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Messages - 51ck51ck

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Kill Compilations/Montages / Re: really questionable short montage
« on: April 27, 2020, 09:27:41 pm »
cool video, i have just a question, how can you make 100 kills daily ? checking your signature i noticed you making 100 daily kills, wtf

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Regarding being run over by cars
« on: April 23, 2020, 02:46:14 am »
You must be high then to be going against 10 suspects when you are 3.

The argument that "a cop don't stand a chance against a gang" doesn't work here, since if you are dumb enough to go against a gang then you should be prepared to die.

Ramming is way too overpowered, and also makes killing a single cop on your own so much more harder if you get rammed.

bruh u maybe forgot all arrests i made on you all (not here) :P i'm known as a suicide boy, but sometimes i take more than someone with me to the hell xD i hate being killed too by a vehicle, trust me, but this thing gives more chance to everyone that don't know how to aim properly, even if people abusing sometimes. Anyway "killing a single cop on your own" doesn't work too, because you can just shot the tank or ram them too, if you're trying to afford a fight alone with more than 1/2 cops, you should be prepared to die anyway, just try avoid it.

Accepted Complaints / [AT]Fighter. deathmatch
« on: April 22, 2020, 06:06:59 pm »
Your in-game namep4bl0
Their in-game name[AT]Fighter.
DetailsI was robbing stores for daily obj and this guy killed me. The only thing i did was spectating the dm event, anything else.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Regarding being run over by cars
« on: April 22, 2020, 04:42:07 pm »
Let's get real for a second. Cops are already (pretty much) useless when it comes to arresting/killing gangs. You want to take away their desperate "full speed crash" in hopes they at least take one of the criminals with them to the grave? No, this definitely doesn't need any nerfing or changing. Be aware of your surroundings and you'll be fine.

You're saying cops should use tazer and arrest, but you're forgetting that 90% of criminals are armed and never give up without a fight. Toss in few friends on their side, there's no way you will win the fight with guns let alone with tazer and cuffs. The only way to try and do some work is to crash full speed into one of them, throw molotov on the other guy and deal with the third guy.

Keep in mind ramming counts just the same as shooting, since the outcome is the same (dealing damage), so if someone is doing it without a valid reason you can always report them.

Even if the 30 percent (or maybe more) of my deaths caused by ramming, i agree, this system is fair against gang wars and even for bank when there are 10 suspects vs 3 cops

Fixed Bugs / Re: Ocean flats stairs houses "bug"
« on: April 21, 2020, 01:53:02 am »
It does spawn you on the staircase, so I guess if theres a bit of lag/desync it could screw up and make you fall under the map

I wasn't desync or lagging, anyway it wasn't important, locked.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Ocean flats stairs houses "bug"
« on: April 21, 2020, 01:39:31 am »
Tried it on the test server, unable to replicate...

ok, anyway it wasn't important, i wasn't sure to open a topic, i made it to avoid disturbing mike on discord, next time i will report the bug in game (if minor issue like this one) to avoid a useless topic, thank you for your test.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Ocean flats stairs houses "bug"
« on: April 21, 2020, 01:16:47 am »
just some failure coordinates setup

i think so too

Fixed Bugs / Re: Ocean flats stairs houses "bug"
« on: April 20, 2020, 09:27:03 pm »

The thing happened in the first video, never happened to me, anyway the second check teleported me out on the wall and then i fell.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Bounties
« on: April 20, 2020, 08:34:01 pm »
Yeah, well have to wait, that's only thing were able to do now. In the upcoming updates bounty will stay on person whenever a person quits or crashes, or the original bounty placer. It is approved suggestion already.

I know, i hope they will make something to prevent abuses, staff can't lose time deleting invalid bounties and anyway it's too late sometimes.

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Bounties
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:25:00 pm »
But medics/firefighters should not seek revenge as kill, just bounty is enough. They are meant to be innocent in the server. They are only allowed to shoot back, if a person is threat to them or attacks them.
Thats just my opinion on that part.

obviously, allowing them placing a bounty is just to don't let them harm people, they will be still allowed just to fire back.

2nd suggestion you made is hard to implement, I'm pretty confident. I used have bounty placed on me over nothing some weeks ago, not once, couple of times. The thing is, I already suggested that, if a player gets bounty placed on, it should remain after him crashing or quitting.
If a person wants to report a person for quitting to avoid something, he needs to have his /timestamp enabled, and more specific screenshots. Best way to take action against quit to avoiders, is just to record.

I don't know if it is hard and what would be better, just wait mike, anyway i think bounties after relog let people abuse more than now.

Fixed Bugs / Ocean flats stairs houses "bug"
« on: April 20, 2020, 04:33:31 pm »
Hi, found a minor "bug" when i was robbing houses, i don't remember as well but we had the same problem on a roleplay server years ago, it happened just with this house many times,  haven't checked all houses with stairs so i don't know if there are more houses with this issue.


House: 27 constitution avenue, i don't remember the name of the owner but if needed i can check it.

Rejected Suggestions / Bounties
« on: April 20, 2020, 04:15:08 pm »
Hi guys, i thought 2 things about bounties, i will divide because i have still questions/confusion about revenges/dm.

The first is about cops/medics/firefighters receiving/placing bounties.

If people can take their revenge on them, for:
-crimes committed in the last hour before they went on duty (kills, rob, harm, carjack)
-things committed during their duty

Then allow medics/ff too, to place bounties , else disable placing bounties on them.

If people can take their revenge on them, for:
-crimes committed in the last hour before they went on duty (kills, rob, harm, carjack)
-things committed during their duty (arrests, takedown, shoots, carjack included)

Then allow cops too to place bounties, else disable placing bounties on them.

**Also if they allowed to place bounties, they could be allowed to takedown their own bounty, if they chasing it, even if a orange unarmed suspect, (obviously he should be a suspect).

The second suggestion is about adding requirements to place bounties, i don't know if it is possible even if the guy quit and rejoin, but i will try anyway.

Someone can place a bounty just if he was shooted/killed/robbed/carjacked by the guy he want to place a bounty on in the last hour, else they can't place it. (if i forgot something, just add it)

I'm not 100 % sure detecting things (in order to allow people placing bounties) in the last hour, can run smooth without issues and even if the guy quit/crash, but i'm pretty sure this will prevent spamming /report for invalid bounties, so everytime someone quit to avoid death, he's always guilty and players don't need to record him (how can you know a guy is about to quit to avoid if you don't know him ? impossible thing to record).

**Also adding a thing allowing the player that inflicted last damage, to get the kill if the guy (with bounty or without) quit, just if he was near him and if damage inficlted in the last 10 seconds like.

** = (optional thing, not really necessary and probably boring)

What do you think about ?

Approved Suggestions / Re: New heist
« on: April 20, 2020, 03:13:57 pm »
Sometimes i don't know what to rob, robbing players on foot is boring (at least for me), robbing houses means taking care of ammo, robbing stores isn't worth it then there are just banks, so more things to rob, more fun +1

Accepted Complaints / Notbad / [S]Luka_Cuto quit to avoid
« on: April 19, 2020, 04:53:14 pm »
Your in-game namep4bl0
Their in-game nameNotbad /  S Luka_cuto
DetailsThey quitted to avoid bounty / death
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Lockpicks
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:40:46 am »
+1 if doesn't allow you to escape everytime you're in jail.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Malfunction in C-bug detection system.
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:35:32 am »
Bug occurs, if you were stunned right after your deagle shot or were hit by car. Multiple times happened to me, and still does.

it happened to me without stun or cars hits and i wasn't even trying to...

unfortunately this isn't a valid issue. :)

in my opinion, it isn't just an opinion XD

I gave my opinion on this one, but I'll leave it to Mike or some other Tester, because I still got no access to github. Thanks guys!

good, thank you too :*

Implemented Suggestions / Re: House Selling
« on: April 19, 2020, 12:14:06 am »
Dude this system will make hoggers to sell their houses because they will make money from it . Otherwise they will keep prophogging

No man, i don't think so, no one will sell houses for value or less anymore. A good thing could be if you can't resell for more than 25% of original server value, so if you buy it charged of 25%, you can't earn anything and you must sell it at the same price or less, so market will be alive and maybe if you're lucky you can find houses for original server value (someone need a slot and sell it for value even if he paid the 25% more).
I think i will avoid selling my houses if i'm not sure i can get another house i like for a good price, it's boring for everyone if buying a nice house will be expensive. 25% is just an example, even something more is good, 100% earning means you can't find houses anymore for less than +50% (at least) of original value.

Updated the first post, i was stucked into a "unlimited resell price update"

Im suggesting this because we had this system on my previous cnr server and it was perfect . And as i said there will be limits . None will be able to sell a 100k value house for 500k

That system sucks, it bring just hoggers.

Do you guys accept that you will never have good props cus owners wont sell them ?

No one will sell a castle if he really like it, even if he can earn the 100 %

Fixed Bugs / Re: Malfunction in C-bug detection system.
« on: April 18, 2020, 11:40:58 pm »
Hi, well as you know that cbug is being abused, so the server's got an anti-cbug system, and your weapon has been holstred, cuz you abuse the bug. This is a known thing and anyways, thanks for the report, unfortunately this isn't a valid issue. :)

anyway it happen too if you don't even try to c bug...

Implemented Suggestions / Re: House Selling
« on: April 18, 2020, 10:37:29 pm »
Yes, like if I want to sell one my mansions I want to sell them for higher price than what I got. I think this will be allowed in a future update :) +1

i hope mike will put a limit or something if he make it, it's really bad to fight hoggers.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Donator's feature
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:01:35 pm »
100k too much, 10k really better -1

anyway +1 for new things for donators, not op things like much money.

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