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Messages - Vuitton$

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Approved Appeals / I dont need explanation
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:19:51 pm »
Obviously  ur not supposed to even talk to cheaters, now am i an anticheat system to detect whos doing it? When i literally asked the guy n he said he didnt have.

Plus i didnt benefit the guy monetarily

@Dan respectfully

Johston literally is a ban evader and got 2 maybe 3 of us banned thanks to the proof sent to dani

Johston is literally LaQuica

Laquica won apparently

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban appeal 😔
« on: May 01, 2024, 06:50:09 pm »
If you guys have no idea about anyone's past kindly don't even bother commenting, Next useless comment is a forum ban

He does know my past, and not even my past. Since the reset ive had just this one error and im still getting the longest punishment before perma 😹 i mean….

Also, i would forum ban the ppl who are actually not adding anything to the post just pure hate towards me lmfao wonder why tho

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban appeal 😔
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:06:13 pm »
@Dani. give me one chance. If i let any cheater be near me in the future pls perma me.

First time i asked my guy to uninstall it, this time was barely detectable from my end as there was no health damage.. i dont condone cheaters i always report them

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban infraction
« on: April 30, 2024, 06:26:55 pm »
I mean lets be honest for a second, do u think i wouldnt eject him if a staff member detected something particular on that player? It falls from the tree

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban infraction
« on: April 30, 2024, 06:23:59 pm »
this guy constantly teams up with every cheater, a new player with 50 score using cheats is anyhow is his friend.

have seen teaming up with cheaters many time, and in one of my report he was teaming with a cheater who got banned for aimbot.
even after asking him to not team up with that particular guy, he starts cursing and talking shit.

i know he is not here caught cheating, but knowingly playing with a cheater and supporting a cheater is equally being a cheater.

Do u even know the definition of constantly? You are nobody to tell me if someones cheatin bc u r a cheater. Thats staff job to let us know whos who

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban infraction
« on: April 30, 2024, 09:10:47 am »
Vuitton$ has never cheated before, nor been involved in any wrongful activities, and is someone who doesn't even seek revenge. I don't believe he should be banned for this reason.

Tysm for ur time brother, all i expect its some fairness thats all

Check the subject broski

So ur plan is to quit for 30 minutes everytime someones coming for ya? Gotcha 👍🏻

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban infraction
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:31:38 am »
Hope u guys understand my point as, this is the first time that happens to me, and i still got a long punishment..

And ty for ur time

Ps. How to get donator tag? Lmfao looks cool

U quit as soon as im otw to u then u say u got home chores, its ok buddy

Just dont provoke the beast and then go hide under the admins tits like u always do, its obvious u r report baiting

Even if i dont get the infraction revoked karma will get ya buddy, the report baiting days are coming to an end watch

Approved Appeals / Re: Ban infraction
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:26:16 am »
Anyways, if i wouldve gotten a notification of some sort or maybe a warning I would’ve took a different approach with the alleged cheater..  i mean johston is not missing one shot ffs 😹  ive never used any type of cheat whatsoever..

Approved Appeals / Ban appeal 😔
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:18:09 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)7349
Your in-game namevuitton$
Ban or infraction appeal?ban appeal
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezonern
Ban/infraction reason and detailsteamin w cheater
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued? idk how to detect a cheater unless an admin tells me. Once an admin told me (this guy cheating) and i immediately ejected him from my car, but this time i got banned for it like i knew but i legit team w anybody in the server..
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?laquica stalking us so he probably faked a footage but hes online rdmin ppl. Lmfao
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?the whole dem crew, r2p, my guys
Any more information to provide?ireport every aimbotter, I’ve never used any cheats, and most importantly im always friendly to whomever is new, bc i dont bully new players like most do

Denied Appeals / Re: Ban appeal
« on: April 30, 2024, 08:12:07 am »
Its true, all of it. Not only laquica is ban evading but he went strictly for ghazi like 10 times in a row even when we were doing anything away from him (laquica)

Hes gonna stalk us until we quit the game

Im not gonna argue anymore. Admins do wtv u want.. make an example out of me



 2nd dm? He was on his way to hideout ffs, thats why he hid the chat, i said Wheres the bag?
But it doesn’t matter bc before quittin u killed both me and my guy when u saw us alone, report baiter. Hide the chat more

@Jay_Dee this is not fair bro, u can literally see his intentions of going for me when he was locating me, and as soon he saw i was otw to tierra, he went there like cmon man! Its clearly a report bait, he acted as he robbed but i still had active revenge of him bc he robbed me less than 5 minutes away and then quit

All I know its everybody has to post 30 minutes of footage when its dm related. Somehow u get the pass its alright, i just want the 1 point infraction to go, is not fair

I play this game to enjoy it, not to be 24/7 on a forum btw. Ty gn

I never dm nobody and i started dmin u bc u just joined? Lmfao make it make sense. U know damn well u robbed me and killed me from behind, and as soon as i called my team to join u went to hide and quit. all in less than 5 minutes. Then u join like nothin happened? Lmfao na broski

Accepted Complaints / Re: mom insult
« on: April 27, 2024, 08:19:12 am »
I dare you to post 30 minutes of footage on this report

Accepted Complaints / Re: mom insult
« on: April 27, 2024, 08:18:28 am »
Do u really join this game to report players? How can u provoke players and then come here like idk what acting innocent? Lmfao u dirty af bro

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