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Messages - basedSkeleton

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Denied Complaints / Stal_Shah Aimbot
« on: May 29, 2023, 09:55:33 pm »
Your in-game namebasedSkeleton
Their in-game namestal_shah
Date & Time of incident (UTC)1:53 PM, May 29th, 2023 (PT)

Guy aimbotted me, says he did it, also says he will provide evidence if needed.

Kill Compilations/Montages / Re: Montage by Ninja #1
« on: May 12, 2023, 12:53:52 am »
yo 2022 noob, you don't even know me lmfao stfu. I've never begged like you for an unban. I don't play games like you 24/7, nor I've got problems with old people here, who are the veteran player here.

2022 noob, who just reads texts 24/7 not even the 100%. At least go dig the whole forum before barking your lies.

i wont be posting here. idgaf if u bark again or not. if u do, get urself a doctor irl or just break ur shit PC to be a human again.

This post reeks of entitled dumbass.

Anyway, you are correct, and the maximum framerate for a monitor that refreshes every 60 hertz is 60 frames per second, because hertz are cycles per second, so 60 hz is just a different way of saying 60 frames per second, and fact that anyone would suggest anything otherwise just means that they have no idea what they're talking about. So if you're running the game at 130fps, most of those frames are simply lost because the monitor cannot refresh that fast.

So, argue better, and also, don't call everyone noobs because that just makes you sound like a complete bitch. Who the fuck cares when you joined the server? I don't, and I don't think it's really productive to insult newer members of the community. (cue the follow up post, "2023 noob".)

Also, a bunch of in-game shit doesn't work at higher framerates than 30 so 130 means you'll never ever EVER be able to toggle off a police siren or fly some aircraft. Even 60 is problematic for those things, so good luck actually playing the game when half of it is broken.

This post is literally video evidence of you using aimbot.
I'll quote YoungThug here for this one:
This topic gives me mental illness.

actually, this crime should give us 2 stars instead of a ticket.
Only for player owned vehicles. Doing this for spawned cars would make the initial problem 200% worse.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Police Academy Instructors
« on: May 12, 2023, 12:29:54 am »
There are wayyy too many cyan cops that have no idea what they're doing. I second this.

For cars that you cannot own, and cannot replace the license plate on (they have none), it becomes a hassle to constantly pay cop tickets, so whenever you pay the ticket the car should no longer be considered stolen.

Alternatively, just let players own these vehicles, possibly with some kind of big garage.

Approved Suggestions / More functional carwashes
« on: May 05, 2023, 01:30:25 am »
There's actually a bunch of car washes on the map, at least one per city, and only the one in Idlewood, LS works, so maybe all of them could have the functionality?

Under Consideration / Re: 'real' taxi job
« on: May 01, 2023, 05:32:14 am »
It takes 1 day to be level 100 LMFAOOO
It took me about 2 weeks. Are you just a moron or are you trying to up your post count by starting fights?

Rejected Suggestions / Re: House leaving For lagging players
« on: April 30, 2023, 07:11:12 pm »
sometimes when a player goes inside a house to buy or something else with high PL they will go underground
so the thing is if we have /leaveinterior  or /leavehouse cmd it will help laggy players to avoid getting stucked or die and lose 5k cuz of a internet issue.
You never lose 5k from being stuck in an interior, you just have to relog and that's inconvenient. You only die if you walk off the interior with no parachute. Also, with a poor connection, I've experienced issues in the jail interior, where it would have a "hall of mirrors" [info] effect, which happens in some areas of the GTA: San Andreas interior world. Obviously it wouldn't make sense to let you leave the jail if you still have a sentence, but maybe, the server could remember the last location that it teleported you to, and you could "reload" the interior and have it teleport you to the right spot?

Under Consideration / Re: 'real' taxi job
« on: April 30, 2023, 06:54:15 pm »
I doubt taxi work will ever be beneficial because, with the exception of a few newcomers, everyone owns a personal vehicle that they can summon at any time.
You do have to be decently high level to purchase a fast car though.

Under Consideration / 'real' taxi job
« on: April 30, 2023, 06:32:14 am »
Since you can get in a stretch limousine, and press 2, and it puts a taxi sign on top, and you can go on-duty as a taxi driver, why not expand this to all vehicles, and have a location for going on/offduty?

This would make being a taxi driver more common, and more useful. What good is a taxi if they're slow, and far away? It could work somewhat like the mechanic job, but with a different location. Maybe somewhere downtown in every city, or at a parking lot full of taxis? And then, you could also have the /jv command to let employees spawn a normal taxicab.

I think people would call for taxis way more if they came in sports cars, too, so it would make the job more popular, and more profitable.

Fixed Bugs / Paintjob preview text stays indefinitely.
« on: April 30, 2023, 06:16:55 am »
When buying a paintjob from a gas station, the preview text never goes away.

Grand Theft Auto / Re: Best city in SA?
« on: April 30, 2023, 12:06:38 am »
liberty city :3 well it is in gta sa story cutscene so i think it is also a gta sa city
Liberty City in SA is basically just Saint Mark's Bistro and one road. Everything else has no collision, or just is not there.

Confirmed Bugs / [Continuity Error] Breaking in animation for Bandito
« on: April 29, 2023, 02:55:41 am »
The Bandito has no doors, so like other doorless cars it shouldn't have a break in animation.

Grand Theft Auto / Re: Best city in SA?
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:16:47 am »
You do realise there's a forum for GTA topics right?
My bad. It's not really displayed like any of the other forums, so I guess I missed it.

I feel like Los Santos was the most polished and well planned. I almost feel like SF and LV were just bolted on last minute...
Road layout in LV is crap.
For me, my only problems with LV's roads are in the top right area of the map where someone decided the railroad needs walls, and they put roadblocks and shit for some random reason.

The desert area of LV is great, but the issue with it for me is the size. When I first played the game, they take you from LS, to SF, to Tierra Robada, and then to the airstrip, and then to the city, and with that flow of the missions, it feels bigger than it really is, and once you're done with the story mode, you end up noticing how tiny the whole area is.

Look how far away Area 51 is compared to LV, and then how far the other cities are compared to LV.
Also, SF Bayside is a tumor, and the map could be less of a square in general.

Grand Theft Auto / Best city in SA?
« on: April 27, 2023, 04:26:58 am »
We all know it's not San Fierro, but is it Los Santos or Las Venturas?

Approved Suggestions / Re: Car Break-In Animation.
« on: April 26, 2023, 05:37:22 pm »
While I agree it is irritating how the break-in is sometimes slow because you have to wait for the animation to be cleared if you're laggy, the 'pulling on the door' animation will be difficult to line up. I don't want to adjust the player's position as it'll lead to out of bounds glitches and stuff, but I may just freeze the player for 1 second when breaking into a vehicle so that they aren't constantly running to the door

Also, if you step a decent distance away from the vehicle you're trying to enter and spam [ENTER], the walking animation will let you break into the car very fast.

Btw, to make matters worse (for me), I have a weird GTA SA version where aircraft sounds may disappear and reappear from time to time, so for example i can't hear Rustler sound sometimes, so implementation of this suggestion will make me react faster if I see the Rustler on the radar. I wish someone could help me why I have these sound glitches. Happens to aircraft only.
I've also seem to have this issue (only in SAMP), where I'll fly an airplane/helicopter and the engine will go completely silent.
SA-MP is a buggy mess so I'm not particularly surprised.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: TheDan admin abuse
« on: April 25, 2023, 05:14:10 am »
3rdly about the "rdm" part
You rejected my bribe i have the right to kill you for that
I don't think that's how the rules go...

Rejected Suggestions / Re: a higher chance to break out from cuffs
« on: April 25, 2023, 05:13:22 am »
This suggestion with the topic of tazer and  now you cmng up against  all the cop abilities or cob job.. this isn't a DM server like you have played already somewhere.. its CNR what do u expecting cop to do.. let u Rob or do crimes and just watch by eating donuts..accepting bribe is corrupted thing and its upto the cops you can't talk about it and bribe is starting from 500$ and getting arrested after crimes and staying in jail for 3min.. so do you want to get out from jail in in like 3 seconds. using taxed doesn't mean abusing it.. you r clearly saying that if cops use tazer to shoot you that should be consider as abuse..wad da hell iz thiz fr...tazer also has a limit range of distance or it won't work..

You just know few of rats out there.. this board has more than you think and how you think they r..

even one cop can do it easily but whats the problem when a cop raze you and arrest you for doing crimes..

Stop Trying to change the script.

This post is so hard to read that I can't even reply to it.
Can someone sum it up for me? It seems like a lot of nonsense.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: a higher chance to break out from cuffs
« on: April 25, 2023, 01:12:56 am »
how is this guy new to this and already more useful..lMFAO
Because I'm not trying to make a suggestion that makes it more unbalanced in the opposite direction like a lot of people on these boards.
Also, most people abuse the tazer, and don't even know how to use the tazer in general. I've had a couple cops that just spam it at a bad distance, and I end up getting away from them.

is it my fault if yall cant seem to properly balance this dogshit system up ???
Heres what i fucking hate about cops.
1-) their ability to die without fucking losing anything....i kill the same retard 30 times and he keeps on coming back like a dumbfuck and gets 1 kill on me and i lose 30k
2-) their ability to get a heli with 1.5k hp with no problems and abusing the living shit out of it when im stuck in 4v1s.
3-) their ability to get free ammo without problem.
4-) their ability to get free armored cars and go undercover on the map aka im fucked in the ass cuz i think im clear
5-) the rustlers/sparrows.
6-) tazers... the most :sleep: shit i have ever seen.. they spend 6 thousands years tazing u and get lucky once and ur already in jail
7-) the amount of cops that are logged in at a time is obscene server is litteraly filled with 10 cops when theres only 19 players.

Need more shit for u to actually understand what i deal with as a solo player ?
Also, this is very true. Whenever a cop kills you, you lose 3k for medical bills, 1k for bail, have to wait 3 minutes, 11k to get your guns back, 30k to buy actual ammunition from the gun store. And sure, you can steal your weapons back but half the time there's a cop online that sits right outside of the pd and refuses to accept bribes. So, cops lose nothing on death, and non-cops lose 45k on death.

And there should probably be a percentage limit on cops. If I go and commit a two star crime and there's cops tazing and arresting me faster than I can type /bra 2000 (they won't accept it anyway), then there's clearly a problem.

Anyway, I think the solution is to let non-cops use the rustler [/joke]

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