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Topics - Bode

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Closed Staff Complaints / dani abuse again and again
« on: April 05, 2024, 05:22:44 am »
so dani the abuser abusing his power again and again
He keep warning and muting me for calling him my friend whats wrong with this idiot

Closed Staff Complaints / dani
« on: April 04, 2024, 04:11:05 am »
dani again abusing his power and muting me for calling him mf

Closed Staff Complaints / Dani ego
« on: March 26, 2024, 11:39:32 pm »
I would like to complain about this idiot because he literally punished me for no reason. I was sharing an opinion about something on Discord and I called him and fool so he gave me 1d timeout. I didn't think there was a punishment for trivial things like that.

Denied Complaints / [RTF]EGjunge
« on: March 04, 2024, 11:28:49 pm »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game name[RTF]EGjunge
Date & Time of incident (UTC)10min ago
DetailsI was with my friends in Sultan and my car was somewhere and he started shooting at it for no reason
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Approved Appeals / Infraction appeal
« on: March 04, 2024, 10:13:20 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable) -
Your in-game nameBode
Ban or infraction appeal?YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezonetoday
Ban/infraction reason and detailsinfraction
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?i didnt cop hunt
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?I don't know, I got infraction for cop hunting, and I didn't do that. I searched the complain section and didn't find anything on me. may the staff member who issued me inf show me the video please?
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?none
Any more information to provide?Yesterday I killed him, but I already had a reason. He assisted a cop and some civs to kill me and my friends at the bank, and he was also trying to kill me with the helicopter several times.

Events / 5m giveaway
« on: December 23, 2023, 12:23:32 am »
5M giveaway because of my birthday to 10 players choose a number between 1 to 30
1. Walt
2. Veteran950 received
3. Devils received
4. Onizuka
5. ROHITMAN45 received
6. Niovie
7. Ravager
8. Vicio
9. Axe
10. xxzc1g
11. FreAkeD
12. Mido
13. Buratattatatattatatat
14. s1lentwS
15. Naser
16. Eriis
17. aydin
18. Behemoth
20. Hans_
21. Fapfvl received
22. smug22
23. Hev received
24. Dan received
25. anty.
26.  Clo
27. Ardealul
28. Priteeezzz
29. FugiTive.
30. Hypernova

Denied Complaints / [TB]Arpa
« on: August 11, 2023, 04:40:35 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game name[TB]Arpa
Date & Time of incident (UTC)1h ago
DetailsKilling non threat
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Closed Staff Complaints / Dani
« on: August 04, 2023, 10:13:01 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameDani
Date & Time of incident (UTC)
DetailsWe are always beefing in the game and he take everything personal. So bloodz is unofficial and we have accepted someone in our crew i made request in crew change names but he denied it for retard reason "B is no longer an existing crew" Wtf is that? We recently recruited some players and admins accepted the request why dani is being sad human?
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Complaints / Cop hunt
« on: August 03, 2023, 12:52:24 pm »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameriser.1337 & legendary.1337
Date & Time of incident (UTC)2h ago
DetailsThey attacking random cops
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / telling me to kill my self
« on: August 01, 2023, 01:48:32 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameDaco
Date & Time of incident (UTC)30minutes ago
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Ayeyo rdm
« on: June 19, 2023, 10:20:12 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameAyeyo
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Now
DetailsI joined to done my daily objectives. I entered 5 stores at LV (The strip) and was robbing the stores. A cop called Will smith entered the store and tried to kill me. Then Ayeyo entered when i were knocked and killed me. Hes not a cop to kill me
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / [R]Censored RDM
« on: June 15, 2023, 12:41:08 pm »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game name[R]Censored
Date & Time of incident (UTC)2 days ago
DetailsHe robbed me so I shot at him and he did the same thing. Then I killed him, then his Crewmate killed me. I went to jail and felt that he did not know the rules, so I started filming
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
Actions :

Accepted Complaints / [NYPD]_Fabry N WORD
« on: May 24, 2023, 01:20:28 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game name[NYPD]_Fabry
Date & Time of incident (UTC)just now
DetailsSo i was fighting him and some cops. After im died he just called me respectable member of the community
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / ranja.1337 quit to avoid death
« on: May 16, 2023, 06:17:05 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameranja.1337
Date & Time of incident (UTC)some mins ago
DetailsSo i was fighting like 6 players and i knocked down ranja then he quit to avoid death.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Appeals / PSO Appeal
« on: May 07, 2023, 02:22:25 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)PSO
Your in-game nameBode
Ban or infraction appeal?PSo appeal
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezoneSome mins ago
Ban/infraction reason and detailsRamming innocent on purpose
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Because I didn't deal any dmg to him
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?So i rammed [k12]souz 3 times when he was on foot but i didnt deal anydmg to him.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Any more information to provide?I'v reported ranja for the same reason and complain dismissed because as i said i didnt deal anydmg to him,9424.msg44946.html#msg44946

Closed Staff Complaints / Zoli. RDM
« on: May 06, 2023, 11:07:09 pm »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game nameZoli. & [K12]Ziel.
Date & Time of incident (UTC)yesterday
DetailsThere was a fight and he killed me and then a few minutes later he killed me again. Edit: He said he have revenge on the driver i dont understand why did he killed me then ? no one of us opened fire on him once he started shooting us at gas station. After he killed the driver me and my team mate tried to run away without fighting them as you can see that in my video. I wasn't threat to him or i didn't even try to attack him.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Denied Complaints / [wt]sinhabzz rdm
« on: May 06, 2023, 10:31:40 am »
Your in-game nameBode
Their in-game name[wt]sinhabzz
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Yesterday
DetailsI was fighting with some cops, and one of them was Sinhabzz. My friend killed him, and two minutes did not pass, and I was killed because there were other cops.
If you contribute to the death of a player in **ANY WAY** that counts as your revenge claimed. **ANY DAMAGE** towards the player up to 2 minutes before their death counts as a ‘contribution’ to their death and your revenge on them is claimed."
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
Actions when he attacked me then before 2min pass cops got me
All the actions once he attacked me till he killed me

So i quit in arrest animation. When i back to the game found myself in jail + Lost my weapon as cop :/

Known issues / Tp bug
« on: May 01, 2023, 12:25:05 am »
I have no explanation for this other than if you try to take a bag and someone else takes it, U get tped

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