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Messages - ManGOOD

Pages: [1]
Denied Appeals / My ban appeal (pls)
« on: April 22, 2022, 04:58:47 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)2652
Your in-game nameManGOOD
Ban or infraction appeal?Cheats/Hacks
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone7 months 1 week
Ban/infraction reason and detailsvehicle health hacks
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?i was driving car and police was chasing for long time and then i got banned for vehicle health hacks
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?police was shooting my car but it was not reaching to much that why my car was not getting on fire and maybe they reported me and admin banned for cheat they thinked
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?sorry i dont remember
Any more information to provide?i was driving a taxi and taxi has a great speed and i was just jumping off the hills that why they cant catch me and i you know banned and pls i beg you unban me pls i miss it so much

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