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Messages - Poetic

Pages: [1]
I don't know if that is suggested before, if it is, i apologize.

As some people thought like that, cops seems to be overpowered to many players because of their advantages. Especially if most of the players are playing as cops as we can see that everday, it might be boring for some players. So, that is why am i suggesting that: Limit counts of cops according to specified percentage of online players.

For instance, if there is 80 players online and we specified that percentage as %50, maximum 40 players can play as cop in the moment. It may sounds like a bad idea, but think about that, most important mission of cops is hindering criminal players with arrest or kill them. Then why would we have many more cops than criminals in the case? Think about those 80 players; if 60 players play as cops, isn't that overpowered feature of cops and doesn't that situation annoying sometimes?

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Add a Shield For Cops
« on: July 16, 2021, 11:24:49 am »
buddy its a bad idea to argue with someone over a bad idea

then it is enough to say "it is bad idea" and topic will get locked / moved to rejected suggestions board. no need to judge intention of anyone.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Add a Shield For Cops
« on: July 16, 2021, 11:05:59 am »
i aint talking about a shield that has infinite power, you can just think it like armoured cars or bullet proof tires.

pretty self-explanatory of why this guy is trying to overpower himself so much, since he's not always playing as a civilian lmao

don't consider everyone as selfish as you are.

Rejected Suggestions / Add a Shield For Cops
« on: July 15, 2021, 11:12:44 pm »
As you read from the title, i think it would be great if we could have a shield while playing as a cop. It is not really useful at closer fights but at longer distances, i think it is. Also it would be more realistic if we see that as a function.

Fixed Bugs / Treasure Hunt Area Can Not Be Seen On The Map
« on: July 14, 2021, 02:31:07 pm »
IGN: [RA]Poetic

I was just driving around and when i came to that area, i saw it was treasure hunt area but there wasn't yellow mark on the map as it had to be.

Rejected Suggestions / Bank Interests / Taxes
« on: July 08, 2021, 03:50:04 pm »
As you know, bank interests are same for all players and all deposited amounts (0.25%). I thought it would be cool if we gain more percent of interest if we deposit more amount to our accounts; there could be a difference between deposition of 1,000,000 $ and 10,000 $.

Also, as an instance, we can buy safes to our houses and we can deposit our money there too; but instead of bank why should we deposit our cash to a safe? It seems quite useless, therefore i suggest a taxe system for bank accounts. After a specified time (weekly, monthly; however) a tax should be gathered from deposited money as according to the amount.

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