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Messages - xev

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Accepted Complaints / Mister Vova (Aimbutts)
« on: March 03, 2020, 12:07:37 pm »
my ign [F]rostz
their ign Mister Vova

Deatails=  this GUY shooting without a single miss .. check video and my health decrease in sec ..take a look at clips ..BTW He is a new player ...



MiKe, do something about aimbotter everyday new botter i met ..   

General Off-Topic / Re: Corona virus
« on: March 03, 2020, 03:08:05 am »
For God Sake . Can we stop joking on corona.. as rockstarboi said .every people die every sec ..i think mike should close . this topic . :-\

Approved Appeals / Re: False report led to infraction for camping
« on: February 09, 2020, 02:08:17 am »
1st of all pls dont lie u were camping..u know dat we cant dmg our cops buddies car dont u .. what were u thinking huh.were u trying to blast the harvester with baseballbat ..seems indeed weird ..if u ever shoot ur cops buddies or try to dmg their vehicles a pop up shows dont shoot teamates cops or something..and in this pic as we tell camping .u should have gone when u see the camping word in the end .while u have ur fun..i just steal the cop harvester and destroy the engine..completely u can ask this everyone who was at dat time..hope u will understand.

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Accepted Complaints / Re: Ayda_Xx
« on: February 07, 2020, 02:19:01 am »
if u ask every main player in the server ..he will said same to u dat he has aimbots.

Rejected Suggestions / Sniper Drunk.
« on: February 04, 2020, 05:48:02 am »
i have been thinking on sniper. Sniper is used for long range but when its shaking like dat its in no i have 2 way of dealing with Sniper shake

1.Sniper drunk should be removed forever..(because sniper guns is used for long range not to kill with close range and do headshot. :/..

2.By pressing shift we could control the sniper shake for few secs dat it wouldnt be shaking . like in mostly other games ..cod battlefield etc etc.

   Pls how about u decide it on vote?.. PLz guyz vote . :DD

General / a question
« on: February 03, 2020, 08:42:37 am »
is this considered as rdm or not?

Accepted Complaints / Sharma RDm
« on: February 03, 2020, 03:30:18 am »
My ign = [F]rostz
Their ign = Kshitij_Sharma

Explanation =  This guy is killing mw while being fire fighter or medic.. Most of the admins warned him and an admin already jailed him or give him infractions i think .but he didnt learnt his lesson .Still continue to doing rdm.and when i asked why did u kill him the reason he gave he is red an admin already warned him u cant kill red while being fire fighter or medic. they are to save life not to destroy them .and he killed another mw and when i ask him again .he said he shoot .(a terrible lie)i checked dat players crimes . he didnt even rob or assault him. (i want this player to be punished so dat he wont try dat again .admin already warned and jail him or i think gave him infractions. this time punished him so he never do rdm.

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Denied Complaints / Re: Arman Idiot
« on: January 28, 2020, 02:48:23 am »
And about the 2nd reply and the fok u bringing the old stuff back which is solved,1765.0.html look at the date how old report dat is .and in here md solved the report let me tell about this on we were robbing bank...Here arman cam with three cops and arman was innocent and he has like 2 or 1 hp left ..he was low on health and he was sitting in their car 3 cops and me and sharma started shooting the car ..the 3 cops were out of the car and arman was sitting in car..when i killed nima when he die i accidently shoot him and this report was solved by md .. and in this very old report i also said that {arman wat were}i mean by dat word why were u with cops ..and i m srry that i killed him mistakely ... i apologize  for wat i did and i gaved him money that i killed him and i said i was srry ...and why u bringing this very old report back..huh? just so u can be saved for killing me for no reason ..w8 bro let admin see the whole drama u maked.

Denied Complaints / Re: Arman Idiot
« on: January 28, 2020, 02:37:35 am »
What revenge are u talking about pal.. and what do u mean i alwayz kill doctor ..24hr i kill doctor am i joke to u..

(In the end, when he saw no punishment
He was proud of his work.
When I saw that he was not punished, I tried to take revenge.)

Admins as i reported u that he killed me for the reason i killed him for smashing my car previous links and that was 3 or 2 days a ago ..and u r saying by the law u have the right to take lul rule it said if its and hour ago leave it and what kind of revenge u talking about anyway ...There is no revenge that u should take u smash my car with ur fault my car was smashed and i end up in jail in previous report which is solved and now there is nothing between us but yet u take revenge of urs like 2 or 3 days ago.and So 1st of all go read rules kid let me just send u rules it would be ez to read here unless u not gonna read them there

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Denied Complaints / Arman Idiot
« on: January 27, 2020, 06:29:58 pm »
My IG = X_Frostz_X
His IG = Arman

Explanation= So when i get arrested by stalein (Cop) someone bribe me.. and then i have work to do(in real life) so i was paused (afk) but when i came back arman.. killed me...for no reason..i ask him why u kill me..he said ((u kell me i kell u ))
I dont kill him... Ya I kill him but thats was my revenge u can see this link (u can see the story in the give link),1971.0.html

but i didnt get punish because He DID destroyed my car and i did kill him it was end of story..but he report again false report(invaild report it was solved be funta and he report again the same reason which was solved),1978.0.html

So I didnt get punish .btw these report were like 3 or 2 Day ago ..
so now he killed me today because i killed him 3 or 2 DAys ago which u can see the links.


see my /crimes i nein attack nor rob HIM... but he take revenge Of 2 or 3 days ago thing. in rules it said if it like 1hour leave it ... and he doesnt have no revenge of me the linKS proof the all

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Screenshots / Re: Destroyer Squad
« on: January 26, 2020, 06:30:14 am »
all nubs cant face on 1 v 1 xDDD..  ;D

Accepted Complaints / Re: Report against IVision
« on: January 25, 2020, 06:07:35 am »

srry for bad quality i just checked my recorder and it was set to 30fps... and default... quality rip me . :P

Denied Complaints / Re: Wrong vote
« on: January 25, 2020, 02:18:47 am »
And what do u mean i killl more people do u have proofs or something.. and the fk..u dont have control over ur own why u driving..u should walk instead of driving then or go to the sf driving school near doherty.. learn driving over there.get a driving licesens kid .. i mean WHY should i will kill u for no reason i mean there are more medics like exoterix and kiffle i think.. i didnt kill him i am  nice to them .. u did something wrong and u get something wrong ok ..

Denied Complaints / Re: Wrong vote
« on: January 25, 2020, 02:14:29 am »
u know .. u are making stories.. bro .are u mad..this case has already setteled by funta'admin. why u reporting me again and again .if the case is already been solved.

Denied Complaints / Re: Doctor killed (head shot)
« on: January 23, 2020, 10:13:08 pm »
NIce one i was just w8ing for u till..u do a false report or invaild report...

So lets talk about the situation in here when i released from jail i call mr infernus which spwan near pd main gate,so u know.these days so many cops so they were going here and there (Doing stupid things) so when i see my car it was destroyed not fully destroyed but black smoke engine broken so i shoot my car and destroyed it ..and i get a ticket .so cops were there so many i just go simply call my other car sultan.. and try to ran ..and not to pay ticket ..becuse i wanna here arman was in his monster truck u can ask this from treba he also take it from arman too..(later)..arman has monster truck so when  i sit in my car and try to ran he crash my car with his moster and blow my car to hell and when i see my stars become 2 wanted level ..i have no chocie but to fight cops there were two cops at that time which killed them and iwas pretty low ...then the other cop came from the pd and killed me ....So its his fault to destroyed my car .with his monster truck..u can saythat (he was trying to help cop during medic) so because of him my car was destroyed and i goto jail for 5 mins and 5k bail.. so  i was so angry on him at that time ..i ask him a lot why u help cop or why u do it but no answer when i was out jail i buy guns and clap  him with sniper as seen in his proofs..Ok u got THAT ...i take my revenge from u

Rejected Suggestions / Aimbotters ezz
« on: January 23, 2020, 12:21:27 am »
So i have been thinking that..if a player is aimbotting and admin need to keep an eye on him by going to him and fight so difficult to do i was saying is .if there will be a thing called Playerstester or which and admin can 1 v 1 fight who he thinks is would be way more admin can call a player..

For Example : X_Forstz_X.(i m aimbotting) and RoboKill thinks that i use he would simply tp or /playertester or something where he can test me .or something..

THing about it if something like this would be in a would be easy to catch aimbotter rest is up to mike to..accept or deny this suggestion..

the area should be like this pic below

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I will pray for u....u will get well soon ....and get rid of this disease.. :-[

Denied Complaints / Nice Aimboters
« on: January 07, 2020, 08:24:41 am »
So lets get started

My In Game Name = X_Frostz_X

Their In Game Name =B.Maryam05=(massive rule breaker/i have some video but its not cleared yet he aimbotting or not)
                                 (working on it)


                               =Lion= (aimbot/toggle)(on/off)

                               =taha=(hacks..dont know wat he use but a lot of guys has problem with this guy his ping his high or
                                          something or wat dont know but u can see the video)

                               =Peter_Weng=(this oh god dont know wat hacks he is using (strange)..see the video(one uzi attack)





(peter weng)

usually in aimbots when u using aimbots your aim is directly fix on head or body depends on the as u can see in ashkan and lion video they are aiming front of the road not on me  but still evershot of bullets is firing at me .. see the pic u will know the way i m working on aimboters ..player usually do aimbot in cnr servers ..You guys all know that.Sadly i have one video on askhan but i know he hacks i fight with him ..but most of u not gonna belive cause i dont have clip on him only one .. ok so check the video and pics u will know ..

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Denied Complaints / Re: 2 guys trying to kill me and steal my money bag
« on: January 04, 2020, 05:48:21 pm »
ITS No usless reply ..ok... i m just trying help this newboy ..listen he started to yell in chat that they always kill me dont know why i just quickly take screenshot ...dont know  if he has video or not ...i

Denied Complaints / Re: 2 guys trying to kill me and steal my money bag
« on: January 04, 2020, 04:23:52 pm »
HE is new in game so he didnt know the rules the way i m his  no friend or someone ..just i take screenshot of they guyz who killed him ... he is new and he report in the wrong section too ..

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