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Topics - FreAkeD

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Invalid Bugs / Improve/Fix In Trucking Checkpoint
« on: June 26, 2023, 03:50:18 pm »
- Your in-game name: [CbK]FreAkeD
- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. There is a trucking mission in fuel transportation we have to deliver the fuel to Area 51.
There are many missions in which pickup and drop locations are Area 51. The mission checkpoint is inside the restricted area. The issues are.
1. The entry gate is so small, a truck with a trailer attached cant enter in.
2.. Guard at gate, that starts shooting you when u get near the entry gate.

    - Where were you? Area 51
    - What were you doing? Trucking(Fuel Trailer)
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time? Delivering Crude Oild
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before?
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible.
- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.
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- Date and time of incident if known

Confirmed Bugs / Improvement In Bribe System
« on: June 25, 2023, 09:47:25 am »
The new bribe system is we can bribe the officer who cuffed you.

Today, I was in a situatuion that i robbed someone, then i bribed a cop, and then another cop tazed and arrested me, the cop i've bribed accepted the bribe and money got deducted too.
But, i was cuffed and at the moment got arrested by the cop who cuffed me.
Here is the Screenshot of the Situation.

The question is if the bribe is accepted then why i got arrested lol.

My suggestion is to improve the Bribe system, if player is not cuffed and bribed any officer and bribe got accepted, his should'nt get arrested.

Rejected Suggestions / Mobile Banking
« on: June 24, 2023, 05:44:06 pm »
As the title says, my suggestion is to add Mobile Banking feature. /mbank command to access bank services like Viewing Transactions, Sending money to an offline player, change ATM pin, etc.

As the topic says, my suggestion is to exclude Scratch cards from Gambling Allowance.
we get objective too buy a scratch card, due to Gambling allowance is fully used, that objective dont get completed too.

There is one activity for the AOTW, we can do it twice or thrice but the same activity again and again seems boring. my suggestion is to replace AOTW to AOTD(Activity of the day) my suggestion is to change activity on everyday Basis.
On Monday - Trucking/Forklift/etc
On Tuesday - Securcar/Valet etc
On Wednesday - Pizzaboy/Mailman etc
On Thursday - Bank Rob, Steal Vehicle, etc
On Friday - Time Trial, Dynamite Delivery, etc
On Saturday - Sweeper, Garbage Collector, etc
On Sunday - Lumberjack, Smuggling, etc

It could also make new players to explore the server features.

Rejected Suggestions / Gambling Limit
« on: June 20, 2023, 02:48:11 pm »
Hey, Since... we get 250k gambling limit every 24 hours. spending 250k is easy and can be done in few minutes, after that casino is of no use for players.
i suggest to increase the gambling limit to 1m or 5m depends on player level. Or 250k Limit per in game Day or 2m-5m limit per in game week.
and horse betting should be seperated from casino gambling limit.

Rejected Suggestions / /rob unavailable if player cuffed
« on: June 09, 2023, 05:41:34 am »
Let's take a situation, A cop aiding a suspect(friend) came cuffed and arresting a player, at the same point of time the other player come and /rob. the player  who getting cuffed and getting arrested becuase of Animation can't do anything or perform any actions which gives an unfair advantage to the other player.

My suggestion is to when a player tries to /rob any cuffed player, /rob should be unavailable., showing the message "Cannot Rob this player. He is being cuffed or arrested."

Denied Appeals / TusharNagar's Infraction Appeal
« on: May 31, 2023, 05:38:13 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Ban or infraction appeal?Infraction
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone3days ago
Ban/infraction reason and detailsQuit to avoid
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Yes, this infraction is wrongly issued, i seen my /crimes history and /actions.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?First of all im not sure who reported me for quit to avoid, under what circumstances why i got infracted.
I remember when last time i was online on server,
i didnt robbed anyone recently, only killed and stole securcar from crispy and delivered it to hideout safely, at that time foxie(civilian) was chasing me to rob me. i didnt attacked/robbed foxie recently, i quit to avoid to get robbed, because shah's were only targeting me to rob. quit to avoid getting robbed isnt against the rule. Quit To Avoid Rule Stated Below

Do not attempt to avoid situations (e.g. death/arrest) by quitting
Quitting/crashing/screenshotting to avoid situations such as death or arrest is not allowed. For example, do not quit the game while falling from the sky to avoid death or quit just as you're about to be arrested by a cop. We have systems in place to detect this type of cheating and will deduct player cash and score in response.
And one of my action history shows a cop was near me distance 1KM that is too far, at time time no cop was near me or chasing me, if there was a cop near else i would have spawned in jail due to server detect system. At that time. only foxie chasing me to rob me then i quit.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Any more information to provide?
And, I recently appealed for infraction,15505.0.html, That appeal was approved. Those 2 Infraction points not yet reduced, Admin forgot or what?

Denied Complaints / Reporting good_ol_rub for Aimbot
« on: May 19, 2023, 08:40:53 am »
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Their in-game namegood_ol_rub
Date & Time of incident (UTC)12:50 AM +5:30 GMT
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Fixed Bugs / Wierd Refuel Checkpoint Bug
« on: May 18, 2023, 03:53:22 pm »
- Your in-game name (we may credit bug reporters with in-game cash if it's a major or exploitable issue): TusharNagar

- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue.
    - Where were you? IN LS, the road goes to Dillimore near Temple, Vinewood and Richman,
    - What were you doing? Devon007 came near me, i exited my NRG-500 and a refuel checkpoint appeared to my bike
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?

- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before? IDK

- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible. I don't know. Well i was driving NRG and tailing criminals, Devon007 came with me i exited my bike and entered his bullet as a passenger.

- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.

- Date and time of incident if known: 7:47 PM +GMT 5:300

Approved Suggestions / Job missions for Taxi
« on: May 18, 2023, 09:07:42 am »
Taxi job seems useless, i see someone rarely playing as a Taxi Driver.
There are job missions for medic, firefighers. My suggestion is to add some Taxi Job Missions like medic, firefighter job missions.
Job mission like Singleplayer San Andreas.
Intercity job missions Pick a NPC Actor from LS and Drop him to LV/SF, etc...

This could add some new feature and players could try this.

Something i have experienced, some players hunt (rob/attack) only one player, there are alot of player on server to rob and attack but why targeting only one player again and again. my suggestion is to add a rule for civilians for not hunting only one player.
Just having a situation, A player (X) targets player (Y), X robs and attack Y again and again which makes Y gameplay annoying and makes him rage quit.

Approved Appeals / TusharNagar's Infraction Appeal
« on: May 14, 2023, 02:15:10 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Ban or infraction appeal?Infraction
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezoneAround 6:15 PM GMT +5:30
Ban/infraction reason and details/q to avoid
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?Admin is right in according to rules, but, Some misconception happened.
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?The situation was i came out of jail, the saw a player named Kay_P was standing at the spawn(where we come out of jail), i tried to /rob him but wrote wrong Player_ID in /rob command, and server showed a message Cannot rob this player, this is far from you, then i used /rob without putting player ID and at that point of time zeus got bail and spawned at that place and by mistake he got robbed, then he was after me and to save myself i ran, i didnt got time to explain the situation and did /q then i connected back to server so that i can talk to zeus and return back his money, till the time i'd been reported by zeus and admin punished me (jail and given 2 infraction point. I just wanted to it was not done intentionally.
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?No
Any more information to provide?I didnt done it intentionally, just happened, i was already annoyed with this /rob and  /q, i already suggested a suggestion regarding this and reported a player for same case. why would i do it intentionally i already know its punishable. it all happened because of uncertain situation

Accepted Complaints / Reporting [CG]BlazeBaron for RDM
« on: May 14, 2023, 06:34:22 am »
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Their in-game name[CG]BlazeBaron
Date & Time of incident (UTC)10:55 AM +5:30 GMT
DetailsI got afk and came back in 30s i was killed by [CG]BlazeBaron for no reason.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Accepted Complaints / Reporting whyubullyme for insulting
« on: May 13, 2023, 05:35:07 pm »
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Their in-game namewhyubullyme
Date & Time of incident (UTC)Today
Detailshe robbed me and then after i tried to take revenge and his shots seems wierd like aimbot and rapid fire, then again i tried to follow him and take revenge he also follow me back to rob me and take revenge and kill me then he started abusing and insulting in PMs
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Fixed Bugs / Minor string mistake in /taxi
« on: May 09, 2023, 06:24:36 pm »
 What is your in-game name and account ID (if known)? TusharNagar, 199603
- What happened exactly? Minor string mistake in /taxi
- What circumstances may have led to the issue? when taxi driver accepts the fare
- Has anyone else experienced the issue? No clue
- Can you replicate the issue?
- Can you provide us with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue ourselves? When you call /taxi and the taxi driver accepts the fare/
- If relevant, what was the time and date (GMT) of the issue? 10:45 GMT +5:30 GMT
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Approved Suggestions / Return /rob money on rage quit
« on: May 05, 2023, 06:49:57 pm »
I experienced that players /rob and then /q instantly to avoid fight and death and reconnects again.
my suggestion is that if player quit the server within 60 seconds of robbery, the robbed amount should be returned back to the robbed player.

Accepted Complaints / Reporting nobeta_XD for /q abuse
« on: May 05, 2023, 06:45:27 pm »
Your in-game nameTusharNagar
Their in-game namenobeta_XD
Date & Time of incident (UTC)11:07PM +5:30 GMT
Detailsnobeta_XD robbed(/rob) me and instantly /q and joined again. He rage quit to avoid death and fight.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Approved Suggestions / Exclusive Buildings
« on: May 04, 2023, 03:36:41 pm »
Today, I was roaming around cities and many amazing buildings are there in cities, which can be used to make something interesting and exclusive purpose like Art Gallary, Museums, Theatres, Jewellery Stores, many more and it will require custom interior maps.

It would be fun if these can be robbable and loot amount(50k-70k) can be robbed once in a day(In-Game 24 Hours) or different and new special type of heist.
Mostly, MCNR features are realistic. This can add some more realism.

San Fierro
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Las Venturas
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Los Santos
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Rejected Suggestions / Verona Mall - Mall of Los Santos
« on: May 02, 2023, 12:51:04 pm »
My suggestion is to add some stores like Clothes store, 24/7 Store, Dinner, etc at Verona Mall and some moving actors in mall to make it look like real.
Mall Location.
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