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Topics - FreAkeD

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Rejected Suggestions / Hidden Goldbars
« on: December 21, 2023, 11:59:20 am »
There are Hidden Tikis, Horseshoe, Oyester, Hidden Cash.
Like That Add New Goldbar Collectible.

Approved Suggestions / Pilot Job
« on: December 06, 2023, 05:59:17 am »
Like Trucker Job, Add Pilot Job And Some Flight Missions.
Shamal,Dodo,Beagle Passenger Flight Mission.

Rejected Suggestions / Default Disable Friendly Fire For Friends
« on: November 07, 2023, 05:26:12 pm »
As the newly friends system is implemented on server.
Friends can rob each other, but cannot fight or kill each other or take revenge.
My suggestion is to default disable friendly fire for friends.

Rejected Suggestions / Special Cargo Suggestion
« on: November 01, 2023, 05:24:12 pm »
Make Special Cargo should be available twice a week.
Wednesday and Saturday.

Implemented Suggestions / Increase Treasure Hunt Prize
« on: November 01, 2023, 05:22:20 pm »
Moneybag hunt takes few minutes to find it and get 15k-50k.

In Treasure it takes more time. My suggestion is to increase Treasure Hunt Prize.
TH current prize ranges from 6k-20k max, i guess.

Rejected Suggestions / Farmer Mission
« on: October 30, 2023, 04:43:03 pm »
I've Tried crop harvesting. I got an idea to upgrade it into a farmer missions like other missions.

Farmer Job 1
First farmer have to use tractor attached with the sowing machine, have to drive the tractor on the field to sow the seeds.
And then in 1 or 2 mins after sowing the seeds, the crops will be grown.
Then Take the harvester and harvest the crops.

Rejected Suggestions / Custom Mapped Houses For Donators
« on: October 28, 2023, 04:00:46 pm »
What About To Add Custom Mapped Houses For Donators.
I mean Players have to donate more To get a Custom Mapped House of own choice.
Players can map their own house and get added in game.
Object Limit should be Max 50-75.
Max Custom House Limit On MCNR should be 40-50. I mean More than 50 Houses cannot be added on MCNR and those 40-50 House can be traded among players.
A Donator can own only 1 Custom House.

Rejected Suggestions / /adv command to advertise
« on: October 28, 2023, 06:44:37 am »
I see many players keeps spamming for house sale/purchase.

/adv to submit an advertisement message in chatlog or maybe a Textdraw. and player can use /adv command every 10 mins.
An amount will be deducted when se post an ad.
/adv [message]

[ADVERTISEMENT] Selling/Purchasing a House/Vehicle for $amount/offer accepted. /pm Player_name

Under Consideration / Add Drug Dealers Location in /gps
« on: October 27, 2023, 03:57:52 pm »
As the title as says Please Add Drug Dealers in /gps.
/gps drug to locate nearby drug dealer.

Under Consideration / Flashing Map Blip Color For Cops
« on: October 26, 2023, 06:12:10 pm »
Flashing Blip on Radar(Cop Minimap Blip color changing[Red,Blue,White]) for those Cops who are chasing criminals for more than 10 Sec (Kind of emegency light colors)

Under Consideration / /convoy for Trucking
« on: October 25, 2023, 07:58:58 am »
Add Convoy to Trucking, In convoy, 2 or more players can do trucking in group together on same mission. and, the one who invites in convoy will be convoy leader and when the leader selects a mission, all players in the convoy gets the same trucking mission.
/convoy [playername/id] to invite to convoy.
If leader get crashed or quits, the other player in convoy will be assigned as leader and he can invite more players in convoy.

And, Add some extra bonus of trucking in Convoy.

Rejected Suggestions / New Special Halloween Event Suggestion
« on: September 30, 2023, 06:09:44 am »
Halloween Is Coming!!!
There is Pumpkin collection event. It's same and similar all time.

I got a new suggestion. Like Find The Bodybags Event.
There can be 50 Dead Body Bags hidden around San Andreas (Deserted, Creepy And Darkest Places).
Players have to find the 50 Bodybags.(To Collect Player have to click photos of the bodybags using camera and submit all 50 bags photos to the Police Station to claim the prize). When player finds all bodybags gets a cash prize or a Special Rare Vehicle like Hearse.
Bodybag Object
(click to show/hide)

Fixed Bugs / Special Cargo Trailer ID Bug Again
« on: September 28, 2023, 07:10:14 pm »
- What is your in-game name and account ID (if known)? [CbK]FreAkeD

- What happened exactly? I took a Truck and started special cargo mission, got gps path to Special cargo trailer, when i reached the location, there was no trailer and trailer Id was refering to a vehicle index ID. Refer to my old Bug Report,16115.0.html

- What circumstances may have led to the issue? Special Cargo
- Has anyone else experienced the issue? IDK
- Can you replicate the issue?
- Can you provide us with step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue ourselves? When Special Cargo mission starts

- If relevant, what was the time and date (GMT) of the issue? 23:30 PM GMT +5:30


Crew Recruitment / [CbK] Cold Blood Killahs [Application Open]
« on: July 31, 2023, 02:35:59 pm »

CbK - Freeze Your Blood

[CbK] - Cold Blood Killahs is a renowned gaming clan that was initially established in 2015 on a popular SA-MP community Mini-Games Server. With a reputation for skill and teamwork, CbK quickly rose to prominence within the community, dominated.

Unfortunately, Mini-Games Server that served as the clan's foundation closed its doors in 2020, leading to the temporary dissolution of CbK. However, true to their relentless spirit, CbK has made a triumphant return. Now, the clan has set its sights on conquering the realm of Mike's Cops And Robbers and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Driven by their unyielding determination and cold-blooded precision, CbK seeks to establish dominance once again under the Leadership of [CbK]FreAkeD. Their return to the gaming scene signifies a new era of fierce competition and a determination to freeze the enemy's blood.

[CbK] - Application Requirement And Format

REQUIREMENTS: We have some requirements you must meet them before applying.
•  A well-known player.
•  Mustn't have any clan/tag in your nickname.
•  Should have more than 15000 score.
•  Must be a skilled player in one of the following weapons: Desert Eagle | Sawn-off shotgun | M4/AK-47 | Sniper

Code: [Select]
Your name in-game?:
Do you have old name(s), if yes, state them please?:
Your country:
In which year you've started playing SA:MP?:
You've been invited by someone,if yes, Who?
How much time do you spend, per day, at Mike's CnR:
Have you joined any clans before? If yes, tell us why you left?:
What's your name going to be with CbK tag if you joined us?:
Why do you want to join CbK:

• Rate your Deagle skills(0/10):
• Rate your Shotgun(Sawn/Combat/Pump Action) skills (0/10):
• Rate your Assault Rifle(AK47/M4) skills (0/10):
• Rate your Sniper skills ((0/10):
• Rate your SMG skill (0/10):

• Not using this format will automatically get your application denied.
• If you have over 6 Infractions, You cannot apply.
• After getting accepted, you MUST NOT go inactive for over 2 weeks without informing or just not joining MCNR.
• There's NO ETA for replying to your application, expect to wait 5-6 days also. We don't have limit TIME to reply to your application, we do whenever we feel we should do that plus it's up to application discussion/vote.


Implemented Suggestions / Increase Casino Rob Loot
« on: July 04, 2023, 07:41:46 am »
As the title says, In Casino Robbery... you have to rob and take the dye pack to hideout, the loot is 8k-12k, in comparison to normal stores like ammu, betting shop their loot is more than Casino loot., thats not worth. Casino is one of those places like bank where a player loot more cash as compared to normal stores robberies.

- Your in-game name: [CbK]FreAkeD
- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue. On betting the x amount, 2x amount of x amount is getting deducted from betting allowance
    - Where were you? Betting Shop
    - What were you doing? Horse Betting
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before? Yes, Happening with others too
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible., Go to bet shop, Place any amount bet and then do /bet, you see 2x amount deducted from allowance.
- Images and videos help a LOT:
(click to show/hide)
- Date and time of incident if known

Rejected Suggestions / Bring back Old Bribe Star system
« on: July 02, 2023, 11:04:55 am »
In New Update, Now You cant bribe a star while in a vehicle. u must be on foot and crouch to bribe. And, It takes too much time to do, first stop ur vehicle then exit and crouch at the Star and then enter the vehicle and then go, lmaooooooooooooooo
Even there are stars found on stunts, u can't stand in air and crouch lol.

My suggestion is bring back old bribe star system.

Rejected Suggestions / Search n Rescue Mission Suggestion
« on: July 02, 2023, 06:51:25 am »
I got an amazing idea for new mission, Search and Rescue mission, Search the NPC at unknown location and then rescue it to hospital.

How will it work?
On starting Rescue Mission, We will get a Question Mark(Mystery) Blip on Minimap(which indicates the location of the mission) that mean somewhere near the location under 200-500 meters radius a NPC actor laying is there(as same in Paramedic mission) means we don't know the exact location, we have to search the NCP in that location. When we find the NPC, we have to pick the actor and keep on shoulder(animation can be used) and get it into heli and then rescue em into hospital. In one mission, we can rescue 2 NPCs.

Vehicle used will be: Raindanc(Helicopter)

Rejected Suggestions / /detach to detach trailer from the truck.
« on: June 30, 2023, 01:55:26 pm »
As the subject says, there should be /detach command to detach the trailer from the truck.

Fixed Bugs / Found Actual Cause of Special Cargo Trailer ID Bug
« on: June 30, 2023, 01:26:34 pm »
Your in-game name: [CbK]FreAkeD
- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue. The Bug is simple, Actually, we need to attach Arctic Trailer(vehicle model ID 435) but, i think there is vehicle model ID mistake in script which takes Remington(Vehicle model ID 534) as the Trailer, A normal car cannot be attached as a Trailer to a Truck. It's just a vehicle ID mistake creating this bug.
    - Where were you?
    - What were you doing?
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time? Special Cargo
- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before? Yes
- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible. When Special Cargo is announed, we take a truck and when press 2 and choose special cargo mission it navigates us to the Trailer(Special Trailer ID) where it is located but due to wrong vehicle model ID it navigates us to the Remington rather than a Trailer.
- Images and videos help a LOT:
- Date and time of incident if known

In Screenshots, See the type in both vehicles, Remington type is 534 and Arctic Trailer type is 435. and on using command /specialcargo It shows trailer id. In pawno vehicles model ID referring to type(shown in /dl).
Here is Vehicle models ID:

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