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Topics - Myself117

Pages: [1]
General / Cash and score
« on: January 23, 2024, 02:22:09 pm »,19365.0.html

You said it, cash and score should have happened. Not properties. But wait, you implied properties should have been taken away? Give justification on why if they were bought without bug abuse. Bug abuse happened after. I am sure the context of the internal discussion was inaccurate such as “properties were bought with exploited cash” when in fact they weren’t, no one should be punished for what would have happened in future. @Mike

More importantly, if you won’t change your mind, the reset properties should have been transferred to you or Karbz and auctioned off. @Mike

General / The Great Reset News Feed
« on: January 21, 2024, 01:41:54 am »
Cool, all unique properties now have new owners. I like it. Very impressive people earned enough money to buy them in under 24 hours. Not to say here we go again, but impressive, guessing that’s all it takes…

Feel free to post screenshots from your game-play.

example: press “tab” take screenshots of how many players playing and post it here.

post pics of shit you achieved or are doing right now


Just put comments about the great reset - this is a general topic for the great reset

Note: Been a long time since I played, not sure if its still the same, but...

Suggestion: Eliminate keyboard spamming to collect cash from the safes in stores by either a countdown or an automatic cash loading.

Problem trying to fix: Having to smash the already degraded sprint key to collect the cash from safes gets tedious.

Rejected Suggestions / More Banks
« on: July 03, 2023, 10:31:25 pm »
Suggestion: Add more banks per city and adjust the amount of money bags inside of them as needed.

Problem trying to fix: I hate robbing banks because you’ve got to worry about other robbers killing you. Cops are not as big of an issue, I can avoid them by seeing who’s the closest cop.

I get that changing rules will cause an issue but hopefully this suggestion is a compromise to the folks who want to play casually.

Closed Staff Complaints / Inconsistent Action Against Players
« on: July 03, 2023, 05:10:32 pm »
Your in-game nameThe General 117
Their in-game nameWalt forums
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Within Last Couple Days
DetailsAccording to forums, yesterday Walt forum warned for posting in a players complaint against oG players (I gave my analysis of the situation), without regards to what Vippy said but no matter, I should have trusted the staff being able to see through the illusion of Dimitar's report. Anyway, today according to the forums, Walt opted not* to forum warn two players even though they did not add anything useful to the player complaint.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)I get warned:,16140.0.html
They don't:,16152.0.html

Your in-game nameMyself117
Their in-game name[9T]Astro
Date & Time of incident (UTC)from 15 minutes
DetailsThere was three interactions with us, two which will be for educational purposes and not part of the report, but relevant.

First interaction (For educational background purposes, not part of report as I have no proof): I was testing the update of shooting the armored vehicle gas tank, and realized there was people near the PD, so I moved the car away from the people and began shooting it. [9T]Astro saw this and followed me purposely looking for a reason to punish me, he stood next to the car and took some damage from it when it exploded. He began slapping me and giving me attitude even though I was explaining how I moved the car away, and he saw this happen and decided to stand next to it purposely, with his attitude and slapping me, I was unable to say additional information such as he appeared far from it when I made the final shot. I reported him using /report, then he closed his own report instead of letting another staff do it. I think I called him a retard abuser after this because I was done with his attitude and him closing his own report. Everything can be investigated from your logs. I reported again after I saw higher staff admins, indicating he closed his own report which is unprofessional imo, and decided to leave it for them to deal with it, I got no response on the report. So be it, I was not bothered enough to make a forum report, so I took no proof.

Second interaction (For educational background purposes, not part of report as I have no proof): Today I was in front of the PD and there was a couple of orange players, I was hesitant to do anything as a cop because they might kill me if I try to cuff any of them, but then one of them began shooting at me, so I tazed him and killed him. After this, I was interrupted by an unknown staff, who began questioning me why I killed that player and as I explained, he began calling me a liar. It ended with the staff ending the conversation without apologizing for interrupting me and calling me a liar. Furthermore, he refused to say who reported me for killing the player (if any), which made me convinced it was [9T]Astro was the unknown staff. Furthermore, I demanded to know who the staff was through various methods, including /helpme, and I got no response.

Until this point, I still was not bothered enough to make a report, until our third interaction later today.

Third interaction: I was after a MW player with my team, then [9T]Astro happened to be a MW and my team was shooting at people there, so I began firing in his direction, which in response he threw grenades, both of us ended up dying during that chaos, then he said "okay imma fuck you up." After that we began fighting, then after my team was disbursed at one point, and I was alone buying an armor, I was attacked by him and 3 other players teaming with him, but I managed to escape and find a chopper. After this he began provoking me by calling me a kiddo, kid etc along with his team, very professional to provoke someone that recently thought of you as unprofessional staff, and who did not provoke or start the shit talk. Bold lines explains the order of things happening. So in the end after beginning to provoke me again, and saying things like my parents wont let me do that and that, which is true, I am a kid and my parents wont let me because I have autism, I decide to call him Autist, and then I get muted.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
[18:46:44] [KILL] {F37108}[DR]Designate007 (54){666666} killed {FF0000}Myself117 (47){666666} with {C4C4C4}an M4 headshot{666666}.
[18:46:45] [DEATH] [9T]Astro (5) died.
[18:46:47] [RA]JEP (7){FFFFFF}: 1
[18:46:49] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: lol
[18:46:50] To lock a vehicle after exiting, press MMB.
[18:46:50] Treated at the hospital for {FFFFFF}$1000{A9C4E4}.
[18:46:50] You will feel dizzy for a short while. We recommend that you do not drive.
[18:46:51] Your personal vehicle (Sultan) has been returned to storage.
[18:46:51] Your requested personal vehicle will be delivered shortly.
[18:46:51] Your previously active personal vehicle has been automatically spawned nearby.
[18:46:51] Your {FF0000}Sultan {FFFFFF}has been delivered nearby (blue car icon on map).
[18:46:51] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: okay imma fuck you up

After some time passed, they attacked me while I was alone but I escaped, then he begins provoking and disrespecting, something I did not do until after he began doing it, because he is staff.
[19:05:11] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: hhh
[19:05:13] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: run kiddo
[19:05:17] Sylvester (4){FFFFFF}: HE IS KID
[19:05:19] Sylvester (4){FFFFFF}: let him run
[19:05:33] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{EE5800}[9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF} watch your tone, you are a staff.
[19:05:39] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: kidd
[19:05:53] [77]Devils (10){FFFFFF}: wtf "kidd" now a slur?
[19:06:03] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: no he litteraly is kidd
After a while, when I was still in air, my team itz_roz was killed, and Astro says "ez" so I decide to provoke back for this and the previous disrespect he did.
[19:11:01] [KILL] {FF9E19}[77]Devils (10){666666} killed {FFFFFF}iTz_Roz (42){666666} with {C4C4C4}an M4 headshot{666666}.
[19:11:06] Sylvester (4){FFFFFF}: ded
[19:11:08] oggyS (0){FFFFFF}: bruh
[19:11:10] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: ez
[19:11:27] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: Astro kid happy :D
[19:12:02] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{F37108}[9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}, I'll actually not report you, pretty sure they know you are...
[19:12:02] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: ...unprofessional.
[19:12:33] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{F37108}[9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF} kiddo usually used when you wnt to stress that you are not a kid,...
[19:12:33] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: ...reality usually the opposite :D
[19:13:26] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{F37108}[9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF} N00B :D
[19:13:43] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: nicca
[19:13:47] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: i could pso yo
[19:13:47] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: :D
[19:13:50] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: so stfu
[19:13:59] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{F37108}[9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF} you stfu kid :D
[19:14:02] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: ok
[19:14:03] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: ok
[19:14:05] [9T]Astro (5){FFFFFF}: next time
Me sending him PM letting him know he started the shit talk, and now he wants to use the admin cmds. After this he quits, and I decide to let players know he is unprofessional, that is why I acted like this, but then he comes back and decides to begin arguing
[19:14:45] <- PM to [9T]Astro (5): {FFFFFF}Let me tell you something, you pick up shit talk with me, you can't use your admin cmds.
[19:14:48] << [9T]Astro (5) left the server (quit).
[19:15:07] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: rage quit. I hope someone see how unprofessional this idiot is.
[19:15:44] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: Tf my proffesionalism have with quiting?
[19:15:51] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: you really want this fight ?
[19:16:00] [77]Devils (2){FFFFFF}: lesgo fite fite fite
[19:16:14] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{F98710}[9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF} You calling me a kiddo, kidd, etc. Then telling me to stfu, and...
[19:16:14] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: ...threatening to use admin power?
[19:16:25] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: kiddo
[19:16:29] [77]Devils (2){FFFFFF}: lesgo fite fite fite
[19:16:32] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: im death threathing you
[19:16:37] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{EE5800}[9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF} stfu and stay professional :D
[19:16:43] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: ill bust your fuckin ass irdl
[19:17:03] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: I'll bust yours too ;)
[19:17:18] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: hh
[19:17:20] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: you a kid
[19:17:23] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}: you cant do shi.
[19:17:30] [9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF}:  your parents wont let you
[19:17:35] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: you an unprofessional, abuser, so shh.
[19:17:51] [77]Devils (2){FFFFFF}: lesgo fite fite fite
[19:17:52] Myself117 (47){FFFFFF}: @{EE5800}[9T]Astro (3){FFFFFF} Autist.
[19:18:50] [77]Devils (2){FFFFFF}: i just wanna watch drama bro

Denied Complaints / [TRIADS]_Lost.69 - rdm
« on: January 06, 2022, 09:12:15 pm »
Your in-game nameMyself117
Their in-game name[TRIADS]_Lost.69
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Now
DetailsThey were honking to a player to get on their car. They drove off but he fell, so I arrested him. They backed up and shot me until I died. They had enough time to realize he was arrested. After this I ask him for the reason of killing me, and he begins acting dumb, then shows his colors that he did it purposely by saying he does not care really.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Appeals / Wrongful Punishment
« on: January 03, 2022, 10:11:05 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Your in-game nameMyself117
Ban or infraction appeal?Wrongful Jail Punishment
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezoneJail punishment, today.
Ban/infraction reason and detailsI left my team to get explosives, then as I was driving behind them, I defended them from a player attacking them, but somehow there is a rule that prevents this from being allowed, which is absurd.
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Because the video my team posted clearly shows I acted against a threat, not a non-threat.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?,10026.msg47759.html#new
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Team I was defending
Any more information to provide?The result was the death to a threat, it is not a civilian killing a non-threat. The video clearly shows it’s a full car therefore I can only follow fuulek around with my car. Not only I don’t understand the purpose of this punishment, but also there is no logic in this punishment and I have lost a lot of ammo from this jail punishment that’s worth near 100k if not more of ammo.

Accepted Complaints / Snake_ - Cop Team Shooting
« on: December 22, 2021, 08:45:30 pm »
Your in-game nameMyself117
Their in-game nameSnake_
Date & Time of incident (UTC)December 22 around 8:15PM
DetailsI was reviving a suspect that was knocked down, then Snake_ killed him with a piss. After that Snake_ destroyed my personal vehicle while we were both cops. I confronted him about this, then he started saying things like "You know I'm in LV rn right", implying he never saw me or did anything. My proof shows I got assist from when he killed the suspect with a piss, and it shows him destroying my car
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)Multiple pictures, please scroll to see:

Denied Complaints / riot - killing non-threat
« on: December 21, 2021, 08:29:40 pm »
Your in-game nameMyself117
Their in-game nameriot
Date & Time of incident (UTC)December 21 around 8PM
DetailsMy helicopter was shot down by him and another cop, then I jumped out and began running with no guns. Which then he proceeded to shoot me while I was unarmed until he killed me.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)8 pictures, scroll down to see

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