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Topics - Mike

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Information / Staff list
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:46:33 pm »

Staff list

Managing and maintaining MCNR is a challenging endeavor that requires a concerted team effort. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of individuals who contribute to the smooth operation of the server and forum, including management, admins, moderators, and testers. Their tireless efforts in day-to-day administration and long-term strategic planning are deeply appreciated, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of them. Thank you for your valuable contributions, and for ensuring that MCNR continues to thrive.


Owner, Founder, and Main Developer

          Since 2012         

Operations Team

Operations Manager (OM)

         Joined the team         
December 2020
Assistant Operations Manager (AOM)

         Joined the team         
February 2020
Community Manager (CM)

          Joined the team         
April 2022

Management Team


          Joined the team         
September 2020

          Joined the team         
August 2021

          Joined the team         
February 2022


          Joined the team         
January 2023



          Joined the team         
April 2023

          Joined the team         
October 2021

          Joined the team         
May 2024


          Joined the team         
July 2023

          Joined the team         
August 2023

          Joined the team         
January  2024


          Joined the team         
April  2024

          Joined the team         
January 2024



          Joined the team         
January 2024

          Joined the team         
January 2024

          Joined the team         
February 2024


          Joined the team         
March 2024

          Joined the team         
December 2023

          Joined the team         
April 2024


          Joined the team         
April 2024



          Joined the team         
October 2021



          Joined the team         
October 2023


Check out Staff of the Month here.

We're hiring!

Click above to apply.

Thank you to all of our staff, past and present, that help keep the server running, find bugs and test new features.

Guides / Interested in writing a guide?
« on: April 16, 2015, 03:24:39 pm »
If you are interested in putting together a guide for a part of the server which hasn't been done before, please reply to this post or send it to me directly and it shall be reviewed! Successful guides that are posted will net the author some cash and score in-game as a reward!

Player Complaints / READ BEFORE POSTING - Player Complaints
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:50:52 pm »

Player complaints posting guidelines

This section is for posting reports about other players.

Before starting, read the notices on death matching, quit to avoid and insult complaints, if applicable.

Your post title should include the name of the player you are reporting and a brief summary of the reason for your report. For example ‘Mike keeps DMimg me’.

Needed Information
Please fill in the below table when submitting a new report. Ensure all the necessary information is provided.

Your in-game nameYOUR_NAME_HERE
Their in-game nameTHEIR_NAME_HERE
Date & Time of incident (UTC)DATE_AND_TIME_HERE
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)EVIDENCE_HERE

Code: [Select]
[td][b]Your in-game name[/b][/td]

[td][b]Their in-game name[/b][/td]

[td][b]Date & Time of incident (UTC)[/b][/td]


[td][b]Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)[/b][/td]

Replace the underscores parts with your info. For example replace YOUR_NAME_HERE with your name. Don’t change other parts of the form.

NOTE: Invalid reports will be dismissed without investigation. Please use the correct format as defined above to ensure your report is handled correctly. i.e. replace 'YOUR_NAME_HERE' with your name.

Note: Do not reply to other player's complain unless you have any valid evidence or useful information to add to the topic.

Do not report misbehaving admins on this board as they will delete the post and know they are in trouble. Please report any problems with admins & moderators directly to Karbz and he will personally handle it. Any complaints regarding the Operations Manager should be directed to Mike himself.


Suggestions Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting a suggestion. We highly value all player feedback and strive to make the server better with every update.

Before submitting a suggestion, please take a look at the points below to ensure your suggestion will not be rejected.

Check Existing Features/Suggestions
Make sure you use the forum search function to check if your suggestion has already been submitted by someone else.
Also, it may seem quite obvious to most, but please ensure features aren't already implemented on the server before suggesting them.

Planned Features
There are many planned features to be added in the future. These will gradually be implemented in updates to ensure there is always something new to do. Please do not post suggestions for things already planned to be added.

- Illegal street racing: A scheduled illegal street race event will occur weekly. Ranking top 3 in this race will yield rewards including cash and score.
- Stadium events: Many stadium-based events are planned, including Sumo, Kickstart, Bloodbowl, Monster Derby, 8-track Racing and Dirtbike racing.
- Other upcoming events include: BASE Jumping, Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch.
- Many new missions and activities, including: News reporter (Journalist), lawn mowing, golf caddy, combine harvest, commercial pilot, cargo pilot and many more.
- Casino heists: To advance on from the bank robbery, players will be able to rob casinos and other high-value establishments such as hotels in teams to make some high-risk high-payout cash.
- Planes, buses and trams: Currently public transport is limited to trains, however buses (inner and outer city and also between cities), planes (between cities) and trams (around San Fierro) will be added one day.
- Co-op mission support: Many missions have the potential to be co-cooperatively played by multiple players. This functionality will be implemented in the future just like Securicar, for example for Trashmaster.
- More job events: There are currently over 10 different random job events for all jobs. More will keep being added to ensure players always have something to do.
- Property features: Health refill, armor storage, inventory item storage, wardrobe for changing clothes/skin, eating and sleeping.
- Property renting: Players will be able to rent out their property to other players. These players will benefit from some of the things owning a property gains you, such as vehicle storage and a spawn point.
- Arms dealer: An arms dealer role will be added in the future and allow players to sell wholesale guns to other players.

Be Clear and Concise
Please ensure we can easily understand your suggestion and how it would function. If we have to have ask you to clarify things or elaborate on ideas then it takes more time.
Also, keep your suggestion short. It's got more chance of being reviewed in depth if it's not 1000 words long. Get to the point, summarise, don't go overboard on detail unless it's relevant.

One Suggestion Per Topic
Please only suggest one thing in a topic. If there are two closely-related suggestions (e.g. add a crowbar and add a rack in garages to hang it and other things up) then they could be in the same suggestion as they are part of the same feature set. But don't suggest two completely unrelated things in a single topic, as it makes it impossible to categorise.

Re-posting and Spam
Don't post suggestions that have been rejected before. Use the forum search function to search for your suggestion before posting. If a suggestion was already rejected, it was for a reason. Posting the suggestion again isn't going to magically result in it not being rejected again.

If a suggestion has been accepted but not yet implemented, please don't suggest it again. We are either discussing its implementation or working on implementing it. While we may give a projected release version/date for suggestions, these are heavily subject to change and aren't guaranteed.

NOTE: Approved suggestion s are subject to change or reversal. They are not final decisions.

Commonly rejected suggestions
The following suggestions are commonly suggested but will never be implemented:
- Anything overly sexual or violent. The game is rated 18 but we all know there's 12 year olds playing this game (or probably younger).
- Anything nasty/vulgar (e.g. rape).
- Overly RP features. This is not an RP server.
- Anything which encourages DMing or other rule-breaking.
- Unoriginal ideas or features clearly copied from other servers.
- Anything too unrealistic or improbable. It's a game, but we want to maintain a sense of realism.
- Anything technically impossible. SA-MP is very limited. If your suggestion sounds impossible to implement, it likely is. Maybe do some research about what's possible or ask staff?
- Anything which promotes hate, discrimination, acts of terror etc.
- Anything which defames or harms in any way, any person, group or organisation, including other servers
- Anything which is religious or political
- Anything too offensive
- Anything which makes light/fun of serious world events
- Removal of features that have purposefully been put there for a reason, such as the disabling of front-facing drive-by shooting on motorbikes or reloading animations
- Decreasing jail time, making it so you don't get jailed after death etc. or removing/reducing monetary penalties for jail/death
- Mobile phone feature: it's unoriginal, doesn't fit the 1992 setting, and the Interaction Menu already exists

Feature Removal
Features such as screen fading, anti-cbug, anti-quickreload, anti-slidebug, swaying camera etc. are added for a reason. Unless a majority of the community voices concerns and wants a feature removed, they will stay.

Feasibility and Worth
It would be nice if I had an infinite amount of time to add every little suggestion, however unfortunately I don't, and I can only add a small portion of suggestions. No matter how much I want to add them all, I simply don't have the time or resources. I have to be very selective.

Thank you for reading these guidelines and for your feedback.

« on: April 16, 2015, 02:50:01 pm »

Bug Reporting

As with all software, MCNR is not immune to bugs and glitches.

Bugs can range from minor typos and visual issues, right up to to major issues that result in data/progress loss or issues that can be exploited by players.

We have a three-tier system for detecting issues:
- Tier 1: Developers detect issues during development.
- Tier 2: Testers detect issues during testing before public release.
- Tier 3: Players detect and report issues on the public server.

While most issues are caught in tier 1 and 2, issues do unfortunately sometimes make it to the public server without being caught, and that's when we rely on players to assist us by reporting the issues, so that testers can investigate and developers can resolve.

This forum section exists to allow players to report bugs and issues in detail so that we can investigate and resolve them promptly. Our team of testers and developers regularly monitor this section for new issues and will communicate the status of an issue as soon as possible and catalog/triage it.

Topic Title
The topic title should summarise the issue clearly and concisely, in a few words.
Bad titles:
- bug
- Bug with Mechanic
- I had an error
- Typo

Good titles:
- Animation does not play when using ATM
- Mechanic gets stuck when repairing an engine
- 'Account not found' error when submitting a name change request
- Typo (Decatholn) when joining Decathlon

None of the above bad titles describe issues. They just state there is an issue. We know that. We know what section this is.

Topic Body
It is important that bug reports contain as much information as is relevant.

Some of the things we may need to know include:

- What was the script version? Type /version and include the version AND build number in your bug report.

- Your in-game name (we may credit bug reporters with in-game cash if it's a major or exploitable issue)
- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue.
    - Where were you?
    - What were you doing?
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before?
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible.
- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.
- Date and time of incident if known

These may not all be relevant to the issue you are reporting. Please just try to include as many details as you can that are relevant. If we need to know more we will ask.

Please do not copy the above list into your post. They are guidelines. This is not a ‘form’. Write your post as normal but include the above information when relevant only.

Once your bug report has been posted, testers and developers will review them, test them, and then update the topic with our findings and plans. The bug report topic will be moved to a relevant sub-forum such as 'Confirmed' or 'Fixed'. Users can discuss bugs with each other if so chosen. Other people may be able to provide further details or images for example.

If your bug report is valid, we may reward you with some cash in-game as a sign of gratitude. Thank you for helping us to make this server even better. Your contribution is very valuable to us.

In-game bug reporting
Bugs and issues can be reported in-game using the /bug command, however more complex issues or those that would benefit from screenshot or videos should be posted here on the forums.

Thank you

Updates and Changelogs / Versioning System
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:40:28 pm »

Version system

Script versions are represented by the following format: X.Y.Z R RC

X: Core Version
The core version will only change with drastic changes to the core features of the server.

Y: Major version
A major update is categorised by having various new features and improvements and many bug fixes.

Z: Minor version
A minor version update will generally consist of mainly bug fixes with a couple of new features and improvements.

R: Revision
A revision is the smallest of version updates and is generally to fix something in the latest update or add something which was mistakenly left out.

RC: Release Candidate
This is only used internally. Each release has multiple iterations that go through testing. The RC number denotes said iteration.

Build numbers are no longer shown in the version, but can be seen in /version in-game and in /info on Discord.
Build numbers refer to the final GitHub commit for the version.

A build number is an internal version tracking system. A build is an iteration of a version. Each version goes through many builds in development until it is at a stage in which it is ready for live use.

Below is an example of potential versions.

- The first script version is 1.0.
- Version 1.0.1 is released with bug fixes.
- After some time, 1.1 is released with many new features.
- A day later a major bug is fixed, and 1.1.1 is released.
- A tiny little fix is made in 1.1.1, and isn't really enough to call it 1.1.2, so it becomes 1.1.1 R1.
- Some time after, version 1.2 is released with more features.
- After a while, we are ready to jump to version 2.0, which will be a massive update.
- and so on..

NOTE: Topics in this section will be locked once no longer the latest version to preserve the chronological order of topics (as new replies move topics to the top).

I hope you now understand how this server's versioning system works. We look forward to bringing you many fun updates! Thank you.

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