) in the staff team are pathetic individuals that wish to harm the server and its players, and wish to also break the law at the same time by leaking IPs. If I do find out who they are I won't hesitate to report them to the authorities.

How about do the right thing and respond to my comments. Really pathetic, you can read.

General / Re: Community Transparency - Overdoz
« on: January 21, 2024, 02:05:49 pm »
If @Mike is honest

You would unban every player for the reset, regardless of the past, you want players, put that mindset and take risks, instead of blocking me on discord, would happily donate if money is all you care about. Deep down you know that.

Denied Complaints / Re: [WT]BehindStealth007 and xXxZIDANExXx
« on: October 24, 2023, 08:16:39 pm »
nobody harassed anyone. I was told to follow you for active revenge. And on the way back LV. You ram into me my lane. I don't know why my passenger shot so ask him.

Well obviously the logs will show I shot you first as was literally in front of me, what do you expect, for me to get cuffed? Nope it's your fault and I don't see any rules broken.

Well can you stop lies and admit truth otherwise don't bother making a report.

I was repairing my cars. Yes you came too ticket me and? You know my crimes show aiming at a cop so I got level 2 wanted.
Then you decided to shoot first and then I had every right to attack back and kill you.
I destroyed your car cause you caused damage to me and almost killed me for being wanted. Excuse for no reason?

Denied Complaints / Re: aimbot
« on: October 16, 2023, 02:47:18 pm »
I agree.
I have been noticing lately the way they shoot from long distance and instantly kill driver. It's impossible, even with sensfix unless using some damage mods or something like that.

Invalid Bugs / Re: falling even the car moving in low speed
« on: September 06, 2023, 07:37:21 am »
Might as well let players camp on a vehicle roof while speeding high.

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban, Appeal.
« on: August 24, 2023, 11:50:06 am »
UCI, is well respected friend who wouldn't dare to cheat.
Geninue person, more than happy to pay Mike some money to investigate this and reassure a beneficial agreement.
@Mike kindly private message me.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Reporting Azuya_tri
« on: July 25, 2023, 09:16:47 pm »
Can confirm this player has a suspicious aim that kills player instantly even in drive-by @admin

Denied Complaints / Re: Cop Hunt
« on: July 22, 2023, 02:15:06 pm »
You know that your a cop, ask yourself why I shot you and didn't finish you off? So how is that cophunt since you didn't technically die and how could you say that your not a threat?

Rejected Suggestions / Re: /siphon
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:31:21 pm »
How about whoever types that command.
The radar blip turns to purple or something
Meaning anyone who has purple blip or purple colour to player name
You are all free to RDM each other without getting in trouble as by entering that command. /Toggle on/ off. You give permission to attack each other until you turn it off.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Wins Ego (Staff Complaint)
« on: January 29, 2023, 11:52:57 pm »
No one said that, of course your just changing the subject.
This report is on you specifically.
I and the other players witnessed you handled the situation with intent of abuse.
This is why the reporter tagged me and made the report on yourself.
You know what you did was wrong and talking about something else makes you guilty so stop with this nonsense.
I guess management will handle this. Enough said .

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Wins Ego (Staff Complaint)
« on: January 29, 2023, 11:42:01 pm »
Excuse me?
I was in the game and I saw what you did, I have every right to pinpoint the management on your pathetic behaviour to innocent players.
As a admin it's your responsibility to ensure you don't abuse other players, whether it was from the past problem or whatever person problems you have it's not professional conduct and that's why I said your not fit for purpose as a staff member.
Second what has cheaters got to do with yourself?
You have a problem so you can't make professional judgment call so how about be terminated for your stupid behaviour to the community.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Wins Ego (Staff Complaint)
« on: January 29, 2023, 11:18:37 pm »
Since I was tagged, and somewhat involved( I witnessed the situation)
Win, I don't know what's your problem, my guy shot your vehicle and has the right to destroy it cause your a known criminal.
I don't know why you decided to abuse, when in reality your making the sever a complete shit and bad reputation to @Mike  himself.
I sincerely suggest you pattern up or the community will not want you as a staff member as your just taking your life serious over a video game when at the end of the day we all want to play on peace and respect.
On top of that you don't have the right to act tough to innocent players and abuse like your a mental human being. The community personally agrees your not fit for purpose on the staff team.

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