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Messages - BeatEn

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 39
General / Re: Investigation for community transparency - Dio
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:20:50 am »
Some fellow posted this thread and within 1 day the accused @Dio left the team.,21203.0.html

It seems like something is fishy going on and we would like investigation to be persuaded by Mike in order to uncover what just happened in last 24 hours.

I would request my fellow brothers and sisters to not spam this thread and keep it open as we would be awaiting staff stance on this issue.
He was overdoz and was kicked and banned, some guys (not staff) already did all the investigation and showed the proofs that's why he's banned no need for any more investigation, but maybe from next time know who you are hiring and don't hire evaders, that does require an investigation. If he was investigated before being hired, there wouldn't be any need for this topic XD

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: vpn restriction
« on: May 31, 2024, 04:49:27 am »
@Dio how are you going to play if this gets accepted? VPN whitelist was already suggested but dear mike is extremely against it because he thinks that detecting vpn 100% is impossible, so he just allows all VPNs, by that logic he should also remove the anticheat since anti cheat also doesn't block all the cheats, this was already suggested internally and for some reason it was always denied. Come to think about it, how will they hire evaders as moderator if this was accepted? VPN should not be disallowed, but there must be a VPN whitelist for users who have proven to be legitimate

mad cuz buddy exposed :'( dont worry he's still mod and I think he will stay mod this time cuz management is done with letting him in with 10 alt accounts, they just gonna allow him to exist now and play without any issue

can my dear @Moody please unmute me considering a lowlife vpn using, multiaccounting, ban evading trash muted me? or are you going to extend my mute and give me a forum warning for saying this? hhh insulting is now a bigger offence than ban evading and cheating @Dio stop surfing the forums with incognito mode bro, we need your opinion

Overdoz on his way to call us no lifers after ban evading for the bajillion'th time, and staff currently trying to make up reasons to lie to us and say "he's honestly from Lithuania without vpn"
Mcnr staff trying not to hire ban evaders as moderator [impossible challenge]

@Dio please enlighten us with your graceful words, would also like a word from pez and mikazuki considering they started teaming with suixide from day 1 without knowing who he is (ofcourse wt isnt involved in this incident XDD)

Approved Appeals / Re: 1 day discord mute??
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:35:55 pm »
hhhhhhh this is gonna be closed and put into denied appeals because apparently you all insulted a "STAFF MEMBER" (master ban evader and multiaccounter) @Moody this the staff member you gave me forum warn for XDDDD "can't join without vpn" xddd nice hiring guys, good work

Approved Appeals / 1 day discord mute??
« on: May 30, 2024, 10:37:45 am »
Ban ID (if applicable)-
Your in-game namecarbs
Ban or infraction appeal?discord mute for 1 day
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezonesome minutes ago
Ban/infraction reason and detailsasked genuine question about an albanian telecommunications company to a resident of albania
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?because it was a genuine question
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?i asked a genuine question
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?walt, abdullah_khan_md, overdioz
Any more information to provide?i asked overdioz if one albania is a good telecommunications company to choose because i have to visit albania to make mcnr multi and get into staff once again (its over for me from this account), but he muted me for 1 day? very harsh i would say, btw @Karbz how many sloppy toppies did he give you this time so that he can get moderator again?? its proven hes overdoz contact me if you need proofs (any manager with working brain)

Approved Appeals / Re: Discord timeout appeal
« on: May 25, 2024, 06:37:29 pm »
Thank you all for the support, especially Ali_Khan_MD.

Approved Appeals / Re: Discord timeout appeal
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:30:00 pm »
I have also filed a staff complaint, I hope it is dealt with the utmost urgency considering the harm done to a very veteran administrator. Hope you take this seriously!

Approved Appeals / Discord timeout appeal
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:16:04 pm »
Ban ID (if applicable)-
Your in-game namesZ_carbs
Ban or infraction appeal?discord timeout
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezonejust right now
Ban/infraction reason and detailsno reason mentioned???
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?i didn't do anything
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?I was chatting
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?abdullah_khan_mohsin_MD, aydin
Any more information to provide?I tagged suixide to investigate a possible account sharing case, the reason I tagged him because he is obviously very proficient and skilled in the said topic since he has now lost count of the amount of times he has done the same. Kandel was proven to multiaccount with somebody, and I simply tagged suixide to please look into it and he muted me for 6 hours?? since when does a lowlife vpn evading trash has the audacity to mute a clean (ex)** administrator like myself who used to eliminate the very lowlifes vpn evading trash like himself? I demand justice, I have no problem if you guys have to stoop so low that you hire a vpn using evading guy that uses ping amplifier and has 180 ping from lithuania, but he muted me for no reason, I probably muted him when I was an admin and he got caught evading. @suixide please mention the reason bro

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Recover bike lock
« on: May 25, 2024, 03:04:56 pm »

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Increase prison time for most wanteds
« on: May 10, 2024, 06:06:46 pm »
You need to seek professional help immediately, considering your sexual stimulation is accomplished by jailing people in samp, now you want to make them suffer through eternal imprisonment? There is always help available.

« on: May 08, 2024, 11:27:25 pm »
Anyone who makes a topic about his greatness and now he will be the best staff to ever exist, will never be a staff member. Step 1 for you to be a staff, delete this topic brother

You are already doing unpaid labor by eliminating all criminals in microscopic time for no real life income, but i do agree with your points

Rejected Suggestions / Re: In-game Voice Chat
« on: May 01, 2024, 08:18:13 pm »
To implement voice chat, you need samp-voice.asi which only works on SAMP R1, which is not allowed here so this is literally not possible.

Accepted Complaints / calun0e - rapidfire, aimbot
« on: April 24, 2024, 12:42:16 pm »
Your in-game namebeateN
Their in-game namecalnu0e
Date & Time of incident (UTC)few minutes ago
Detailsrapidfire, aimbot
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)
His partner, smerdus00 was aimbotting aswell and is probably an evader like him

Never defended him, even advised him to remove it but I don't have his discord so I can't change pictures on someone's behalf and neither can I stop him from saying certain things, and I never reported you falsely for anything again your samp syndrome is kicking and affecting your speech
But I really appreciate the effort and brainpower you put into creating the story of how you accidently leaked the ip, it might even work on some people, bravo!!!

C in MNC is already company, as an employee in an MNC yourself you are expected to not do such mistakes, it creates bad impression on the company.

It was indeed an accident and it was deleted within 5 seconds, and the only person active that time was you, which makes me wonder how it was leaked further. If it was intentional, I would've been banned from the moment it was leaked.
I already know what the c stands for but I don't get why are you saying that because what I said made clear sense, maybe you are imagining things because of samp syndrome
Ahh yes you perfectly cropped a screenshot in a way where it clearly showed Zidane leaving with his IP visible, checked it, uploaded on mcnr discord general and the only reason it was deleted because i told you to delete it or it would have been there until someone else pointed out, cool story bro
Anyway now you know the basics of internet security, over the course of time you're gonna learn many more things that your mnc manager post was never able to teach you, do not hesitate to ask me for help I am always available to support the elderly :D

How does mnc manager commit such novice mistakes?
Please provide me your mnc details i shall tell them that their manager does not know basics of security
Also you speak big words about security for a man who publicly intentionally leaked zidane's ip in mcnr general chat

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