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Messages - WAP

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20
Implemented Suggestions / Re: New weapon for cars - Smoke screen
« on: February 15, 2023, 06:09:13 pm »
Will cops be able to use this, or will it be limited to criminals/civ?

Rejected Suggestions / Re: bring back the old revenge rule
« on: February 15, 2023, 03:41:15 pm »
cops uses heli with low fps in such tight spaces that makes them Indestructible when they hit walls and stuff

I didn't know this, thanks for the tip 😎

Approved Suggestions / Re: Bring back the army skin!
« on: February 15, 2023, 03:39:47 pm »
I like the idea of an Army job but from what I recall it was mentioned that this would never be released (correct me if I'm wrong).

Maybe the army skin could be introduced as a "SAPAS" - San Andreas Police Air Service:

* Cops can change into the SAPAS skin and have the ability to spawn at any PD's helipad/Area 51/other military bases
* SAPAS can spawn a rustler/seasparrow/police maverick the same way police vehicles are spawned
* SAPAS are allowed to drive PD vehicles (they need to be able to drive to an aircraft) but are not allowed to engage in a pursuit unless in an aircraft/passenger of PD vehicle
* SAPAS cannot start a pursuit on-foot or in a car but may engage a suspect if they were initially chased in an aircraft but abandoned it
* Can only engage orange suspects (no ticketing or telling to pull over yellow suspects)

Rejected Suggestions / Allow /q jokes
« on: February 15, 2023, 11:30:42 am »
Can we allow /q jokes?

+ It's funny
+ It's a learning opportunity to not type /q
+ Players log back on straight away
+ Helps prevent certain people saying weird stuff to players like "let me think if i forgive or not" 😬

More of this:

And less of this:

Agreed. With the amount of time it takes (likely more than their sentence) for a cop to drive a suspect back to the PD, there is no incentive for criminals to follow a cop back to the PD.

This would benefit both cops and criminals, giving lower-rank cops the opportunity to gain more exp and criminals the opportunity to avoid longer sentences. It would also help reduce the "us vs them" toxicity between criminals and cops as there are more opportunities to communicate and play together despite being on opposite teams.

If taking criminals back to the PD is used more often, this could also give criminals a new activity - breaking a suspect out of custody during transport. Lockpicks could be required to break out of the handcuffs.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: More job skins for prostitute (for donators)
« on: February 15, 2023, 02:15:17 am »
Not everyone lives in civilized country so It might trigger more religious people.

Let them be triggered. Whether or not someone dislikes or disagrees with homosexuality, this isn't a reason not to implement a feature - it's called tolerance.

Approved Suggestions / Re: Attach text & objects to personal vehicles
« on: February 15, 2023, 02:07:25 am »
Planned (objects, not text.. can't see how that would work well) since the start.

I'd love to be able to feature text like "SWAT", "FBI", and so on, onto vehicles when I'm a cop. I'm sure crews would love to do the same to their vehicles. This would obviously be open to abuse, but I don't see any reason why the existing word filter for number plates can't be used for text too.

Where I have seen this feature on another server, there have been some really creative ways of using text on vehicles such as making spoilers and sunstrips by using careful placement of symbols. It'd be really cool to see what people would come up with if you changed your mind about this.

The idea of unique activities per city is really cool.

Heist-type activities like you describe for San Fierro and Las Venturas would be perfect and likely a great fit for MCNR.

However, for Los Santos - This would turn MCNR from a CnR server into a gangwars/TDM server in my opinion. Maybe heist-type activities but with a gang flavour would be good, such as breaking into CJ's house or the drug den featured in the End of the Line mission.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: bring back the old revenge rule
« on: February 15, 2023, 01:40:46 am »
when someone attacks you alone, you want to torture them and hunt them down so they won't do it again? How is this gonna do any good, it will only encourage the person to leave the game. What is the point of the suggestion if the result will still be the person getting punished 4 times instead of just once?


Groups of players would descend onto one player again and again, making the game unbearable for solo players and more like a DM server than a CnR server. Whilst I agree it doesn't really make sense for one player to attack many, their punishment for doing so would be getting obliterated by them.

Archived Listings / delete
« on: February 04, 2023, 06:55:48 am »
please remove

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Bank transfer via bank and ATM
« on: February 02, 2023, 07:59:27 am »
I am fine with being able to transfer money to online players through ATMs but not to offline players because it would make it easier for multis to transfer money between their accounts.

As phones aren't used very often, maybe we could call the bank via the telephone and also transfer cash that way?

Approved Suggestions / Re: Attach text & objects to personal vehicles
« on: February 02, 2023, 07:52:04 am »
Text's as text can be put without considering the vehicle collision the point is  that can be added without the other thing, as Wap said it would make the car more personable but can be abused to imsult or some other things.

No. I feel like this would be abused to ram around people without taking any sort of bodypart damage while the object itself is immortal in it's biased mechanics.

Is there a way to make all objects noclip, or only allow players to select non-solid objects to attach? This would get around this issue

Approved Suggestions / Attach text & objects to personal vehicles
« on: February 01, 2023, 08:08:43 am »
Would it be possible to have the ability to add text and objects to personal vehicles?

How it could work
Purchase items from gas stations/airports/docks, such as different types of text and objects. Attach to item slot(s) tied to the specific /v(ehicle)

Example usage/commands
1. Vehicle Items Menu (/vitems) -> My Items/Buy Items/Edit Items

2.1. My Items (/myvitems) -> List of items and quantity -> Place

2.2. Buy Items (/buyvitems) -> Text/Object
Text -> List of different types of text (maybe colours?)
Object -> List of objects (maybe with preview in GUI?)

2.3. Edit Items (/editvitems) -> List of /vitems attached to current vehicle -> Edit/Remove/Reset

+ Benefits all players rather than just cops or robbers
+ Improves customisability and makes vehicles more personable
+ Added money sink
+ Could be donator-only to encourage donations
+ Would be cool to see what creative combos players come up with

Denied Appeals / Pointless mutes by unknown admin
« on: February 23, 2022, 05:56:46 pm »

I did /helpme to ask why I was muted but ignored.

Approved Suggestions / Show expired PSOs similar to /infractions
« on: February 23, 2022, 05:10:32 pm »
As far as I'm aware, when staff look at player PSOs they are able to view if they are expired or not, similar to the list in /infractions:

However, players are unable to view if their PSOs are expired in this way:

Players should be able to view when their PSOs expire in a similar way to how /infractions are shown. Currently, players will receive a "last warning" if they have 10 PSOs despite being told they do expire after two weeks or so.

Before someone asks: I made many mistakes as a new player, and recent PSOs are honest mistakes or friends attacking each other causing 0 damage. This is not the place to discuss player's punishment history so please keep on-topic. 8)

Rejected Suggestions / "Nicknames" for garages
« on: February 23, 2022, 04:52:19 pm »
I think we should be able to give each storage location a nickname to better organise vehicles which will give players better utility of garages.

Players could organise their garages in the following ways, for example:
  • Police vehicles
  • Gang vehicles
  • Fun vehicles
  • Motorbikes

The UI currently has enough space to include a garage nickname:

Fixed Bugs / /v does not display all cars (38~ max)
« on: February 23, 2022, 04:42:45 pm »
/v does not display the list of all cars. I have 50 cars, and it only displays 38/39 vehicles before being cut off the list. This bug has been repeatable for several weeks.

General Off-Topic / Share your GTA SA memes here
« on: February 20, 2022, 11:27:04 pm »
Rather simple - share any GTA SA memes here

I'll start:

General / Re: Greetings to Mike and the Developers of MCNR
« on: February 20, 2022, 11:01:16 pm »
Even if the community is a little toxic, this server is the best.

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