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Messages - xev

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Closed Staff Complaints / Re: KAMIKAZE
« on: June 24, 2023, 12:03:29 pm »
Saz, Levi, and Som were dismissed from the staff team because they were simply in a crew (1337) discord server remember they weren't using the crew tags in-game, and back then nobody gave a fuck about this TOS ("Staff can not be in crews")  Neither Trina nor Karbz because there were a lot of staff players who were in crews like Alex, Eldy, Freshmane, Dan, Zack, Dudesdog, and even Karbz himself was in 77 crew when he was just an admin.

What they used to do back then was just remove their in-game tag and kept playing as a crew in-game to ghost this TOS entirely but now they have suddenly dismissed a few handpicked staff member? I can assure you there are still a lot of staff players that play in crew and are in the crew discord server but their staff role is still intact.

These ss are old (some of them were staff and some weren't) but what makes you think they just left and abandoned their crews after getting a staff role lmao
they're still in their crew just not using tags to ghost the TOS as i said above (talking about B dan and B Zack)

and these were just mere examples and how fucked up it actually is, @Mike a word here.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Police deskjob and spawnkillers
« on: June 18, 2023, 02:29:00 pm »
No, This "feature" is perfect.

I was going to suggest it to even buff it a bit more and make it 10 files instead of 5 or putting a 30 seconds time limit to "somewhat" match the criminal's jail time.
Yes and I'm speaking this from a cop perspective, I've been playing as a solo cop since this update got released.

For the "rule breakers who are spawn killing," you may report them and staff will deal with it, and Mike can add spawn protection to prevent it from happening anyway.

Accepted Complaints / Re: Discord report - [wT]Dimitar.
« on: June 16, 2023, 06:35:52 pm »
Disturbing in what way precisely, you and the so-called "ex-manager" you talk with, need to seek some serious help
A man barely kissing a mirror is considered NSFW the fuck are you on.

Living in 300 BC, even a family-friendly movie is more disturbing these days comparing it to this individual gif

This is an open and shut case.

st0p, or 'Scav' as he now goes by has dishonorable intentions, and he should be permanently banned with no appeals, and the users he has swindled should have their funds returned. He has promised myself and other users deals but never holds up his end. I have been scammed out of an immense fortune, as this individual is untrustworthy, and evil. The fact that he lied about multiple users in his post being refunded really shows deep into his character. He basically just abuses people's trust and the property sale function for his own gain.

[also, he locked his thread for basically no reason other than to stop people from disputing it]

I agree on how scamming is bad and should be punishable, but it's about time you imbeciles monkeys realize which century you're living in
It's not fucking 1965 that you're unaware of such things even reading this post is making me sick at least for fuck sake use common sense,
If a person is trying to sell you something get a middleman that can later on vouch for you or help you if in case of things go bad.
but no you retards would straight up start bitching about how you were treated unfairly.

Get out of your fairytale/looney tunes world and get back into the real world, ain't no rays of sunshine and rainbows here.
These scammers are absolute buffoons and sad retards but you're no better.

Help and Support / Re: Forum name change requests
« on: June 15, 2023, 05:24:18 pm »

In order to prevent trolling and abuse, we do not allow members to change their own names on this forum.

Reply to this topic if you're like us to change your forum DISPLAY name.
We cannot change account names.
You may only have one name change per month

Please state your current name and the new name so we can keep a record of past user names.

Do not include a full stop at the end of the sentence, as we won't know if it's part of the name or not. If you DO want a full stop (.) at the end of your name please clarify this in your post.

Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. If no response is given after this time, enquire directly with a member of staff.



Rejected Suggestions / Re: Allow at least 144 FPS
« on: May 29, 2023, 05:20:14 pm »
-1 because I don't have a 144hz monitor.

Accepted Complaints / Re: q2a
« on: May 28, 2023, 09:43:33 pm »
Yea, you remember when you, buba and another guy (i think) were chasing me in a sultan, exploded my car by shooting and one of you managed killed me? i didn't quit at that time because I was in a more controlled manner. Now let's wait for the staff decision, happy gaming :) 

corrections* it was me dotexe and Buba in a Sultan, you waited near the car explosion and avoided getting killed once again.

and can you stop replying lool turning a simple report into a mess

Accepted Complaints / Re: q2a
« on: May 28, 2023, 09:25:09 pm »
there is the auto-jail, no reason to punish him if i can talk, or i have to get another ban for it ?

Anyways, even if someone gets auto-jailed by quitting, ik for a fact that they still can get punished. It's illogical imo to punish someone after /q then spending 3 minutes in jail. There wouldn't be any difference if /q or not i think. 
Welcome Mcnr, Ik What's it like, if it was an arrest I probably wouldn't have minded it but you owe me a kill. 
(in fact, 2 others wt and this 51ick51ick guy did q2a right after you did)

51ick was already punished in-game tho the way he was talking it was most likely a mere warning

didn't bother reporting this guy

Accepted Complaints / q2a
« on: May 28, 2023, 08:14:31 pm »
Your in-game namexev
Their in-game name[wt]freshmane
Date & Time of incident (UTC)now
DetailsOld player, was aware of the rules, at first I thought it was a rage quit but then I saw him joining the game back, logs can back up my claim.
and before handing out a verbal warning know that Ralsei got punished (months ban) for the same reason
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Archived Events / Re: 10,000,000 In-game cash giveaway
« on: May 28, 2023, 10:03:16 am »

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Dani
« on: May 23, 2023, 06:46:32 pm »
Had to add 1 more thing that needed to be taken care of as well,

My man Stacj (currently forum banned) got Discord banned as well for 1 week for sending not an nsfw gif (the gif was a guy kissing on the mirror and the caption was Mody&Dani.)
Let's just assume even if it was "extremely" disturbing, the issue could have been solved with a warning or a timeout (depending on the person's past actions).
^ Another example of a person taking actions out of his ego.

I was told by stacJ to mention this in the report against Dani as he cannot make one himself due to being banned.

Closed Staff Complaints / Dani
« on: May 23, 2023, 05:49:19 pm »
Your in-game namexev
Their in-game nameDani
Date & Time of incident (UTC)------
DetailsI'll be straight to my point, as you've seen by now, that's not a how professional staff member should act, he could have just locked the post to avoid the spam from those who were against vippy and left it for the managers to decide but no man goes on feeding his superiority complex by banning other members, I wasn't going to make a report at first but after seeing saz getting banned (former manager) for a reply that actually makes sense and he was the one of them who handled vippys punishment, it's actually disgusting to see them directly/instantly banned instead of receiving any warnings at firsthand and this complaint is on behalf of the others since they're literally banned and god knows for how long. 

« on: May 15, 2023, 06:23:58 pm »
get scammed

@stacJ I do be needing those 2.5m tho

Accepted Complaints / Re: Griefing
« on: May 15, 2023, 06:22:07 pm »
At least think twice before lying dumbass, nobody was lagging here you along with your crewmates were ramming/griefing us since the airport as civilians, and staff could confirm this by checking chat logs unfortunately, we didn't manage to record that but we sure as hell did this one and it's enough to get you punished for it so don't bother lying not to mention your teammate zeus rammed us too but he is pretty much on the save side since we didn't manage to record him, so if you have something useful to add you should provide a video recording since the airport

here's the proof of you guys admitting to what you did after I confronted you and now here you are playing the victim card? how dumb can one guy be

I don't need dan handling this report since he's done the same in the past and is a friend of his.

Accepted Complaints / Griefing
« on: May 14, 2023, 03:04:42 pm »
Your in-game namexev.1337
Their in-game name LordCroft
Date & Time of incident (UTC) ---
Details Griefing, man said he was allowed to do that despite his teammates were punished for exact same reason in the past.
and don't bother saying that "he didn't know",14765.0.html
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Complaints / Re: Reporting [B]Ninja_. for Aimbotting
« on: May 05, 2023, 02:55:23 pm »
can you stop talking about various types of cheats in public?
it's no rocket science here I believe everything is pretty obvious and visible in the first 2 clips.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Respectful staff member of community
« on: April 29, 2023, 05:10:40 pm »
Doesn't take a genius to tell whether or not I have the video/my pov, let me make it more simple for you, I don't if I had I would have posted it alongside the other screenshot above.

Thanks for posting your side of pov kind sir which proves everything that I said above, on my screen, you were ahead of us not behind and it was a clusterfuck along with another cop bullet hitting us directly after your hit, tho I was focused more on my db part shooting cops as revenge.1337 was driving, gg samp sync.

Tho you could have avoided all this if only you were kind enough to send me your pov earlier ig when you issued the infraction (knowing that Samp has a terrible sync)

Closed Staff Complaints / Respectful staff member of community
« on: April 29, 2023, 10:35:52 am »
Couldn't think of any cornier name for the title, my apologies

Your in-game namexev.1337
Their in-game nameAkeno
Date & Time of incident (UTC)----
DetailsLong story short,
1. I and Revenge.1337 were fighting a bunch of cops (Akeno was near us in his car Infernus (he was a civilian all this time).


2. After dealing with them both our car and us were pretty torn apart so we decided to head for the ammunition (Mr.Akeno here decided to follow us)
    and here's where things go sideways, Mr.Akeno here with his Infernus gets ahead of us and lagpit us resulting in our car being fucked and revenge.1337 dying.
    we still managed to kill a few cops but revenge died at the end.


    and my action logs to prove that I assisted revenge.1337 in killing cops (tho he got the kills) and at the end of my action logs where you can see me killing Akeno for lagpitting us.
    Now I can predict a few replies that I'll get from this complaint so I'll just answer it here myself.
     1. Akeno had no intentions of ramming/damaging your car, It was a mistake.
     Ans. As far as the rules go whoever tries to damage our properties, we have the right to claim our revenge.
            Yes, there could be other reasons such as he didn't lagpit us at all on his screen his pov but I'm well aware of what happened on our screen
            I had the right to claim my revenge.

     2. You don't have to be butthurt over a warning (0-point infraction)
     Ans. Ah yes, free infractions for something I haven't done. forgot to mention he took his sweet time punishing me that I had to go to a thousand pages of actions logs
            and once he finally decided to do so my man uses /slaps while I was fighting cops again and giving cops another free kill.
            I could care less about the infraction itself the main thing is he wasted my precious time and ruined my mood while I was enjoying the server (most of the time it's dead)
            Honestly, the complaint wouldn't do shit to him this complaint is more of a reminder to him that his weeb ass is on my primary target, so you better not screw up
            Take it as advice or a threat, I could care less.
            Witnesses: @Dani @buba

Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)------

Denied Complaints / Re: xev_1337
« on: April 27, 2023, 07:43:04 pm »

smh what a shitfest.

I was the one who told Foxie and B.1337 to goto pink swan roof, as we were outnumbered by a lot of cops, and the only way to fight cops, was to fight them with our brain not by spamming sawnof/uzi and hoping for the best.

I believe management can check the logs and please grow up like no way you're reporting someone for this

similar case ^ but what I'm implying here is that "every" staff sees chat there's nothing you can do about it.

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