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Topics - SuperSein_SF

Pages: [1]
Closed / Bug report
« on: April 17, 2023, 08:30:09 pm »
This bug happen to me everytime I try to kill someone or shoot someone. When I am shooting someone using the uzi and tec 9 (ONLY) they auto disappear and I always die cause of that. I asked for help and thanks for Redx for responding. I tried to shoot him and he shooted me and he saw with himself the auto disappear. He told me that there is message appear in the chat box or pop up in the screen but nothing appear for me.
Simply the problem is auto disappear for uzi when shooting someone (it don't happen when I shoot in air).
Sorry for my English and thank you all. :)
(Can't record video cause of my potato pc)

Closed / Just asking
« on: March 30, 2023, 06:13:45 pm »
I am just asking if I changed the crosshair, will this give me ban or something and not allowed or nothing will happen.

Closed / Hud disappear
« on: March 25, 2023, 05:38:08 pm »
This problem happen to me everytime I join any police investigation or fire scene and start finding the clues the Hud disappears and do not return back again I have to relog to show it again plz fix this problem.

Pages: [1]