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Messages - Hobgoblin

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Known issues / Bug after install double vehicle health
« on: December 16, 2023, 07:59:25 am »
i've known this for a long time this supposed bug
When you install double vehicle health in your vehicle, -for example- the cops explode your vehicle tires, you going to fix the tires on fuel station and, surprise! Unable to fix vehicle tires.
at least it does not work on motorcycles

Approved Suggestions / Re: Pilot Job
« on: December 16, 2023, 07:46:43 am »
Like Trucker Job, Add Pilot Job And Some Flight Missions.
Shamal,Dodo,Beagle Passenger Flight Mission.

Suggested and rejected many times

Invalid Bugs / Re: Mechanics cannot receive Job Missions
« on: December 16, 2023, 07:43:18 am »
Script Version & Build: 1.16.3 R1 56998fd

While playing as a Mechanic, there are no job missions being offered to you at the usual times daily, making it difficult to progress.

I would include a attachment screenshot but the forum keeps throwing errors at me when I do so.

Upload photos from imgur.con

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Spawn bug
« on: December 15, 2023, 04:26:40 pm »
Hello @Hobgoblin , I was trying to replicate the "bug" you reported but couldn't. I tried so many ways to do so, but still nothing similar as yours happened. But one of your replies found another bug. Paying the bail actually doesn't register on /actions.
About the "bug" you reported, you said that you were lagging which might've been one of the reasons it happened. Maybe you got bailed out (Paid the bail) but because of lag, it didn't let you out of jail. Anyways, thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. I have logged the issue and will inform you of an update when it's available. You can find the information relating to the logged issue below

Bug report by HobGoblin (forum topic #18797)
Issue #3575
IssuePaying the bail doesn't register on /actions
DescriptionPaying the bail doesn't register on /actions as it should.
Script areaJails
Logged byHypernova
Assigned toMike
CommentsPaying the bail should be registered on /actions
Well, many times i quit game using Windows desktop(right Button and close window), maybe the problem is here actions didnt save the last moments..

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Limit prices for houses
« on: December 08, 2023, 05:45:28 pm »
The limit should be removed, ngl people sell properties for above $10m anyways so let's make it easier while reducing scam risk

On rich street, shit houses for Seven and eight [RsA]....they are going to stay there by abuser

Approved Suggestions / Re: Improve planes spawn points
« on: December 08, 2023, 05:39:02 pm »
The Skimmer, spawns on the other side of the world. There should be more spawn points and some improvements in planes spawn points.
You can try spawning a skimmer in LV and it'll spawn near the desert airport.

I suggested this and mikes rejected

As we are already aware that the players who has money bag 💰, seems same as other wanted players. Like for instance, if a player is wanted for some other reason or crime he had done and he moving in the way similar to hideout and some other guy came and thought he is carrying money bag so he killed him as to get the bag but then he realizes that the player whom he killed wasn't really carrying a bag and then he apologized to that player which makes game irritating. So, I think there should be some dialog displaying on player's head just like bounty players, who is carrying money bag or similar or some different color to not to be confused.


Rejected Suggestions / More volume in Christmas sound
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:42:08 pm »
Every time they give us candys at players home we hear a sound but at very low volume

My suggestion is logic: more volume for this short sound.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Arie & Umut aimbot
« on: December 06, 2023, 07:29:01 am »
My in-game name: Jex
Their in-game name: Arie and Umut
Time and Date: few moments ago
Details: These two are aimbotting, I have more videos as well if needed

And are ban evaders..are new players but they know how to use flares?
And how have they managed to have the weapons at an expert level when they are new players? Double tec9, double shawnoff, etc.

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Spawn bug
« on: December 03, 2023, 10:45:59 am »
@Hobgoblin did you /q while in jail?
Maybe cop released from parole and i quit in same moment.

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Spawn bug
« on: December 03, 2023, 09:51:17 am »
@Hobgoblin did you /q while in jail?

I noticed when i joined the server the next day...i quit in jail for sure...

Accepted Complaints / la quica/smolguy and raptor
« on: December 02, 2023, 07:13:49 pm »
Your in-game name: hobgoblin
Their in-game name: laquica / smolguy /[ns]raptor
Details: shooting me and killing me when im non thread
Date & Time of incident (UTC): now
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.):

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Spawn bug
« on: December 02, 2023, 10:47:34 am »
jailed for 1min at 19:11:31
u quit at 19:13:02

1 min passed and u got bailed out

quick maths

If i released from parole,  why no appear in my /actions?
And it's one minute more 3k bail

Confirmed Bugs / Spawn bug
« on: December 01, 2023, 08:52:38 pm »
I was arrested the day before and spawn in jail, i quit then, but i join the next day, i'm not spawn in jail, i just usual spawned. No one got me out of jail on parole.

Accepted Complaints / ralsei/karuu
« on: December 01, 2023, 06:44:50 pm »
Your in-game name: hobgoblin
Their in-game name: ralsei /karuu/jessicabw
Details: ralsei attempt kill me and finally killed me when im non thread and dying and karuu attempt kill me
Date & Time of incident (UTC):  now
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.):

General / Re: MCNR 2023 Player Awards
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:10:47 am »
2023 Players Voting Section

Player Voting:

Best Driver:
Worst Driver :
Best Pilot : Binladen
Worst Pilot :
Noobiest Player :
Best Medic :
Best Firefigher :
Best Cop :
Best MCNR Duo :
Biggest Troll : Patchy
Weirdest Player : Patchy cuz he watches bollywood movies saying they are the best
Most Toxic Player :
Biggest Bug-abuser :
Most Active Player : Dani, idk if y'all paying him for that or ?
Biggest Rule-breaker:
Biggest RDMer :
Best DMer :
Best MCNR youtuber :
Most Stoned Player :
Biggest Alcholic Player :
Worst Grammar : Daryl
Who needs Grammarly : all HC members
Best one to fuck around with : HC members
Best Appeal writer :
Most Childish Player : Ralsei
Most Racist Player : Ralsei the pennies picker
Most Creative Player :
Most Annoying Player : HobGoblin, dude fuck you
Best Post Farmer On Forums :
Best Forum warrior : Jex
Biggest Ban Evader : bendary
Best Bank Robber :
Best Stunt Peformer/Stunt Montage Creator :
Best Montage Creator :
Who would you want to ban off from MCNR?: Patchy
Most Missed Player :ddddds
Funniest Player :
Best Clown : Daryl

Staff voting: (Including testers and helpers)

Favourite Staff :
Most Creative Staff :
Most Helpful Staff :
Most Missed Staff :
Most Abusive Staff :
Worst Staff : BeateN
Best Event Organizer :
Worst Event Organizer : Moody
Most Annoying Staff : Dani
Most Hated Staff : Dani
Best Community Manager:
Best Manager:
Best Admin:
Best Moderator:
Best Helper & Tester:
EX-Staff you want to bring back the most?

next time, look at the player's nickname correctly before acuse me and insult me.

Denied Complaints / Realize
« on: November 17, 2023, 05:19:03 pm »
Your in-game name: Hobgoblin
Their in-game name: Realize
Details: killing me when im non thread(2 stars)
Date & Time of incident (UTC): 2 hours ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.):

Denied Complaints / Re: m8n_ aimbot
« on: November 15, 2023, 12:21:47 pm »
Pathetic players using cheats from 2004's Game...

Do not comment where you are not involved unless you got useful information to add to the Appeal/Report, Forum warned.

Accepted Complaints / cops abusers
« on: November 14, 2023, 03:00:21 pm »
Your in-game name: Hobgoblin
Their in-game name: UCi [HO].GanG
Details: Attempt kill me when im non thread/minor offender, speccially GanG
Date & Time of incident (UTC): now
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.):

Rejected Suggestions / Remove money limit bank when you withdraw
« on: November 01, 2023, 10:12:58 pm »
They paid me the money for the hallowen event, but the money has been deposited on bank account...remove the 100k withdraw limit, since I
i will pay the tax unfairly...

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