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Messages - diogogames

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Invalid Bugs / Re: Phoenix constantly crashing my game
« on: March 15, 2020, 11:08:53 am »
Okay, I will drive my car and record it until it crashes

Invalid Bugs / Phoenix constantly crashing my game
« on: March 15, 2020, 10:10:38 am »
So, I recently (yesterday as of posting this) I bought a Phoenix (shown in that pic), cuz those cars a are dope as hell (and cheap)...

(and i havent unlocked something higher)...

But now when I drive it its likely that the game will crash. Crashes that did not use to happend until I bought and drove that car.
Besides driving a Phoenix (mine), this crashes dont seem to follow a patern, they may crash sooner, or later.
Idk if it has happened to other people. I never got in contact with one owner of the same car.
I not sure if this is a crash of this server, a crash of SAMP, or a crash of my game.
Its been crashing since yesterday, and today it crashes. These crashes only happend when I drive this car, as i havent seen any situtation besides this.
I atach a TXT file with the crash info coppied.

EDIT: I've crashed in North-West LS, south LV, and I dont remenber much more. Ill try to get more info.

My ingame name is the same as my furum one.

I hope I helped.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Rejected Suggestions / Record/Replay feature
« on: March 13, 2020, 06:42:43 pm »
I hate when people break the rules of this game. Either by hacking, RDMing, breaking cop rules, theres always one asshole lurking around the corner. I know about the /report function ingame and the complaint section in this forum (I use them quite frequent), but when admins ask for proof, I cant provide it, as I'm not constantly recording footage, and most times the rule-breakers just get away.

So in order to make it much easier to get evidence, I thought of some sort of replay system, one like War Thunder.
The server could be constantly recording a 3D video, the records could last maybe the last 2/3 cities (depending on the size of it, to avoid filling the server with records) (it would provide enought time for people to search and record the evidence), and if someone wanted to access it, it would apear in a freecam sort of view, where the player could go foward, backwards, 2x speed etc. Not only it would be much easier to get evident, you could record it from other angles, viewpoints, and overhaul make it so the scene is more clear. This would also help in other situations suck as reporting bugs etc.

My main worries about this system is the work and if it is possible to aply something like this-game. It may be too much work or maybe impossible to create in SAMP, but I just think it is a good idea to improve this server and help getting rid of rule breakers.
Thanks for reading this.

Implemented Suggestions / Mod BF Injection
« on: March 02, 2020, 07:00:17 pm »
So, in 1.5.2 the BF injection was added, a long time wish for me. I bought it, drove to the nearest modshop, to find out I cant even change the color. Is there any way to make it so you can change at least the colors? Because if not, that is going to a scrapyard.

EDIT REPLY: So it should in theory be possible right?

Fixed Bugs / My car dissapeared.
« on: February 27, 2020, 08:09:43 pm »
So, I own a bunch of garages in Jeferson. I own both a mesa and a blista, and recently i bought a Euros. I modded it yesterday, but when i tried to spawn it it had dissapeared of my garage and records, I am left now without my car and im asking for it be reinstated.
I have the bank records that show that I bought that car.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Adding Heavy Vehicles For Cops 8-10
« on: February 25, 2020, 10:08:22 am »
Also maybe add the FBI van as an armored vehicle.

Rejected Suggestions / Cops are too agressive.
« on: February 25, 2020, 09:54:57 am »
Im going straight to the point. Every time there is a cop chase it ends in bullet fire even if I'm not a 6 star wanted.

Today I robbed the bank. Got a 4 star wanted rating. And some friendly guy picked me up and we were driving to the hideout. 2 cop cars apeared and started chasing. I hadnt killed any cop nor shot anybody nor I shot back at pursuters but the cops imediatly opened fire on us. My life quickly drained to half. And the bike now showing grey smoke. I became desperate, so I tried to open fire on them with a MP5. Didnt work, so the bike got on fire. It exploded. The cops came, I tried to kill at least one, but he had his health full and he killed me.

Cops are way too fond of using gunfire to stop fleeing vehicles.
Every time I'm fleeing, they use driveby to destroy my vehicle. Its too easy for them. And dont even question when they have buddies to do passenger drivebys.

But if I shoot back, I will just get a bigger wanted rating. In other words, it makes it harder to escape.
Maybe a cop rule or something that disentivises cops to shoot cars (maybe only allow that for 5-6 star wanted) because small time solo non-psychopath criminals like have a hard time getting away.

Fixed Bugs / Fix stealing the securicar
« on: February 25, 2020, 08:47:05 am »
Note: I've had this bug in a long time. Idk if it has been fixed or not. But if it has, you can just reject this.

So, as you may know, securicar mission is pretty much the only well paid legal job. I've done it a lot of times, and its enjoyable. But then, I began to think in stealing one of those cars. With well timed stalks and some route memorization, I was able to track it down twice, broke in and got it to start twice. As I try to get away and prepare to for a Cop chase, every time the truck just LITERALLY vanishes completely (I think its happends when the Civs cancell the securicar?). So, without a reward, and not nearby getaway car, I just get caught. Its a nightmare to track the truck down, but why even bother to do so if you will just get to jail? I hope it gets fixed.

I now agree and respect your views about fuel.
And in order for the "mechanic" in your garage, I thought it could act like a property "Upgrade" for garages/properties with garages. I wonder honesly if it should be a daily fee or a one time buy with a high cost.

And thanks for the replies and constructive criticism.

General / When will arms dealer be added?
« on: February 02, 2020, 11:49:11 am »
So, I read the topics and I know arms dealer will be added eventually.
Im just curious when it may be released and what may be featured.
Im very interested as home robberies have turned a profit, and now I have 1000 of AK, and nearly 1000 of high end guns in my safe (I have so man guns that I cant store more, and since I'm a huge noob at PvP, and a full life criminal, I hate the idea of losing thousands of $ in guns).
I want so start shipping out weaponry and make big buck.
Maybe make it in a way that players can sell guns in meets (only in active city), but if cops get nearby and find the deal, players should get a 3-4 wanted stars (high risk for high rewards).

Implemented Suggestions / Personal cars are a bit of an hassle to maintain.
« on: February 01, 2020, 09:22:13 am »
Right now, there are fuel mechanics, repair mechanics, and in my opinion they kinda of make owning a personal car (that should be a convinience, as you dont have to worry about the law and can mod it as you please without the worry it will despawn) more of a hassle, and heres why:

1-Fuel mechanic is useless when you arent driving something you own (Why refuel this car I robbed? Lets just jack other.) and is boring, in my opinion, to watch out for. I dont want to drive into a gas station every time I do a big travel around LS. In my opinion just remove it, or add a (one time buy) upgrade for garages that allow them to refuel cars for free.

2-Having to go to a garage and pay to repair a car, every single time you crash it to look good is a hassle in a game called GTA where you spent 45% of the time you drive crashing your car (I dont mean that cars should be invulnerable, but maybe allow players to hire permanently (one time buy) a mechanic for garages that repairs your car for free every time you send to that garage (on a property or individual garages).

This is my opinion, maybe I'm wrong about it, let me know please.

Rejected Suggestions / Houses should be decorable
« on: February 01, 2020, 09:05:52 am »
So, right now in the game, houses come with preset objects you cant interact, move, nor buy more. I thought on a system where people could buy furniture and place it whetever they want on their houses, and this are the reasons why:

1 - It would add another layer of progression, as you can now grind for the expensive furniture (egg gold cell phone) you always wanted for.

2 - It would add another layer of customization. Right now there are preset models, that are likely chosen based on the exterior of the house to fit it. Right now each model have the same items the same placements, and by being able to customize them, not ony diferent houses would look less standardised, as it could make buying properties somewhat more enjoyable and less bland.

3 - Some objects could serve a utilitarian porpose. This is more of a side objective, but what about things like cell phones acting as home payphones, consoles being interactible and able to play games (i think that it needs multiple console cinfigurationsfor each for diferent games, or maybe you could buy cartriges and insert them into consoles and being able to choose the game, but consoles should only work if in a certain radius nearby the TV), kitchen items being able to cook food (apply icecream/hotdog animation) and heal, radios to pump music in a certain radius etc...

4 - It would make a bigger "shock" to find out you've been robbed and dont have insurance, since you spent time and money buying that stuff and placing it.

5 - So, I'm not claiming that I know this, but I think it shouldnt be that hard to make a system like this.

If you think I'm wrong on any point let me know please.

EDIT: So Mike told me that it isnt possible to do this because of technical problems. But is it still possible to make items intereactible?

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