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Messages - Pollo.Pazzo

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Accepted Complaints / Quit to avoid takedown
« on: May 03, 2024, 03:35:31 pm »
Your in-game name.Kakashi.
Their in-game nameLevii.1337
Date & Time of incident (UTC)few minutes ago, today
DetailsQuit to avoid takedown, blood in the screen doesnt lie
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Killing non-threat
« on: May 03, 2024, 03:33:33 pm »
Your in-game name.Kakashi.
Their in-game name[TB]Saan
Date & Time of incident (UTC)few minutes ago,today
DetailsHe killed non-threat player [bvtman], instead of arresting him.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Help and Support / Re: Forum name change requests
« on: May 03, 2024, 03:31:42 pm »
Tessa.Lamb change to .Kakashi.

Accepted Complaints / Interrupting gameplay, attack for no reason
« on: April 27, 2024, 02:26:46 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.lamb
Their in-game nameSubhashree
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just now
DetailsI was on a trucking job and was going to take a cargo. This kid came after me and starting shooting my truck with the reason that i had Special Cargo mission.[ you can see him telling in chat]. I didnt have the special cargo atm and that is not a reason for someone to shot my truck. Even when i told him i dont have the cargo he kept shooting me. Below there will be a photo as how Special Cargo looks ingame.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Re: Munna Rustler rule-braking
« on: April 25, 2024, 09:27:03 pm »
I don't need to check anything, even in your own /actions I don't see me hitting your vehicle, can you stop lying?

I can report you for lying toward admins and making false reports just by /actions in your video.

I crashed in the very first second of video so not sure the purpose of why you made video after I crashed. God bless your brain

Munna out.

[[just so you know Rustler and Seasparrow attacks dont register in the actions log, keep this in mind next time you want to defend yourself against abussing this samp interface]]

/actions and /crimes are there to show your stupidity that i wasnt a threat or made a threat crime in the last 5min, but you are full of poop and a big liar, in forums and in-game chat. go away now and wait for your punishment

Accepted Complaints / Shotting-Killing non threat
« on: April 25, 2024, 07:41:05 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game name[all the cops in the video] 7way, Malodye, Jany_Bismarck, Julian_Bismarch
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just now
DetailsRobbed bank as a non threat. Was escaping as a non threat on foot outside. They were shotting and killed me as a non threat.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Random bounty + quit to avoid
« on: April 25, 2024, 05:52:05 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameLalo
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Few minutes ago
DetailsI was fishing, he tried to rob me and fail then deathmatched me. After the deathmatch he placed a random bounty on me directly after i died. Then when i went after him he killed me again, he can do that ofc. But he quit immediately after he killed me, refusing me to take my revenge.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Re: Munna Rustler rule-braking
« on: April 25, 2024, 04:34:08 pm »
Hard to see anything, I crashed and crash can happen for any reason. Can you upload full video where I actually attacked you with rustler?

There can be possibility that you were around MW which makes you MW too.

Check minimap liar kid. I was alone in the area. Fix ur audio as well.

Accepted Complaints / Munna Rustler rule-braking
« on: April 24, 2024, 07:07:56 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameMunna
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today
DetailsSimple. Using Rustler to attack non-threat players. In the photo, near the bandicam watermark u can clearly see the rulebrakers name.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Damage hacks,aim
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:21:07 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameAngel_montiel
Date & Time of incident (UTC)A few min ago today
DetailsDamage hacks. Killing players in 1 second as shown in video
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Teleporting, Damaging hacks
« on: April 23, 2024, 06:19:03 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameKlausT
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today, a few min ago
DetailsSimple, damage hacks,teleporting hacks, vanishing hacks. You can see in the video and in the map.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Harrasing, Griffing, Distrupting gameplay
« on: April 23, 2024, 03:23:04 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game namedem0n
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Yesterday and today
DetailsHe follows me everywere with the intention to rob me as he sais. But all he does is distrupt my gameplay, crashing into my cars, trying to force enter, blocking my way, interrupting my truck jobs, no idea what his problem is, but this childish behavior has to stop.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

General Off-Topic / Re: RIGGED EVENT
« on: April 23, 2024, 03:19:24 pm »
EVENT FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Denied Complaints / Killing at bank vault
« on: April 21, 2024, 05:52:47 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameXolonium
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just now
DetailsSimple. I had a money bag stolen from bank vault. Then this guy came and kill me in the bank vault while it was still with money bags. BTW, he didnt have any revenges on me.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)VIDEO EVIDENCE[/b]

Confirmed Bugs / Export List
« on: April 21, 2024, 04:36:33 pm »
I dont know if this is a bug, or its just how it supose to work. Anyway, here i go.

When you export a vehicle to the export site, you dont get the full amount of cash the vehicle has at the export list. When you export a vehicle you only get 50% of reward instead of full reward as it shows in the list. Below are some pics that show what i mean. Even when the vehicle is 100% fixed and no damage you still get 50% of the reward.

Accepted Complaints / Quit to avoid revenge
« on: April 20, 2024, 03:21:00 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameRocker
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today all day
DetailsHe comes and robs me then instantly quits to relog far away from me so i dont kill him for revenge and take my money back. He always do this [quits to avoid revenge]. He is doing this all day today. This should be like 5 complaints for quit to avoid, but im posting them all here.You can see that he quit and relog in a matter of seconds.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)


Accepted Complaints / Quit to avoid revenge
« on: April 10, 2024, 05:52:52 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameThreston
Date & Time of incident (UTC)A few min ago
DetailsSimple. He robbed me $35,000 and i tried to take my revenge to kill him and take my money back. But he quit and reloged a few seconds after. You can also see the blood he left behind when he quit to avoid.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Complaints / Killing non-threat
« on: April 07, 2024, 08:11:19 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game namemediumgame(repetitive rule breaking), Ahmed_Tiger, Smolguy
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just Now
DetailsSimple. 5 minutes had alredy past since my last threat crimes. And while i was non threat after they chased and ashot and killed me while i was on foot, instead of arresting me.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Killing non-threat
« on: April 06, 2024, 02:13:34 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameNinotier, mediumgame, GhostReaper
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today 11:17 London Time
DetailsI got release from jail after i was killed by a cop when i was most wanted. Then i got after the DEA briefcase event and i found it which gave me 5 stars. Then this cops instead of arresting me they killed me on foot.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Random bounty for no reason
« on: April 04, 2024, 01:05:51 pm »
Your in-game nameTessa.Lamb
Their in-game nameTibi2001
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Just now
DetailsI was on moneybag hunt and i succefully found it. Then this guy place a bounty on me for the reason i found it before him. And he literly told me on chat the reason he put bounty was that i found mb before him.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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