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Messages - Koreakruh[Toads]

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Ban ID (if applicable) -

Your in-game name - Koreakruh[Toads]

Ban or infraction appeal?- Ban Appeal

Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone - 5:00 on Wed / EST

Ban/infraction reason and details - random bounty

Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued? - hours of fighting in game and killing / insulting eachother, i did not start it.

What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening? - robbed, and shot at multiple times by SilentHunter and Ranja, i was killed by them both about 15 minuites before so i attempted to seek revenge myself, they got away, so i then decided to place bounties on them. all evidence was in my /actions

Any witnesses that can vouch for you? - Tripwired[Toads] can vouch they were in fact shooting us and killed me before hand

Any more information to provide? - all evidence is in my actions they killed me and shot me, Ranja mostly was shooting me but SilentHunter was his driver, and it was his intention to kill me as well, he was not acting as an innocent victim in this case.

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