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Messages - Violet

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Off-Topic / Re: Birthday.
« on: December 06, 2021, 09:12:12 am »
Happy Birth Day.Congregation 8) 8)

Help and Support / Re: Forum name change requests
« on: November 28, 2021, 05:44:45 pm »
[Spidy to Squishy] Plz

I agree with him.
There are some COP who steal our Personal cars.Even I was in my car,but they out me out of my car and Runaway.
Those COP should punished.
About SakarLogic,oneday he also shoot my Infernus's Gas tank with sniper and my car blow,even I was Innocent.
When I say why U do that he told-It was fun.
But I dont /report cause I thought he dont know rule.
But now I think He should be punished.

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Add the option to select a map for duel.
« on: October 23, 2021, 07:28:05 am »
I am Agree too +1

Accepted Complaints / Quit To Avoid
« on: October 22, 2021, 06:49:57 pm »
Your name In game:[OP]Spider

Their name In game:DJBASS

Explain:That Player Spawn In Angel Pine [Hospital] .I was there,then I shoot him for take some DMG,Then I out my taze in that time he quit.

General Off-Topic / ddd
« on: October 15, 2021, 07:42:23 pm »
Hi guys

Archived Listings / Selling Rare House of SF
« on: October 15, 2021, 07:33:03 pm »

8 Rooms,2 garages.Start prize From 3M

« on: October 15, 2021, 12:15:56 pm »

« on: October 15, 2021, 11:43:23 am »
My name in game : [OP]Spider

Problem : Money transactions!!

Time : 10-20 Min ago.

Explain : In game I want to buy A house,the house owner is [DR]K,mao.But I cant buy it for MAX house.Then I go to LS and sell a house of mine in Richman to BANK.When I sold it I got 1000000$ for Moneyman VI archivement,and also got 700k or something for sell it.Then simply I buy that [DR]K,mao house in SF.Then I check my Archivement and I saw If I complete that archivement I should get 10000000$ but I just got 1000000$ :'( :'( :'(.PLZ help.... me.And give my rest of 9000000$.

Prove : In the Attachment.

Help and Support / Re: Forum name change requests
« on: October 13, 2021, 08:18:31 am »
[Mr. to Spidy] Thanks

Denied Complaints / Killing ticketable player for no reason
« on: October 09, 2021, 06:30:19 pm »
Your in-game name[OP]Mr.Nayim
Their in-game nameVedo,Kachi,Dachief
Date & Time of incident (UTC)10-20 Min ago.
DetailsWhen I join server I was in the jail.So some MW player called Vedo,Kachi,Dachief offer me to break out but I reject their offer.After Jail I am going to Ammunation, in the road Vedo,Kachi,Dachief was in a other car and they just shooting in my Bullet car.Then I out of my car.In that moment Dachief killed me.I was a  ticketable player.By the rules player cant kill  ticketable player's.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)In the Attachment

General / Re: What are your most favorite MCnR sounds?
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:34:38 pm »

Accepted Complaints / Shooting at Innocent's player as a cop
« on: September 29, 2021, 08:16:07 pm »
Your in-game nameMr.Nayim
Their in-game namePablo_Narkoteris
Date & Time of incident (UTC) Between 18:35:47 to 18:36:26.In game time.
DetailsIn the game I had 1 star wanted so I got to near a cop to ticket me.And there was a player cop called 9.akaza.T,he was killing MW and doing his duty i saw their full battle.After 9.akaza.T win and kill the MW.2 cop come to me.One is  called EVILDREAM and other called Pablo_Narkoteris.In this moment EVILDREAM come and ticket me and I paid that ticket.Then EVILDREAM go away and Pablo just shooting me for No reason.I was innocent and No wanted level.He attack me with ak47,Micro Uzi and rammed car on me 3 times.I also have witness a player called ''dreams''.He said to me that Pablo also shoot him for no reason.He was a Taxi driver then pablo start to shooting at him for no reason.You can ask dreams that my complaints are true and real.   
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)In the attachment.

Denied Appeals / Infraction Appeal
« on: September 24, 2021, 11:57:23 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Your in-game nameMr.Nayim.
Ban or infraction appeal?Infraction appeal.
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezoneIn last week.
Ban/infraction reason and detailsOk.Explaining from Beginning:For some Hardware problem I cant login in MCNR For 6 day I think.After solved my hardware problem I log in to MCNR and I see MCNR uploads his updates.So I quit and go to website and read whole updates.In the updates Mike say every shopkeeper have a Safe now.After some times I log in MCNR and trying to crack a safe but inthe middle time I crash.After some few hours I again log in MCNR and I go to the Gas Station near SFPD and trying to crack the safe in that time a player called Vsk_Ltu come to me attak me with fist and knock me down then I use madkits to revive.After revive I kill him for he knocked me down for no reason.Then I crack the safe successfully and take all the money.After talking all money I out of Gas Station and get in the my Infernus car then suddenly a player come and shooting my infernus with deagle eagle. In that time I had on ly less then 30% life.I try to escape.He chased me whole time.Then I had to quit.After rejoin in MCNR I see I have been given 3 Point of Infraction For "Quit To Avoid" It is legal that A MW can kill a MW.But God promise that I really really really  dont know that if I quit when I dying or someone trying kill me I will get a Infraction.I am saying truth  PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Dont know what should I write
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?Dont know what should I write
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?No.Sorry :'(
Any more information to provide?Sorry. :'(

Denied Complaints / Killing for no reason
« on: September 08, 2021, 09:15:18 pm »
Your in-game name[5E]Mr.Nayim
Their in-game nameAMINE@123
Date & Time of incident (UTC)08/09/2021-19:45:07 In game time.
DetailsI was in SFPD depositing my money throught atm and he just shooting me and kill me for no reason.I have screenshot to prove
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)In the Attachment

Videos / Re: MCnR Memes #4
« on: September 08, 2021, 07:17:15 pm »

Invalid Bugs / Re: House Enter BUG
« on: September 08, 2021, 06:54:44 pm »
Do you have high packet loss that time ?
No.Its happened to me so many times.It just happened to me when enter Bank,Bait-Shop,Cloth-Shop and House.
And I have another Problem:During Robbing bank when I got the bag of cash and enter in the car,then SAMP-Crash.This is happened to me I think 100+ times :'( :-[ :'( :'(

Invalid Bugs / House Enter BUG
« on: September 08, 2021, 10:40:47 am »
When I am playing,a player say that he going to be sell a house.Then I "RING RING" into his house.When he open the door I entered the house and Falling to Nothing,and then I open a perashut and falling and falling.

Rejected Suggestions / Spawn Helicopter like car
« on: September 06, 2021, 11:25:42 am »
Dear ADMIN of MCNR,Here is my Suggestion:-
In the server,when we call a car,after few moment,The car spawn near to The player.But when we buy Helicopter and call them it just spawn in Airport. :(
So how abought this:When we call a Helicopter,after few moment,The Helicopter spawn near to The player. :)
Its will help lot's of Player Like: Most Wanted,Cop Ext.
So if you think that my Suggestion is Right.Please do it in MCNR  :)

Rejected Suggestions / Shooting in Bike
« on: August 30, 2021, 09:28:29 pm »
Dear ADMIN of MCNR,Here is my Suggestion:-
In Classic GTA SA we can shoot at straight in bike by using SMG,Tec-9,Micro-Uzi Right?So how abought make it in MCNR.It will help some COP who are alone in a bike and chase suspect But cant shoot cause he not have a Shooter or not have any other cop to shoot. :'( :'(
So if you think that my Suggestion is Right.Please do it in MCNR  :)

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