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Messages - $1L1NC3

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Denied Complaints / Re: [K]$wagger aimbot
« on: October 04, 2023, 09:49:16 pm »
i got some notes,

first one:thats normal ak close range damage.

second note:u are legit esp and aimbot.

third note: when u dont aim with ak-47 or any other weapon u get no recoil and headshot dmg

Approved Appeals / Re: Wrongfully banned for aimbot.
« on: September 28, 2023, 09:25:36 pm »
Quick note: another person appealed by the same date and time and ban id.

Approved Appeals / Wrongfully banned for aimbot.
« on: September 28, 2023, 09:08:30 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)5730
Your in-game name[K]$wagger
Ban or infraction appeal?Ban
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezonePerm ban, 28/9/2023 7:59
Ban/infraction reason and detailsDetails: aimbot, Reason: cheats and hacks
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?So as i heard correctly the ban was issued to another player named hans, and for me i did not cheat.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?me and hans got the same ban id, so ig thats the situation? plus the things i wrote above.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Many players can vouch for me.
Any more information to provide?No.

[K]Kensho / Re: KENSHO Applications [OPEN]
« on: September 17, 2023, 01:08:20 pm »
What is your in-game name? $wagger

Any previous name you have? 9.$1L3NC3.T

What is your discord name? Mighty#1056

Where are you from? Egypt

How old are you? 22

What is your previous crew? Nine tray gangster bloods [9T]

Why do you want to join in our crew? For obvious reasons, It's a Great crew and for making new Friends.

What can you offer in our crew? I'd offer helping teammates in fights and being non toxic.

What is your K/D ratio? Kills:4299  Deaths:3420

Do you have friends on other crews? If so, who are they? Yes, Babayaga, Buba , and Ricordi, and others

Have you ever banned before? Yes.

[K]Kensho / Re: KENSHO Applications [OPEN]
« on: September 17, 2023, 09:57:28 am »
What is your in-game name? 9.$1L3NC3.T

Any previous name you have? $wagger

What is your discord name? Mighty#1056

Where are you from? Egypt

How old are you? 22

What is your previous crew? Nine tray gangster bloods [9T]

Why do you want to join in our crew? For obvious reasons, It's a Great crew and for making new Friends.

What can you offer in our crew? I'd offer helping teammates in fights and being non toxic.

What is your K/D ratio? Kills:4299  Deaths:3420

Do you have friends on other crews? If so, who are they? Yes, Babayaga, Buba , and Ricordi, and others

Have you ever banned before? Yes.

Ok, so i would like to apologize for the community and the staff team if i offended them by any chances after saying racist slurs, and i promise i won't say it again no matter if it's in public chat or group chats or even to my friends or pms. i would like to repeat that i'm sorry for saying slurs.

so my ban was based on completing the full n word?
 i did not say it fully, and u should ask other people about it.
so if someone say igger or N and I or anyone else complete it is bannable?
Edit:Walt is also my friend and i was trolling with him.

Ban ID (if applicable)5698
Your in-game name9.$1L3NC3.T
Ban or infraction appeal?Ban 7d
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone05/09/2023, UTC +3
Ban/infraction reason and detailsReason:Harassment, Details:Racism (usage of N word forbidden.
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?basicly Last time i was playing i didnt even say a single word of racism in game chat i was just playing normally.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening? I was chatting in group chat saying slurs as a joke "i'm not a racist" and i quit, then a 7 day ban out of no where.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?My friends who was in group chat.
Any more information to provide?No.

Denied Appeals / Re: WRONG FULLY BAN
« on: July 18, 2023, 08:27:24 pm »
He isn't ban evading i know him, He is clean.

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