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Topics - alexdimpi

Pages: [1]
Denied Appeals / My ban appeal
« on: February 06, 2020, 03:16:50 pm »
Ban or infraction appeal?YOUR_TEXT_HERE
i was banned on 06/02/2020 12:48YOUR_TEXT_HERE
i was banned because of aimbotYOUR_TEXT_HERE
it wasn't wrongfully issued, but i really hope you can unban me; because i am an active member of the server and i really enjoy playing.YOUR_TEXT_HERE
I was in a shooting and tried aimbot just 1 time, right after i was gonna shut it down. I've never cheated before and i won't do it again.YOUR_TEXT_HERE
I know that cheating is wrong and isn't accepted, and i know that i shouldn't even think about trying 1 cheta. But i really hope you unban me because this is the funniest server i've ever played on samp. So i promise i'll keep being an active and fair member of the server, thank you for reading this.YOUR_TEXT_HERE

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