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Topics - Albus

Pages: [1]
Denied Complaints / [HH].Pr0fssi0n4LisT - using aimbot
« on: December 27, 2020, 10:44:58 am »
Your in-game nameAlbus
Their in-game name[HH].Pr0fssi0n4LisT
Detailshe using aimbot i think it is illegal in this server and he didn't miss him bullet even a one bullet it is directly just came to me only and it is locked on me so do something him.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)video link 

Invalid Bugs / The Bug
« on: December 25, 2020, 03:50:21 pm »
i'm trying to increases my weapon skills lvl but i can't. some the shooting range of the board target are got invisible and also i tried to shoot that invisible target but it doesn't get the score.for example it has 7 target right but it shows for me only 2 or 5 or 4  like that.

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