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Messages - Karbz

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Denied Appeals / Re: give me a break
« on: August 08, 2023, 11:00:17 am »
You were infracted for c-bugging, to which the video provided by the staff member indeed does show this prohibited action being done. This could have been a very simple infraction appeal, yet you decide to try your luck at insulting the staff member and getting yourself another infraction! Woah, that is so amazing you got yourself a double infraction.

This appeal is denied, and only 1 infraction per appeal. You may create another appeal if you wish to fight the infraction issued to you for insulting a staff member.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: free ban again
« on: August 07, 2023, 10:45:23 am »
This staff complaint hurt my head, denied.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Friendship between admin and his friends
« on: August 07, 2023, 10:44:31 am »
Useless report, much like yourself.

General Off-Topic / Re: Gathering players from MCNR for GTA Online
« on: August 07, 2023, 10:36:45 am »
Sorry to burst your bubble @Veteran950 but this type of thread is not allowed, it is classed as advertising and you are intentionally trying to take players away from MCNR.
If you guys want to play other games together, discuss it privately. I will be locking this thread, since it goes against the policy (rules) against advertising.  If Mike decides that this is allowed, he will re-open the thread, however after brief discussion with Mike it is indeed not allowed.

Closed / Re: Houses sold, but received no cash
« on: August 06, 2023, 05:23:33 am »
Have you received any type of compensation from this error.

There are many variables that may change how long it takes staff to review your application, we usually review applications every 1 - 2 months so there may be a period where we do not review any applications whatsoever. If your application is good, staff may contact you.  If your application is moderate, staff may ask you to reply again but to add a bit more detail into your application.  If you are denied, there is a good chance you will not be contacted,  however I am not sure if I personally have seen your application yet.

Closed / Re: blocked discord
« on: August 06, 2023, 04:39:09 am »
What is your Discord username, and I will review the reason as to why you are blocked/banned from the Discord server.

Closed / Re: Need Access!
« on: August 06, 2023, 04:36:49 am »
@CrYsTaLZ Sorry for the delayed response, your "brother" is welcome to create an account to play on the server.  However, you must ensure that your brother does NOT have access to your account. So please make sure you have a secure password, and even a security question set for your account to reduce the chance of him being able to log in to your account.

You should also keep in mind that if your brother is banned from the server for ANY reason, you will also be subject to this ban and staff will not be lifting the ban just so you can play. You will need to wait out the full duration of the ban.

Closed / Re: Can not connect the server,server no respond
« on: August 06, 2023, 04:32:01 am »
Have you been successful in logging into your account yet, I last seen you were logged in 3 weeks ago are you still having issues?

Denied Complaints / Re: report non threath
« on: August 06, 2023, 04:05:38 am »
You've already reported this player, not enough evidence.

Denied Complaints / Re: report
« on: August 06, 2023, 04:04:52 am »
Not enough evidence, plus the most critical photo you have is missing half the information we need. Please create another complaint, that contains a bit more information please.

Invalid Bugs / Re: Bug regarding sync issues *IMPORTANT*
« on: August 05, 2023, 06:44:40 am »
Mike is aware of the lag issues currently in the script, unfortunately for us (regular players) it will be a long time before we see any type of rectification for the lag as its not an easy fix.
There are multiple areas within the script where the lag is being caused, to fix the issue Mike would essentially need to re-write many major parts of the servers script to run more efficiently and with minimal lag.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Dani
« on: August 04, 2023, 11:39:30 am »
I can see the confusion here, @Bode you did the right thing by requesting a tag be added to a player in the appropriate area of the forums. However, the way I read the request you were requesting a name change for the player rather than a straight tag addition.

 @Dani It does not mention anywhere in that post that unofficial crews cannot request tags through the forums, so I do not appreciate the fact you had to mention that the crew doesn't exist. The only thing I can agree with you on here @Dani is the fact it looked like a name change request rather than a request to add a tag to a name.

@Bode Bloodz was archived due to inactivity, however if you wish to get it re-instated again please contact me. I will need an official statement from the current leaders of Bloodz, and then I will consider moving it back to the "unofficial" section until requirements are met to become an official crew.

Complaint dismissed, I see this as a misunderstanding rather than a complaint which is valid.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Moody
« on: August 01, 2023, 10:21:10 pm »
Moody had every right to slap you with an infraction for slandering him, we as staff are human beings and are not perfect and from time-to-time will make wrongful punishments and may make misjudgements if we haven't properly assessed a situation.

Moody issued an infraction for what he thought he saw was an animation skip, and you appealed it almost instantly where management have looked into your appeal and asked to review the evidence where we found no wrong doing by yourself.

So the infraction was revoked, however it does not mean your behaviour and slandering behaviour was acceptable.  As mentioned by dabbing, if you were unhappy with the infraction you should have messaged a manager and had a civil discussion rather blurting out offensive and racist comments towards a staff member.

Approved Appeals / Re: why I am banned I dont do any think I swear
« on: July 31, 2023, 12:11:48 pm »
I banned you, because you were being insanely annoying.  I tried assisting you, in finding out why you were blocked from MCNR Discord but you went full retard on me.  I will unban you in 7 days.

Accepted Complaints / Re: admin kikck me wtf???
« on: July 31, 2023, 10:51:33 am »
Try connecting again if you have not already, if you were kicked it would have been because you were using a VPN. Occasionally we will halt the use of a VPN if we believe there is a ban evader joining, but it usually doesn't last long.

If you have trouble connecting, please make another post.

Accepted Complaints / Re: abubakar.1337
« on: July 31, 2023, 10:49:15 am »
Player will be warned, mom jokes are from last decade. Definitely needs to catch up with the times.

Found another way to bypass the filter, awesome! Fucking excellent - player will receive a punishment for bypassing the filter and using a prohibited word.

Denied Complaints / Re: Not enough
« on: July 31, 2023, 10:45:50 am »
Invalid, stop being a bitch. It's the internet.

The way I see things from my perspective, if you (whoever it may be) are being targeted over and over again there are probably a few reasons as to why.

Reason #1 - You are an easy target, you would rather let someone rob you and carry on with your time rather than fight back.

Reason #2 - You cannot fight.

Reason #3 - You created some form of beef with the players robbing you over and over again.

Reason #4 - They know you have a lot of cash on you, who wouldn't rob a walking ATM.

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