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Messages - nigbo

Pages: [1]
Denied Appeals / RDM fraction appeal
« on: May 04, 2021, 09:38:20 pm »
Your in-game name

Ban or infraction appeal?

Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone:

Ban/infraction reason and details:
Infraction for "RDM/Random Attacking"?

Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?
I was shot at by YellowFlash, I chased them down (YellowFlash as the passenger) trying to disable their vehicle and kill them, I killed renzy and died during battle trying to kill YellowFlash. 2 Minutes later get an infraction for "RDM/Random Killing." Can I get an explanation on how this is RDM?  I
I'm being shot at in the first 4 seconds of the video, therefore giving me a reason to attack back, not in any way shape or form is this "RDM"

What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?
I was on the way to the bank and was being shot at by YellowFlash(I killed him earlier so he had all the reason to attack, which is fine) , so I chased him and his friend down trying to kill and disable their vehicle so they could either get arrested or killed

Any witnesses that can vouch for you?
The police that were chasing them

Any more information to provide?

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