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Messages - Koreakruh[Toads]

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Accepted Complaints / Re: [wT]2pac1zac quit to avoid death
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:12:43 am »
like why the hell are you here posting?

to say "fuck" twice

and call me a dickrider? <  basically calling me a homosexual?

i have been infracted and banned for much less and this WT tag does not make you or your clan above the rules

wtf is wrong with you and your clan?

"U cant even enjoy the gameplay man." No i really cant, because i get aimbotted, i get cursed out, i get insulted and bullied, you guys 2 shot, weapon switch and break every rule in the book, and when someone else does it you make a big stink about it, insult and flame them to hell then turn it around on them, AND SOMEHOW YOU ALWAYS GETAWAY WITH IT, you are a bane on the population on the server and you are disgusting

Accepted Complaints / Re: [wT]2pac1zac quit to avoid death
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:09:19 am »
know what, learn to play by the rules you worthless knave

and i also want you punished for these insults, you people are not above the rules, i no matter who you are

I hate bullies and you are one of them.

Accepted Complaints / Re: [wT]2pac1zac quit to avoid death
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:07:57 am »

excuse me but who the hell are you sir?

Accepted Complaints / Re: [wT]2pac1zac quit to avoid death
« on: April 18, 2024, 10:27:46 pm »
When i quit to make this report he shard his bounty with his clan member and friend WT_Ourmoney

I would like them punished for this as well, let me know if i must make a separate report, thank you.

Accepted Complaints / [wT]2pac1zac quit to avoid death
« on: April 18, 2024, 10:23:47 pm »
Your in-game name : Koreakruh[Toads]

Their in-game name : [wT]2pac1zac

Date & Time of incident (UTC) : about 20 minutes ago

Details : I placed a bounty on him for revenge of him killing me, then he came to bayside to kill me, i got on a boat to escape, he then followed me in a heli, at which point i was sure he was going to attempt to kill me, i opened fire, so then he attempted to heli kill me, he landed in the water after trying to heli kill me, he tried to jump on top of the heli to shoot me, and then he /q to avoid death when his destroyed heli de-spawned.

Main evidence begins at 3:10 in the video

[wT] zero honor

Evidence (Images/Videos etc.) :

Denied Complaints / Re: [CbK]PriteeeZzz_ aimbot when i enter a vehicle
« on: April 18, 2024, 01:41:57 pm »
same at 5:40 in your friends video

Denied Complaints / Re: [CbK]PriteeeZzz_ aimbot when i enter a vehicle
« on: April 18, 2024, 01:40:56 pm »
193m away is not close for damage with ak47 db

Denied Complaints / Re: [CbK]PriteeeZzz_ aimbot when i enter a vehicle
« on: April 18, 2024, 01:40:23 pm »
6:25 in second video when you shooting from plane

Denied Complaints / [CbK]PriteeeZzz_ aimbot when i enter a vehicle
« on: April 18, 2024, 09:25:26 am »
Your in-game name : Koreakruh[Toads]

Their in-game name : [CbK]PriteeeZzz_

Date & Time of incident (UTC) : about 30 minutes ago

Details : blatant aimbot when entering vehicle/moving high speeds

 at the whole first video it is obvious, i missed a few seconds because he took my HP and armor so fast and far away i started recording his actions

 at the 6:25 mark in the second video is where he uses aimbot as i enter the wheel of my boat and begin driving away

 Final video shows him damaging me from 193.07 m away with ak/47 via /actions log, and i guess it was a headshot because i was full health beforehand
seems to only happen when i am behind the wheel of a vehicle trying to escape his line of fire

Evidence (Images/Videos etc.) 



Denied Appeals / Re: eriis gave inf for using bunny xd brainded
« on: April 13, 2024, 10:40:31 pm »
My experience with "super_bunnyhop"

when i was in LV on the strip all i did was use the CRTL button to jump with the bike, and a message came up warning me of "Super_bunnyhop"

 considering i never did anything but hold the CTRL button it seems the warning system is flawed and does not allow for basic use of bunny hopping and also sends warnings to admins for using the basic form of it.

just to be fair i could have been banned for absolutely no reason for bunny hopping i wont be using a bike again.

He even called me a "Ni**a in the second video i got infracted for that itself why shouldn't he?

He is aiming directly at me, to kill me or "revenge for killing his friends" which he admits to in the second video

And the kill logs show these players had gotten revenge on me minutes before

I asked in game if i could legally do a RE-report and i got no answer.

Your in-game name : Koreakruh[Toads]

Their in-game name : [MF]_Carl

Date & Time of incident (UTC): April 9th

Details : Re:- How is this not a random kill?

 Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)  He admitted to killing me for revenge which was not valid

 at the 0:08 second mark in this video

 he is clearly shooting at me he aims directly at me, as the cop is on the other side of the street, and he is even hitting [wT]Ch0ppa's car

He admits to in this video he did kill me for "revenge for killing his friends" as the /kills log shows they already got their revenge on me.

This is a random invalid kill.

Videos / Aimbots or Lucky shots? >Post yours here<
« on: April 11, 2024, 09:41:58 am »
wow now that's lucky!
           ._.            ~^~


Denied Complaints / Re: [wT]Ch0ppa and [wT]Lie [wT]2pac1zac Cophunt
« on: April 09, 2024, 11:25:27 pm »
"as u can see in ur 3rd video ure literally going to them and camping"

As you can see in the 3rd video [wT]Lie is chasing me

 leaving the highway from his direct route, then giving a countdown

 "as he doesnt not want to appear as if he is actually cophunting so he trys to make it as valid as he can"

 as he parks in my path...., gives a random ass countdown, just to block the path of my route "going away from him" to kill me for no reason.

:Edit That is in the 4th video excuse me, you people do not own LV and cant just drive infront of people and randomly kill them, cop or no, this is random as it gets

Denied Complaints / Re: [wT]Ch0ppa and [wT]Lie [wT]2pac1zac Cophunt
« on: April 09, 2024, 11:20:29 pm »
I am not "camping, following ect."

As you were White/innocent, and [wT]Lie was non threat, as you all began following me and attacking me, leaving your destination routes just to follow me and kill me, theses videos are obvious.

 stop making random text posts on videos and evidence you never even looked at

Let admins decide what happens here.

More evidence : when they successfully cophunted me

following chasing, i was obviously not following them at any point, as they are clearly following and chasing me the entire time.


Denied Complaints / [wT]Ch0ppa and [wT]Lie [wT]2pac1zac Cophunt
« on: April 09, 2024, 11:12:15 pm »
Your in-game name : Koreakruh[Toads]

Their in-game name : [wT]Ch0ppa and [wT]Lie and [wT]2pac1zac

Date & Time of incident (UTC): about 30 minutes ago

Details : i was driving from LS to LV when [wT]Lie who was non-threat at the time, and [wT]Ch0ppa... who was innocent at the time and i was not following them >"they were not even wanted"<... i was going to get a boat, and they began following me and shooting me attempting to kill me because i am a cop, i told them i was not following them, i got onto a boat, i left i began running away, they destroyed my boat, when i told them i was recording it, they left, so i got armor from the dock, went back on land to go to the PD for a heli... [wT]Ch0ppa quit... when [wT]Lie left his current route... just to drive up to me, i got surrounded and i told them "GTFO" i was not following them or chasing them, they were following and chasing me.... when [wT]Lie parks in front of my route and says "3 2 1" then proceeds to follow and cophunt me....

 [wT]Ch0ppa claims i need a 30 minute video or my evidence is useless as if they has some right to do this kind of crap to players
As he began to count down i again tried to get away from them.... after he drove up from behind me.... "PARKED INFRONT OF MY PATH" ,  2pac tried to drive infront of me just so they had an excuse to RDM me

There is no excuse for this kind of bullshit considering when i was first attacked Ch0ppa was white, and [wT]Lie was non-threat i was obviously not following these desperate noobs.

Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)  : 




Every part of what you explained "how it is valid anyway and the reason why carl killed me"

IS A LIE<As carl admitted he Killed me for revenge for his friends, who already killed me...

Lies lies and more lies.

If you guys get away with this one i will be baffled

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