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Messages - _.please_delete

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Denied Appeals / Re: My ban appeal
« on: November 27, 2021, 05:11:07 pm »
You made a report, I investigated and made it invalid. Then you started spamming /helpme and when you were told to stop you called me a mf and started being toxic in the chat because things didn't go your way. After you were banned you went to discord to continue insulting and said "I fk the admin". Serve your 1 day ban and learn how to talk in an appropriate then you are welcome to join back.


Denied Appeals / Re: Banned for 1 week
« on: November 22, 2021, 09:39:43 pm »
Hello, Please follow the form here.,16.0.html


Gaming / Re: My experience on Crazybobs CnR server
« on: November 21, 2021, 01:38:14 pm »
As an Ex. Member of CB community I can confirm that every word you said about them is right and is the main reason I left as well, I wasn't that kind of popular player but I have been there since 2016 until I left in 2019. I was just a regular player who would join to hang around doing some activities for sometime then leave. Then it all started to get wrong and the truth would shine about them.

I would find myself getting muted for speaking against an admin in TERMS OF GAMEPLAY such as combat talks etc. Basically anything they didn't like I would get muted for it. Then another time I got banned by some admin who is known to be a toxic kid (not gonna mention names) because I killed him with heliblades. After those situations began to repeat I just began to realize that this isn't right so I left and almost left samp as a whole cause I didn't think I would find another server that I would enjoy.

Accidently by scrolling through the CNR servers in samp in 2019 after couple of months of leaving CB. I found this server called Mike's cops and robbers, so I wanted to give it a try.

Just by joining the server, before interacting with the community, I found some pretty cool stuff. Like the intro, the tutorial, the gameplay, the rules and after some gameplay I loved the mechanics there such as the arresting system,  CPR and more. So i decided to give it longer play sessions as it seemed fun. Then I started making some friends which introduced me to the MCNR discord server.

I was just shocked by seeing stuff in MCNR that I didnt see in CB, like.
I would find myself not muted after arguing with staff in any topic (lol), I would find the developer replying to my feedback whenever I contact him, I would find staff responding 24/7 to complaints and keeping the server clean and fun. Events were regularly organized, Prizes were great, people were mostly friendly.

Of course no community on the internet is toxic-free but I liked the fact that toxic players here are not welcomed at all and would get punished or even banned if they over do it on the spot. So you don't have to worry about losing brain cells when playing from some trash talking player.

And here I am part of the staff team of this community and I can confirm the way management handles stuff here is just amazing compared to any community I have ever seen, Responding to you whenever you have any question concerning you or a rule you need to clarify, dismissing staff abusing their powers or being toxic.

Clearly a whole new experience and I'm glad to be part of this community and being here since the same year this server launched.

Probably most won't fully read this but I just wanted to go all out on this topic. Peace.

Approved Appeals / Re: My infraction appeal
« on: November 20, 2021, 03:03:11 pm »
I have notified the staff member responsible for this infraction, Please hang on.

Also there is something I wish to say not as a moderator, but as a witness. Matki you are not really in the full right, but this player SF_Torrio was nothing but a trouble cause for both staff and players by mass RDM and harrassment, was recently banned for this by an admin. So please keep that in mind and I hope you are satisfied with the appeal results.

Denied Complaints / Re: Banned for 3 days without any reason
« on: November 20, 2021, 02:52:29 pm »
You insulted him and mentioned his mother, kept going around to insult RAs for the sake of it, and accuse the staff members in RA of abusing. You have been nothing but a trouble cause for the players in the server and if you stay like that, a permanent ban will hit you. Consider changing yourself in the ban period instead of writing nonsense on the forums.

Ban ID (if applicable)It's an infraction appeal.
Your in-game namez0ro
Ban or infraction appeal?Infraction
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone
19/11/2021 3:10 WIB, Around that time
Ban/infraction reason and detailsCophunt and RDM
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?I didn't do cophunt neither RDM, i was helping a suspect.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?The suspect didn't die, [SF]Prison_ killed him [77]Anty died because of explosion. he didnt mind about it, he also parole'd me (Thanks to his kindness). also @Cashewz stated that if i was saving a warrant and a cop died because of what i've caused. it is a false, i threw grenade as there are 4 cops surrounding him but only [77]Anty died, also keep in mind that The warrant that i threw grenade at didnt die.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?I guess [77]Anty as he was there.
Any more information to provide?Nope, thats all i can provide.
You claim your purpose was saving this guy when you kept throwing grenades at them and this would logically kill the guy who has no armor compared to the whole PD trying to arrest him. It's obvious that you are only using the "I was saving the criminal" reason with a guy you didn't even have interactions with before as an execuse while your real intention was throwing grenades at those guys for no reason which resulted in almost killing the guy you were "saving". Infraction will stay.

-Appeal Denied.

Denied Complaints / Re: y6t , [RA]Mindless - RDM
« on: November 19, 2021, 11:47:02 am »
Logs say you shot near him (didn't register a hit), so actually, mindless's story is so far verified. Locking this until further notice.

Denied Complaints / Re: y6t , [RA]Mindless - RDM
« on: November 19, 2021, 11:33:35 am »
Send the recording of it / the prove, you told me that you have the proof so i decided to report  ;D ;D
What are you making staff try to understand? You reported him just to test his proof while in fact you know you are lying? Please explain. Us, me and eddz, are not allowed to close this report for the sake of fairness since mindless is in our crew. Please wait for a higher ranked staff response.

Denied Appeals / Re: Ban appeal fuulek ban id 2709
« on: November 19, 2021, 11:23:37 am »
No response... I'm just going to leave this here

-Appeal denied.

Kill Compilations/Montages / Re: last 2
« on: November 18, 2021, 08:53:15 pm »

Here you go, comrade.
You gotta love behind the scenes content hhhhhhhhh, Sad this was the only clip we could cover among the others

Kill Compilations/Montages / Re: last 2
« on: November 18, 2021, 07:27:12 pm »
Show the full clip of the intro fight  :(

Denied Appeals / Re: Ban appeal fuulek ban id 2709
« on: November 18, 2021, 02:01:48 pm »
So you claim to be godly amazing with drive-by shooting but not on foot which is a bit odd. However, Can you at least provide us clips or evidence of that? Shouldn't be hard if you are a legit player, we will review the clips and judge based on what we saw from our point of view and clips we gathered.

Edit: If you have any questions or require assistance with gathering the clips, please text me on my discord J.Alex#5103

Manager response received, Player will be punished for C-bug.

He's talking about the last part of the video where outlaw crouched right after shooting to shoot again. I personally don't know if this type of glitch is allowed or not, It already increased the deagle fire rate and counts as c bug as far as I know. Let's wait for a manager's response.

Denied Complaints / Re: 2shot
« on: October 29, 2021, 11:42:17 am »
That's not valid proof, please send a better clip. He didn't switch sawn off to rapidly fire at all.

Denied Complaints / Re: [ARMY].Winchester._ Killed Nomi As Non-Threat
« on: October 24, 2021, 11:31:06 pm »
That's so complicated, but I managed to get to the point. Please mind what you are posting, In the video of Freshmane, he had every right to kill you as you were a threat. In the video of ARMY].Winchester there isn't  enough proof as you didnt show your crimes, this topic is non-sense and evidence / story telling is completely mixed up.

Please organize what you are posting and include enough evidence to help your case not just random stories on random videos with random titles that's non-sense, I barely managed to understand what you are trying to report here.

-Invalid report

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Increase the Police earnings
« on: October 21, 2021, 02:16:55 am »
Dont know if you know but theres a lot guns and even armor arround and inside pd like ls there are like 3-4 guns inside pd 1 gun in the garage and armor on 100m away from pd. The same thing applies for sf and lv
Yep, let's go and chase criminals with 5 shotgun rounds, 30 pistol rounds and 60 SMG rounds.

Denied Complaints / Re: Cuff 'n Kill ez
« on: October 20, 2021, 06:17:49 am »
He was already shooting me when Misty is cuffing me. I resist because I need to kill him but I failed he already killed me.
It clearly says in the logs that you were no longer being cuffed then he started attacking you after that, Invalid report.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Increase the Police earnings
« on: October 19, 2021, 03:55:32 am »
cops 'lose' their money because they are not using the vehicles and weapons given to them, rather they use the same vehicle and weapon the criminals are using. Cops have cheap weapons which they can buy through PD checkpoints, they have 2 types of cars (Police Ranger and the normal car), SWAT tank, unmarked premier, 2 pursuit sports cars, 1 pursuit bike, 1 normal bike, Rustler, seasparrow, Police Maverick and Predator, all are free for them. what else do cops need lol.

EDIT: I forgor to mention taser 💀
Good luck in using those vehicles in order to do enough work for even a paycheck of 3000$. They are not given weapons, they are sold at a discount and the earnings you make are not even enough to cover their costs as you buy more ammo and armor overtime.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Shay.1337 cop hunt/rdm?
« on: October 18, 2021, 04:20:18 pm »
I find Shay.1337 still had no right to attack and Mystic was already knocked out and couldn't chase further, going for mystic and finishing him should have been done by Levi.1337 as an act of revenge not Shay at all.

However as this post is about my crewmate I am not going to close it by myself neither Levi will as his crewmate is also involved. We shall wait for other staff response.

EDIT: Locked to prevent further argue until another Staff member replies.

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