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Messages - Anthony

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Help and Support / Re: Forum name change requests
« on: May 09, 2021, 11:11:31 am »
anthony_ishak to Anthony

Archived Listings / 20 rich street house in Richman For sale
« on: May 09, 2021, 01:07:43 am »
This is the whole description of the house
Check it out if interested!
Taking offers starting from 6,5 millions !
Price can be discussed either in game or at discord!
I will also mention that i owned this house few months ago and it was sold to an actual moderator for 9 millions!
House posseses a very special location (near bank ) and located in one of the most important street in los santos ! It also has one of the biggest interiors in game with 7 rooms and an outdoor garage!

[209] Westmob Connection / Re: Applications - Currently Open
« on: May 03, 2021, 05:27:12 pm »
Wait isn't karbz the founder of the [77] crew ? Why he rejected my application in here ???

[209] Westmob Connection / Re: Applications - Currently Open
« on: May 03, 2021, 09:41:34 am »
In-game name: Anthony

Age: 19

Nationality: Lebanese

How long have you played SAMP for?: Around 3 to 4 years

What makes you a good player? Any specialities? I just am XD . And well i have nice driving skills and my shooting are quite good.

What do you expect from us? nothing other than fun and respect

Are you down to represent us by wearing the .1337 tag? Of course

Accepted Complaints / Mrjake07
« on: May 01, 2021, 10:11:32 pm »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game nameMrjake07
Date & Time of incident (UTC)All the day
DetailsSo i don't really know what is wrong with this guy, since morning he started by blowing my car for no reason as i was a innocent civilian, and everytime i ask him why he tell me that it is because i killed me him earlier. I was most wanted and he attacked me so i killed him. So i don't if he gets but it happened way long ago and he can't take revenge as a cop! I didn't record anyway when he blowed my car so i couldnt do anything. 30 mins ago i spawned in game as a 2 star criminal with my last crime from 1h36 mins ago, this guy instantly started shooting me until menel33 bribed me and told him not to shoot unarmed players. I reported him but saz dismissed it as he said he was afk. I dont know but cant admin just check his crimes and mine and see if the report is valid or no? Anyway, this guy came back again and blowed my car again and tried rdm me with a truck which ahzi witnessed as i was already talking to him using /helpme. The weird thing is that this report also got dismissed as saz was afk and he couldnt do much , even when bahzi witnessed it and reported it all.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Complaints / alphadubdub RDM
« on: April 27, 2021, 06:03:38 pm »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game namealphadubdub
Date & Time of incident (UTC)around 10 mins ago
DetailsI just logged in, went out of jail and that guy alphadubdub just came with his car  and started ramming me till he knocked me down and i was killed by a guy i robbed! (They weren't together anyway and he just left after he killed me) So anyway i confronted him in global and his first response was accidentally which is so stupid as he kept going forward and backward over me many times! Then he just had to say "Just felt like it". I honestly didn't want to report him as he has like 1000 score but i doubt a guy like him isn't aware this is rule breaking and based on his responses i would say he totally is !
Thank you!
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)Screenshots of his respones

Fixed Bugs / Re: money goes crazy inside my wallet
« on: April 24, 2021, 04:42:12 pm »
Hello Mike ,
I have went online for a while and did like 20 robberies while trying to recreate this bug while recording and using /debugtd . Till now the issue hasn't showed up yet and my robbery money are going directly into my wallet! Anyway, whenever you go in game , let me know by texting me here on in discord so i can go online and test it out with you! It would go faster if you can something with my robbery cooldown while testing it out! Let me know whenever you have some free time !
Anyway , about the other person , did it help you figure out anything helpful about this issue ?
Thank you!

Fixed Bugs / Re: money goes crazy inside my wallet
« on: April 24, 2021, 07:36:48 am »
Hello mike,
So technically this issue only happens sometimes when
r i rob someone as far as i have seen. Not everytime i robbed someone anyway. Yesterday it happened with me twice, once at the morning which i reported but an admin didnt even bother to care abt it and assisted me by saying :you were robbed? And ended the whole discussion. But anyway it is not only the robbery money that i lose but everything i have in my wallet. The first time it happened i had some money from fishing and other robberies which i lost all and it only left me with 4k. The second time, it happened around 11pm GMT+2 when i robbed someone at the hospital. I reported it instantly and was assisted in pms by @MajesticFudgie that confirmed it happened and told me it would he desync. I will be working on trying to record this in few hours when i come back from work.
And anyway for the amount i lost as i remember first time i had a little less than 20k then i robbed 8k which gave me 16k and the whole thing happened. The second time, i probably had an amount of 30k plus a little maybe then robbed someone too and lost it all.
Thank you.

Invalid Bugs / Re: Weapons are remove after log in
« on: April 23, 2021, 11:06:05 pm »
It happened to me several times but i was never able to record it ! Sometimes when i used to login i would spawn without any weapon when i would be 100% sure i owned several weapons before quitting! Not sure what is the reasons! But recording this is quite impossible and hard as it happens as soon as you log in!

Fixed Bugs / money goes crazy inside my wallet
« on: April 23, 2021, 11:04:06 pm »
Hello guys , so in the last two days and especially today , i have faced a major bug happening inside my wallet! Whenever i rob someone my money goes crazy it goes down to -20k or even more then go back up to a certain amount and then stabilize at 0$ which makes me lose all my money! I reported this in game the first time but an admin just accept my assist then ended it within seconds! The second time it happened i got a reply from @MajesticFudgie saying he checked about it and confirmed it happened! I don't know the reason behind this happening but all i know it only happens sometimes when im robbing someone! I have lost huge amounts of money today due to this and i hope there is a way to fix as i literally would lose all my wallet money if i don't deposit it at an atm or bank. This phenomen has only happened to me during these 2 days which i don't know if it has something related to the x2 cash event maybe. Please let me know about any progress according my case in here by replying to this bug report !
@Mike kindly check into this as it seems to be something complicated!
And i will try my best to record the situation! I believe @MajesticFudgie has the necessary informations as we were speaking in game about the issue!
Thank you!

i honesly don't think people should have access to the safe but only be able to enter and leave the house !
Maybe a similar suggestion would be useful when mike applies the crew system.. Leaders and co leaders will then have access to the crew house's safe and there will be logs to show whatever withdrawal were made!

But for the moment , my whole suggestion is just about being able to give friends or crew members your house's key so it would be similar to a crew base for them until the new crew system is applied!

Implemented Suggestions / Re: Adding a DM arena
« on: April 22, 2021, 11:36:43 pm »
i have seen many other that made an interior space called paintball for practicing and fighting. And i myself was able to make my aim way better because of it ! +1

As you know , everyone is seeking to join a gang lately and one of the most important things a gang should own is its own base!
So i was thinking why not add something that allows you to give someone access to your house , a list where you add and remove whoever you want (friends , gang member .. ) it would sound cool to have something like that especially that we already started having something similar like giving your car's key to a friend!
That would also make owning houses somehow a little more useful and bring an additional purpose for buying them!

Thank you!

The things you just said is one of the biggest i have doubts in them using aimbot! These guys were so noob at aiming when they joined that anyone could easily kill them without even taking damage from them! People can improving at aiming skills but that much? i doubt  that! So anyway i hope the evidences i gathered would be enough to prove that they are using hacks! We have skilled managers and admins which i have full trust in them and their capability in solving this!

Accepted Complaints / Lokman56 killing non threat
« on: March 26, 2021, 05:55:13 pm »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game nameLokman56
Date & Time of incident (UTC) 7:45 pm GMT + 2
DetailsThis guy is previously known for RDM and killing non threat criminals . As you may remember , i reported him several times for killling players as medic and he got job ban due to this and now he is doing it as a cop!
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game name[kings]chowst
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Around 5:50 pm GMT + 2 (not quite sure abt timing)
DetailsThis is not the first time i suspect he is aimbotting so i decided to 1v1 him multiple times and record it ! The following proofs are about [kings]chowst but i don't know if this is true you can see in the first clip the aim of [kings]ElvinK following me even tho he was inside the car ,while as far as i know you can only shoot in one direction when ure in a car which is the horizontally to the right or the left if the car is stable and you are not moving it!
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

[59] Grey Five Nine / Re: Want to be a part of us? (APPLY HERE)
« on: March 25, 2021, 01:06:58 pm »
What is your in-game name? Anthony
What is your discord? Anthony_ishak
Are you commited to in-game rules and crew rules? Yes
Have you met requirements? Yes
Where are you from? Lebanon
How good is your english from scale (1-10)? 8
How long have you played Mike's CnR for? Around 4 months maybe a little more.
How long have you played SA-MP for? For 3 to 4 years
Why do you want to join our crew? Well , it is starting to get a little boring lately as there is nothing much to do, so i thought it would be nice to join a crew !
What can you offer for the crew? I have working lately on my aim so i can say that i am now kind of good at shooting! I am a social person so i think i can offer fun and joy to this crew.

Do you get along with all the crew members? Yes.
Have you ever been banned before? If yes, why? My major ban was aimbotting. I don't remember when but probably 2 months ago and i was given my second chance by Mike.
Thank you!

Accepted Complaints / MArYY_ aimbotting
« on: March 25, 2021, 12:12:45 am »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game nameMArYY_
Date & Time of incident (UTC)around 1:50 am GMT+2
DetailsShe was reported by many players for using aimbot! And i myself before recording this ,  was killed twice by her because of aimbot so i decided to record this as some sort of proof!
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Vasa shooting non-threat
« on: March 23, 2021, 08:18:54 pm »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game nameVasa
Date & Time of incident (UTC)9:45 GMT + 2
DetailsShowed my crimes list in video!
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / juan_cane killing non threat
« on: March 23, 2021, 12:09:12 am »
Your in-game nameAnthony
Their in-game namejuan_cane
Date & Time of incident (UTC)2:00 AM GMT + 2
DetailsShooting me while non threat
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

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