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Topics - CipherH

Pages: [1]
Accepted Complaints / $kazumo killing for no reason.
« on: May 31, 2022, 11:42:22 pm »
Your in-game nameCipherH
Their in-game name$kazumo
Date & Time of incident (UTC)31/05/22 - 22:35:09
DetailsIve been killed for no reason after calling him annoying.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)Images with actions.

Closed Staff Complaints / Kanarimortem hitting innocent player.
« on: May 31, 2022, 11:14:36 pm »
Your in-game nameCipherH
Their in-game name[21R]Kanarimortem
Date & Time of incident (UTC)31/05/22 - 22:06:53
DetailsKanari has been breaking cop rules.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)Images shown.

Fixed Bugs / El Castillo Del Diablo Bug
« on: May 29, 2022, 03:26:01 am »
When I logged on, my sultan has spawned. In the wall. I am on version 1.14.11 R1.

Accepted Complaints / Killing for no reason.
« on: May 28, 2022, 09:50:31 pm »
Your in-game nameCipherH
Their in-game nameneca_smeca
Date & Time of incident (UTC)8:47
DetailsI have been killed for no reason.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)Image with /actions

Rejected Suggestions / Add mobile support to forums
« on: November 22, 2021, 06:37:47 pm »
Just. Yes.

As you have just seen from the title. Yes, you shouldn't buy the GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition Although yes, according to Rockstar Games, "Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition will feature across-the-board upgrades including graphical improvements and modern gameplay enhancements for all three titles, while still maintaining the classic look and feel of the originals." For this reasoning, many trilogy gamers were hyped. But after the release, people have found bugs and glitches that as Rockstar stated, 'maintaining the classic look and feel of the originals'. Hell, even after the release the switch gave a rating of 0.2 out of 10

Now, most of you in the forums are most likely play GTA: San Andreas. Right now in the definitive, it is GOD AWFUL. The skins? Why do they look worse than the original? I'm not even joking. Look at this!
Credit to Ahibash Gaming

The final thing I wanted to say is the features. They removed the logic of being fat and skinny. I mean. WHAT? A GTA YouTuber named, "Real K3vin" Has made a video about the GTA SA features removed, if you would like to see them, click here.

That's all I have to say about this. In my opinion, Rockstar just remade the game and went with being lazy. What do you have to say? Let me know by replying to this topic!


Now let's be honest here, we all love GTA V and SAMP. What if we add them both together? You can download through

When you load onto the game, you would get AWFUL FPS (2-5), there is a easy way to fix that. Quit GTA SA, and open the GTA V HUD folder, delete the folder called, "graphics". Here is the reason why, all the graphics add the sniper overlay, the phone camera display, and the HUD. Don't worry, it won't harm your computer.

Now for the phone display, open the
Code: [Select]
controls.dat file in the HUD folder. Then you edit the phone display as
Code: [Select]
VK 80 // P. This should easily change your phone keybind to P.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial, if you have any questions, please reply, I will respond as soon as I can.

Accepted Complaints / Cop destroying car after small accident
« on: October 18, 2021, 04:53:29 am »
Your in-game nameCipherH
Their in-game namehachiroanimsyoutube
Date & Time of incident (UTC)October 18th, 2021 at 3:00AM-3:38AM
DetailsSo, I was driving to Ammu-Nation. I crashed into his car on accident and he destroyed my car. I reported him but there was no admins so I am also doing it here. He also broke Cop Rule #1 which you can't kill innocent players. The engine costs $200 and I don't want to pay it right now. Hachiro stated that he will bribe me to not get reported. Other people like [OP]SNOOP can vouch. This really ticks me off about the cops thinking that they are above the law.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.) <===Car he destroyed

Due to chat messages being gone, I used the server-echo channel in the Discord.

Screenshots / MCNR Unofficial HUD Icons (New Update!)
« on: October 17, 2021, 05:13:20 am »

I made a icon pack for MCNR just for fun, so I wanted this to be a project so that the icons you can see can be understandable easily. Note that this current description is rushed and will be given a makeover when having the chance. Please send some screenshots and suggestions. I would love to hear from them :).

Version 0.5
  • Released!


   Version 0.7
  • Added Bike Icons, Sex Shop Icons, and more.

« on: October 11, 2021, 03:21:12 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)This is a infraction appeal.
Your in-game nameCipherH_
Ban or infraction appeal?Infraction
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone1:00AM-2:30AM
Ban/infraction reason and detailsWhenever I get ran over, the anticheat states that I am sliding. When I am ran over, I move a few feet ingame. And I get a warning from the anticheat for "sliding." This has happened multiple times and I am sick of it.
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Yes.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?While being ran over by someone on accident, the player moved a few feet. Causing the anticheat to warn me for sliding.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Not that I know of.
Any more information to provide?This happened to me twice, I am unsure if anyone else has gotten this false warning. Either way, it ticks me off with this false infraction, and the anticheat needs to be fixed.

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