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Messages - DimitRizz

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
Accepted Complaints / Re: HeliChopper - Killing non-threat
« on: Yesterday at 06:10:38 am »
Player has been dealt with, thank you for your reporting.

Denied Appeals / Re: Ban appeal 2
« on: June 01, 2024, 10:15:01 pm »
Just posting to let staff know that this is the first time ever that my guy faces such an inconvenience, he’s never done anything like this he just wanted to help someone he thought was a friend

For future references, this rule should be added everywhere to avoid ppl creating accounts for others, as some dont actually know that much English and will request friends to do it for them

Pls dont delete this, i can promise yall bazu wont have new infractions… this will be his last error

Do not comment where you are not involved unless you got useful information to add to the Appeal/Report, Forum warned for another time.

Denied Appeals / Re: guys
« on: June 01, 2024, 10:08:13 pm »
Do not make appeals with no appeal on it.

Reported player will be warned verbally for the ban threats. Simply use /ignore (id/nickname) in future.

Crews / Re: Crew tag addition - Please read.
« on: June 01, 2024, 09:41:01 pm »

Denied Complaints / Do not make the same mistake twice kids
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:57:11 am »
Your in-game name: DimitRizz
Their in-game name: Bendary
Details: Aim Assist (unrealistic mouse movements)
Date & Time of incident (UTC): /
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.):

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Ingame Chat Tags
« on: May 24, 2024, 03:21:43 pm »
aimbotters and cheaters would cheat easily that way. i dont think its a good idea

They know the server and it's staff already  ;D

Bug report by WAP (forum topic #20898)
Issue #3797
IssueHorse betting - wrong horse positions
DescriptionMost of the times you get wrong horse positions in the end of the race.
Script areaHorse betting
Logged byDimitRizz
Assigned toMike

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Bug 1 - Losing vehicles
« on: May 16, 2024, 03:24:09 am »
Couldn't replicate the lost of the vehicle, will try later and will let other testers give it a try tho. For the vehicle export while test driving, has been reported.

Bug report by Ardealul (forum topic #21017)
Issue #3796
IssueAvailable to export a vehicle you currently test-driving
DescriptionAvailable to export a vehicle you currently test-driving.
Script areaTest driving & export
Logged byDimitRizz
Assigned toMike

Nevermind @Jay_Dee already reported it. Moved to Confirmed bugs.

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Bug 1 - Losing vehicles
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:23:45 am »
Will look into it when I go home.

Under Consideration / Re: Remove or limit the usage of Extinguisher
« on: May 12, 2024, 03:49:43 pm »
Irl you can't 'reload' a fire extinguisher, and doing it ig it's not really realistic.

When the stuff inside it ends it can be filled back which I call this reload  ;D

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Dimitrizz
« on: May 09, 2024, 10:08:32 pm »
I think your friend just turned on his aimbot at 1:03.

See how he perfectly shoots that guy? Then after that guy gets some distance, your friend locks on you.

Closed Staff Complaints / Re: Dimitrizz
« on: May 09, 2024, 08:57:05 pm »
All the time I was watching, dunno if he had revenge on yall but it's a fact that he RDM-ed you (surely the second time). All I did is a try to rob you but you ran so I went into the vehicle again.

Denied Complaints / Re: Bro thinks he's cool
« on: May 07, 2024, 11:59:46 am »
Add the video where u rammed my car and said am I blind

Confirmed Bugs / Re: Can place smoke screen/oil slick while in jail
« on: May 03, 2024, 12:19:19 am »
Bug report by [RsA]Ikevoodoo  (forum topic #20784)
Issue #3786
Issue Smoke and Oil slick issue inside interiors.
DescriptionAvailable to use smoke and oil slick inside interiors. Smoke is a throwable object which they are forbidden in interiors.
Script areaInteriors
Logged byDimitRizz
Assigned toMike

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:13:54 am »
Most of them are just pathetic people who got nothing better to do than to hang out 24/7 in the discord #general channel, talk crap and spam GIFs. They don't even play the game and if you tell them that, they will say you are a "no lifer" for playing the actual server. Some staff have been saying it too, Dimitar tester guy and some other ex staff member. Can you imagine that?

I said this before and I will keep on saying it:

Spreading hate/toxicity (like some other individuals have been doing in this forum topic) should be harshly punishable. It MIGHT fix some things in this community and these things have been a serious issue in the past few months.

General off topic, forum spamming and farm posting for absolutely no reason should be more encouraged to be punishable as well.

Anyway, the idea of this topic has been diverted by the discord warriors, so hopefully some staff can lock it as it's not making any sense for me now.

Thank you.

The idea of this topic was to gain attention and act like angels on your replies so you get any chance  ;D
By the rule you wrote about.. don't you feel like you got punished by any chance?

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« on: April 30, 2024, 05:06:54 am »
one , im talking to the guy that seeks attentions acting as a girl , not you unless u're her lawyer , two , i kept myself away from this bs untill i got disgusted from how y'all trying to abuse the shit out of this MCNR ig and here , instead of every individual of u try to make the community better u make it worse day by day , keep acting like a desperate hateful souls taking this server down with ur dwarf ass mentality.

Have you thought you are one of the main players who is doing all of this what you gave as an example? Of course not..

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« on: April 29, 2024, 09:25:57 pm »
I didnt do anything wrong that should make me not able to create a new crew. It's about freedom.

Lets open a theme for the aimbot you used and probably you still using (waiting to swear to allah like bendary now)

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« on: April 29, 2024, 08:41:31 pm »
what about that u define ur gender first , and stop involving urself in men discussion u not one.
Firstly we've to define ur gender either, a real man would never do a pussy move and beg to do anything after it. As I said you all had a lot of time to decide bout your future but you were bussy to bark and repeat what others say so do not complain now. You all still playing inside the server so be grateful, still able to play together (which you are doing) just not having a tag in front of your nickname, so I cannot understand what's that behaviour and what you complain at all. Some of you complain like angels others provoke like you and you want to have a chance for a better future.. This will only happen through a crooked macaron.

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« on: April 28, 2024, 09:39:44 am »
yet u got like what 60 hours this month ?
Opinion Not valid.


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