Mike's Cops and Robbers

Community => Ban and Infraction Appeals => Approved Appeals => Topic started by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 02:50:43 pm

Title: My ban appeal
Post by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 02:50:43 pm
Ban ID (if applicable)395
Your in-game nameanthony
Ban or infraction appeal?both
Date and time of ban/infraction including timezone4:40 pm GMT + 2
Ban/infraction reason and details\I reported yesterday a player named achilles in game for abusing me and bullying me and half of the players of this server! I never started anything and no fights and it was always him starting to bully me and now i just got an infraction point for misbehaviour ? i will show you how toxic is this player ! 5 mins before i get banned for a week and get that inftaction point , that player mentioned me in chat and said the following : "Anthony , are you ready to be abused? " so i ignored hin trying not to make any more drama and then i am banned for misbehaviour ? I reported that guy  and presented proofs and even many players replied to my report saying he is too toxic ! i dont take what i did as misbehaviour when it is all about defending myself against a bully ! It is not the first time i report this guy in game and while admins were online and no actions were ever taken! I know he got infracted too but why did i get infracted? For reporting him ? how is that even logically possible ? You can go in game and check all the chat logs and you will see how toxic is this player!
Why was this ban/infraction wrongfully issued?He is the one misbehaving and being toxic to not only me but half the players. And i want to know whatever was the reason that made me get that point too!
What was the situation which lead to this wrongful ban/infraction? What was happening?YOUR_TEXT_HERE
Any witnesses that can vouch for you?Literally half of the players!
Any more information to provide?i will show you a screenshot of what he said 5 mins ago before i get infracted and banned and admins can see that i didnt even spoke to him and he is the one misbehaving!
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 02:59:39 pm
And i would like to add how surprising is that this whatever you call " misbehaving thing that i did "  you said i did.
What proofs were presented? Did you check the chat logs and saw who always starts the fight and never fucks off ? Do admins really never see how toxic he is when he is playing in server! ? Well wow my reports in game never worked until i took it to forums ! And guess what ! i got infracted too for trying to report someone constantly insulting me and bullying me!
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: DRAG0NFURY on February 26, 2021, 03:24:19 pm
Can you just use common sense for a minute?If they are being annoying to you there's a feature that allows you to ignore them via /ignore if you can't resist trash-talking back.The punishment is there to teach you both a lesson as you were both part of this.Going after Achilles' trashtalking is just as bad as starting it.I'm not to decide the outcome of this appeal but this is just a piece of advice.

Next time either /ignore them or just post it on forums without showing yourself trashtalking back if you want to walk in and out clean.
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 03:45:53 pm
well as youu can see i did ignore him in game but it was never enough for him. he either told his friend to insult me or started trasshtalking about me on discord. and after i figured out my reports never worked as admins ignored them .. i decided to remove the /ign and start defending myself .. so yes ig it is possible to check abt this! So yes don't you think  i didn't try to ignore him but that guy is way toxic so he could always find other solutions ! Admins were supposed to reply to my reports and take actions to this but never done ! Not only my reports but others too as i wasn't the only one having problems with that guy. But no actions were ever taken so yes i had to defend myself! We wouldn't have been here if rules were used on that and actions taken towards him! But as many players said There is a specific reason i guess for him having such a special treatement! @nxy
and let me add something.. can you please refer to the thing you just said ? "Without you trashtalking back to him?" I got enough of him after a month of acting as he is not even speaking! And i didn't even say something that much to be considered as "trashtalking". Other than adding that even with ignoring him this guy will literally keep killing you whenever he can legally in  the most annoying way! Which is called being toxic against players who never did anything him innthe beginning! Also i would recommend to check this! One time after i ignored him he literally used server echo to keep being toxic!
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: Lancerb1 on February 26, 2021, 10:01:45 pm
When you ignore Achilles, are you using the command /ignore or no? If you are, then how are they using server echo to talk to you? As I'm aware, once you ignore a player, messages from that player should not show anymore, but if this isn't the case then it most likely is a bug with the /ignore command.

Also, you don't necessary need to be trash talking to antagonize someone especially if you are replying to their insults in a distasteful way. I'll let trina and the other managers know about this before making a decision.
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 10:06:55 pm
Well actually when i used /ignore he went to server echo and said anthony why u ignoring me and kept being toxic! So idk it must a bug somehow .. Also i have mentioned earlier that i couldn't resist after a whole month of reporting this guy and no one taking actions against him to keep ignoring him! And even tho all i used to say is mostly : i dont have much time for such a kid like you ! . I couldn't record my gameplay because of my low end pc but lately when things started to get out of hand i downloaded bandicam and made sure to record some of his insults! @Lancerb1
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: Anthony on February 26, 2021, 10:11:18 pm
And let me add that this guy just hates me for no reason! Since i got unbanned by mike and he is insulting me for everything i do !
And finally when i decided to take it into forums as in game reports weren't helping , he got punished but i got infracted one point and banned for a week because of this! I have been suffering too long from his childish actions , not to get banned for week and have the same punishments of a player who is insulting and bullying half of the community ! You don't believe me ? Go in game and ask everyone how they think about him!
I am pretty sure you are able to take the right decision!
Thank you!
Title: Re: My ban appeal
Post by: SausageParty on February 27, 2021, 12:50:12 am
If he starts to insult you simply dont fight back. Take screenshots and report him. You have insulted him aswell.

Ban will be removed, infraction not.
