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Topics - C3982

Pages: [1] 2
Gaming / Yoru Nerfing
« on: May 25, 2022, 07:58:15 pm »
Do you think that nerfing yoru will be good ?

Rejected Suggestions / Friendship System
« on: May 20, 2022, 06:56:02 am »
Guess none suggestioned it so i am doing it [used search bar]

Ok lets start

What is Friendship system?

Let's just say you meet someone inside the server and you enjoyed with him now you want to know when will he be online during your gameplay and this feature will let you know

What is the use of the friendship system?

As I mentioned it will benefit us to know if our friend is online or off and among this following benefits :

  • You Can Send Gifts More Like Items - Flowers - Fishes Even Cars If Players Don't Mind
  • If Player Is Banned Or Jailed It Will Appear On Friends List Next To His Name
  • Knowing Last Time Online
  • Adding Note About Him So You Know Your Friend Perfectly
My Friend Made My Life Hell What Shall I Do?
Simple /ignore then use /fremove to remove him note you cant friend him untill 48h pass (facebook lol)

Hope it gets accepted also any additional ideas reply it.

My idea will take mikescnr to another level with this new npc update

What Shall NPC Do?

  • Either Killing Them For Cash That They Drop From 500-1500
  • Doing Their Tasks / Missions For Some Rewards
  • Robbing Them (Having Chance To Encounting An NPC With Guns Killing You

In What Cases My Missions From NPCs Could Fail ?

  • Player Killed You As Always
  • Got Busted By Cops
  • Timeout 30mins For AFK or For Players Who Take It Soo Long
  • Logged out from the server or server restart

Additional Addons To NPCs

  • Adding Known Kind Of Npcs Like CJ, BS, R, S, even villians like tenpenny
  • Npcs Have Chance To Give Us items Upon Completing

the story begins from here when i returned to MCNR i was playing at this moment after 2 days i found that i am not feel right so i gone to the doctor and he told me that i got heart disease and he told me to do it after 1 month so that's why i left sa-mp and i decide to return once i escape from that disease
but incase that i had to remove my account from the game that's why i gave X_frostz_X all my money and i didn't tell him that i worte this message because if i didn't return i want to say sorry for everyone i insulted him and for anything bad i did
good bye my friends.

Edit: i will go to the hospital TOMMROW AT 18:00 verified by my parents so  who knows what the future holds.

Screenshots / Rate This Please
« on: January 03, 2020, 12:14:03 am »
RATE FROM [1-10]

Also quote which one did you love

The Robber One [1st Pic]


General / look who came into the game
« on: December 31, 2019, 10:30:38 pm »
who returned
hint ask funta and robo if you want the answer

Implemented Suggestions / [Suggestion]Password Recovery
« on: August 21, 2019, 09:10:38 am »
if we can use mail to recover our password
if player is new and about to register hey must write the email addreas to procces to the game
and if the players is already registered a message poped every 5 min to order him to type /accountemail as creating email addreas for recover

if players aimed at the security he will get wanted and the gate will open but if we made a school drive it will be great to enter it without wanted stars.

Denied Complaints / reba still using pm insted of ignoring my posts
« on: August 18, 2019, 04:37:24 pm »
His name: reba
Explaining:we know that's mices stuck thier nose on anything that not including them and this mice pm me as he is the owner i will try to make him cry if he didn't stop this or i will bounty him because i wont report any cop attack me if i was on cop duty or innocent
I will bounty them so he can take revange
And this routine  will start tonight or tell him to ignore me
Here is my prove and i didn't ask his opinion

[attachment deleted by admin]

As players we had armors  but what if we added the cars armor for donators for low price  chosing my mr.mike
And high for non-donators
Also the car health and armor must showing in right bottom cornor
Where can we get the armor
Need level 100
Amount of money that chosen by mr.mike
And 5 days playing time
And 200 kills
Cars armor will refil if the car despawned or destoryed or impounded
I will close it so mr.mike can answer it only

Rejected Suggestions / [Suggestion]Auction System For Donator Only
« on: August 16, 2019, 03:12:08 pm »
if donators have auction system they can trade thier guns and items also they can trade ammo and selling house and can sell thier cars [if only cars have armors bar  for donators only]

Your in-game name      CHAOMAR
Their in-game name      [StaR]IceTigeRR
Details      he killed MD045 and i was about to kill that cop for stoping killing innocent i told you mike to put that system so no abuser cop can join again but you ignored if you listen to me anyway deal with him.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)      attachment

[attachment deleted by admin]

Screenshots / what kind of atm is that in funta house or it was
« on: August 15, 2019, 02:09:10 am »
what kind of atm is that?

[attachment deleted by admin]

if we can ban them from cops job if they broke any /coprules
also the server should ban thier cop job automaticly
or they will keep dm so player can enjoy attacking in civ if he robbed first

Your in-game name      CHAOMAR
Their in-game name      mihai
Details   after mihai stole my personal car i decided to put a bounty on him
so me and hana put a bounty on him hana did that because he sniped her in innocent mode but that stupid cop mihai killed him thinking that he will get the bounties prizes but he killed him during hus innocent and hussainibase left and i didn't took my revange so i guess i want to ban him from cop job i will suggest that in suggestion section
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)      added as attachment

[attachment deleted by admin]

Screenshots / i made an opsie
« on: August 13, 2019, 02:15:05 am »
it's my fault i added fps fixer with the remastred mod in my gta and the cars looks like
the nightmares XD

edit:i got the backup :P

[attachment deleted by admin]

like  i saw in lv missions cj brought the casino map and the van also the HPV1000
and heist was completed so i am suggesting to do the same in the server :/
planning can be started from players's house and he have to complete side missions in order to heist the casino
sidemissions like the blueprint map of any casino
side missions requires 2 players to do
player must reach level 100 to peform the heist including the team
and also 40H or 50H gameplay
the bikes and the van
the mission require 8 players to do
and the payout must be chosen by mike [ imean -->lord Mike<------}

General Off-Topic / Starting my channel its ok or not
« on: August 12, 2019, 12:54:09 am »
2-edit music video(1-2)
3-edit the intro

Accepted Complaints / cops dm
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:23:22 am »
Your in-game name      CHAOMAR
Their in-game name      Liu_King
Details      he killed [StaR]IceTigeRR with sniper rife
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)      picture was added as an attachment

Edit: [StaR]IceTigeRR was the reason because [StaR]IceTigeRR attempt to kill Liu_King according to HunterMan and liu says

[attachment deleted by admin]

I think we can dm without breaking rules if there a place which it has everything
I recommend the cities's stadium and it's interior
But no giving score or money per kill
We can add tdm with unique colors
Also deathmatch with only one unique color
Also if you killed someone you will get an armor
And if someone left the stadium he wont get the stadium's weapons and entery fee should be 2k idk
And every death losing nothing also wanted players cannot enter and law enforcement too
This will make it easy too record the aimboters due of space
Hope you accept
Also disable /rob inside there

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