Mike's Cops and Robbers

Community => Suggestions and Ideas => Rejected Suggestions => Topic started by: GtaFreak on May 15, 2020, 11:42:21 am

Title: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: GtaFreak on May 15, 2020, 11:42:21 am
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEVVBb75ze8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEVVBb75ze8) (quality might be low, yt still processing)

why is it allowed on this server?

Look I understand that if you're a Cop and you make your way towards a Wanted Criminal, that they have every right to kill you, that is fair.
You are chasing and / or nearing into their location and it makes sense, they're armed, they're dangerous and they will either run or fight for their life.

But what if you're a Cop in my situation, far away from all major criminals, just trying to arrest a ticket evader...
Why would you even expect a criminal to come and find you?
That's very idiotic of a criminal to do, they should be trying to evade you and only try killing you if you shoot at them or get too close to them.

Makes sense, don't it? Well not on here.

This is a video I would like to share. In my honest opinion, this is just deathmatch thing, not a cops and robbers thing.
People abusing the fact they are criminals to get cheap kills against cops who are minding their own business.

Since when is it "OKAY" to purposely go and find a Police Officer on the other side of the map, just to kill them?

That is called Cop Hunting and it shouldn't be allowed, heck, may aswell camp outside any Police Department and kill every cop as they spawn.
(I don't see anything on the server that would disallow this from happening, apart from maybe some sort of anti spawn kill)

Going out of your way to kill someone who is doing nothing to you and has done nothing to you recently, is RDM.

Here's the thing, it doesn't work the other way around, if you're a criminal, you committed crimes, you know your actions and you know your consequences.
You earned your score, money etc in doing so, so it is justified that a cop can come and find you to either arrest or kill depending on the circumstances.

But being a criminal doesn't give you the right to kill an officer for no reason.

A Police officer already has stages of arrests and rules to work around when chasing you, if you are unarmed, we try and arrest with tazer and cuff when possible.
If you are armed and resisting, we will shoot to kill if necessary. There is already so many parameters for officers, all you have to do as a criminal is just either run or fight, you don't have to follow any procedures, you don't have to discriminate, you have 2 options and that is that. (you can give up if you want)

But going across the map to kill a cop who isn't after you, is wrong.

There needs to be some additional rules added to prevent this, seriously.

And I will self explain about the video:

- I fired at the unarmed criminal because when I saw the other cop shooting at him, I assumed he might have been armed at the time, he was at a far distance and in real time, I couldn't see if he had a weapon equipped or not. After hitting a bullet, when I received the notification that he was un-armed, I immediately stopped firing. (you don't know unless you try?)
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Flyburger on May 15, 2020, 12:13:34 pm

It's not allowed yet some peoples are still doing it
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: DRAG0NFURY on May 15, 2020, 12:22:23 pm

apparently it is allowed
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: YellowFlash on May 15, 2020, 12:28:00 pm
They shouldn't be shooting cops regardless of how close they get unless the cops are armed and ready to shoo, then sure go ahead and blaze at them.

Majority of the criminals who are always 6 star wanted always cop hunt, and nothing is being done about it yet so.

+1 on suggestion
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: RazaDaAli55 on May 15, 2020, 12:58:32 pm
im on my phone so i wont be able to explain it properly anyway imo i"d go for a -1
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 15, 2020, 01:28:37 pm
I've been bitching about this, along with gang members protecting their friends even when they're innocent/far away/not in any way involved, for months now so yes, I agree.

If cop isn't actively chasing you you have no reason to kill him. He's as much of a threat as any player around you who might /rob you. You can't kill him before he actually robs you, why should it be any different with cops? No, I don't mean you should wait until he starts cuffing you, but you could at the very least wait for him to start running/driving towards you, pulling a gun out, a tazer or something. If he has clear intention to arrest/kill you, you can react. If he's just driving around collecting tikis, buying clothes in a shop, withdrawing cash at ATM, he's not a threat so you definitely don't have a reason to kill him. Not to mention criminals that are chasing and killing cops outside the active city, that's pure DM and should be changed asap.

Whoever disagrees with the logic above just enjoys DMing..it's up to Mike what he wants this server to be though.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: GtaFreak on May 15, 2020, 01:38:04 pm

Being a civilian with weapons, you see a cop minding their own business, maybe buying weapons or refueling their vehicle, so then you walk up to them and /rob them.

Now you have 2 wanted, making you orange.

Now just pull out your wep and kill them.

No no, don't stress, it's not RDM.

You are wanted now, you are allowed to do so, who cares if they are doing something else and minding their own business, kill them man, just do it, it's allowed, easy score man do it, bring some friends with you too haha.

Only on here it isn't considered RDM because well, you were wanted and they were a cop, not that hard to put 2 and 2 together.

Even if the time frame from you being a civilian > you being wanted > you killing a cop was 1-3 seconds. It's still allowed.

There is no rule against it.

EDIT: scrap that, don't imagine, just watch my video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA5tzwgqL0c (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA5tzwgqL0c)

(everything in this video, though it is cheap and noob, is allowed within the current rules)

- any player in this video who is upset with what i've done, PM me in-game for some compensation, I didn't mean to kill you for no reason, just for proof in this thread.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: UnforgiveN on May 15, 2020, 02:31:56 pm
-1 . Came here from cnr which cophunting wasnt allowed . So i know which problems it causes .
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 15, 2020, 03:06:35 pm
Now you have 2 wanted, making you orange.

Now just pull out your wep and kill them.
Exactly. I've said this more than once, but so far nothing changed. The only thing I can suggest to you is to switch to civilian and do the same. Start killing cops.. Go to ammunation, wait for them to start buying shit, press your /rob keybind and kill them with a sniper. Chase them around the map, kill them whenever they are 300m away from PD to avoid spawn killing. If you're next to someone who is fighting a cop, help him kill the cop - simply say he's your friend.

I started doing that, because that's the only way to get people to bitch about it, and that will hopefully change something. More than 50% of the current playerbase came from DM servers and they find this appealing because this pretty much is a DM server (because of the rules), so OBVIOUSLY they don't want this changed. They're happy with it. Unless you ruin that fun from them, by simply being a civilian and forcing every cop to change by hunting them, this will continue to be the case. I don't see this getting changed unless people stop playing as cops..let's speed up the process :shrug:
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Night on May 15, 2020, 03:21:35 pm
+1 on suggestion
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 15, 2020, 04:46:06 pm
As you can see, they're not even capable of presenting an argument to back up their disapproval of this suggestion. Not to mention this ain't even a voting poll in the first place so your +1 or -1 means jack shit.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: puuro on May 15, 2020, 05:51:14 pm
-1, this would just cause moderators an extra thing to deal with. not needed.

i will guarantee you there would be so many situations where a cop would attack someone then run back and complain about getting killed.

i for myself, come from a cnr server where cophunting isn't allowed and everytime someone is complained for cophunting its because a cop ran into some criminals, attacked them and then complained about being killed.

this is not needed at all, and even if you actually aren't cophunting and you kill a cop he can still report you for it.

where would the line be drawn ?

if a cop attacked you first, should you be allowed to kill him ?
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: M3E6 on May 15, 2020, 05:55:26 pm
I am pruning this thread of useless replies that add nothing except +1 or -1, its not a voting thread.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 15, 2020, 06:41:01 pm
You do realize in order for someone to get punished admin needs to review the complaint, not just take his word for it. You'd have to prove that you didn't in any way harm that person, same as if you were a civilian complaining about DM. There's no "more job" in this, it would just be a new rule which would lower the amount of DM on this server. So obviously, 10second videos wouldn't be accepted because something could have happened before you started recording (you arresting him or assisting in his arrest/death etc). However, some players keep DMing cops over and over again, so it wouldn't really be that hard to catch (especially for admins, who have the power to spectate and see their gameplay).

"this is not needed" starter pack :




EDIT: just to meme this a bit more : (https://media.giphy.com/media/WQB5gKMzqdejHKdicd/giphy.gif)
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: puuro on May 15, 2020, 07:06:04 pm
damn lmao
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Achilles_ on May 15, 2020, 07:50:03 pm
You do realize in order for someone to get punished admin needs to review the complaint, not just take his word for it. You'd have to prove that you didn't in any way harm that person, same as if you were a civilian complaining about DM. There's no "more job" in this, it would just be a new rule which would lower the amount of DM on this server. So obviously, 10second videos wouldn't be accepted because something could have happened before you started recording (you arresting him or assisting in his arrest/death etc). However, some players keep DMing cops over and over again, so it wouldn't really be that hard to catch (especially for admins, who have the power to spectate and see their gameplay).

"this is not needed" starter pack :




EDIT: just to meme this a bit more : (https://media.giphy.com/media/WQB5gKMzqdejHKdicd/giphy.gif)
that pack...
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: GtaFreak on May 16, 2020, 05:52:43 am
-1, this would just cause moderators an extra thing to deal with. not needed.

Nothing wrong with that, obviously players can go and report it with proof like me if they want something to be done.

Moderators are hired for a reason and as the server gets bigger and more features added, it only makes sense for some new rules to be put in place in the sake of fairness.

It can start as a simple rule in /dm /rules: "don't hunt for cops around the map, only kill if they're following / approaching you"

It can't be that hard to follow these rules and avoid those situations, it's just some players on here look for trouble/problems.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: YellowFlash on May 16, 2020, 08:19:54 am
If a cop attacks a criminal and then runs away crying that he got cop hunted it will show in /crimes.

I even think that it should give a warning to criminals to stop shooting a unarmed cop just like it shows for civilians, only then it can be somewhat fair.
Maybe after a certain distance between you and the criminal you get the approval of shoot to kill. but even then it enforces Dm on the server which still isn't allowed.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Solid on May 20, 2020, 06:58:10 am
Yeah, I completely agree and have been saying this type of shit for ages.

I even talked to M3E6 on discord regarding this (mind you that this is not a diss against him, just wanted to be clear, since sometimes each admin has a different opinion)

The conversation came to a result that if a cop is just minding his own business and eating a chillidog on the side of the street, any real criminal (orange/red) can just some up to him and kill him for jack shit.

Yet on the other side of the spectrum if a crim is unarmed we can't do shit.
That's why cops feel like you're always at a disadvantage. You're just playing a shittier, more rule heavy civ, who gets payed worse.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: denim on May 20, 2020, 04:38:03 pm
COP Pays should be increased since it's worst lol.

and I agree with Puuro, A cop can literally abuse this system to get the one punished whom he failed to kill/arrest. Like cops would come near criminal and shot at them or near them when being shot back they will start running back spamming /report Cophunting...  so it's a nono suggestion
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 20, 2020, 11:25:00 pm
How the hell can you abuse a /report command? You typing it down doesn't mean the player will get punished. Unless the admin sees the whole thing, nothing will happen.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Solid on May 22, 2020, 12:55:30 pm
So, I had pretty much the same thing happen with me and my friend. We fought and killed ShockWeave and Astronaught, whilst Astro was pretty chill about the thing, to my knowledge..
Shockweave went out of his way to MULTIPLE TIMES find me and my friend, as a civilian, run up to us, on purpose rob us to get 2 or more stars and then proceeded to unload on us.
I got a vid of it here, where me and my friend pulled up on a ticket evader and all of a sudden Shockweave just comes, on purpose robs my friend and then we start a fight. That's literally promoting Deathmatching.. but due to current rules it's all fine, cause he was orange.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: UnforgiveN on May 22, 2020, 06:36:23 pm
If cophunting wasnt allowed ; he still had reason to kill you to protect himself . If youre complaining about robbing on purpose to get stars , well . Why not ?
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: chuppy on May 22, 2020, 07:37:55 pm
You can't talk about "protecting yourself" when you're the person who started the fight..that's what's wrong with this. There is no "self defense" if you are the one who came after the cop. If it was the other way around, then by all means, kill him. But chasing and killing cops who haven't done anything to you is wrong..I really don't understand how people don't get this.

Again, if this kind of gameplay is okay to the developer, then at least let cops have the same freedom. Currently civilians only have to think about colorus..like..BLUE OR RED = KILL , WHITE OR YELLOW = KILL ONLY WHEN THEY DO SOMETHING TO YOU. While cops have shit ton of rules to follow..when to arrest, when to taze, when to use weapons, who is armed who is unarmed in this group of people - who can i shoot who can't i shoot, what to do when the person is in water, what to do when the person is on a high building, what to do when the person is paused, where exactly to shoot a bike so you don't harm the unarmed criminal..list goes on and on and on. And it's all to preserve a life of a civilian (who loses the same amount of cash as we do on death btw), who will 2 and a half minutes later buy guns and go on a DM spree against you and your fellow officers. It makes no sense..if they're free to screw us over for absolutely no reason why should we have to be so very RPish and never ever harm them?
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: denim on May 22, 2020, 08:07:06 pm
So, I had pretty much the same thing happen with me and my friend. We fought and killed ShockWeave and Astronaught, whilst Astro was pretty chill about the thing, to my knowledge..
Shockweave went out of his way to MULTIPLE TIMES find me and my friend, as a civilian, run up to us, on purpose rob us to get 2 or more stars and then proceeded to unload on us.
I got a vid of it here, where me and my friend pulled up on a ticket evader and all of a sudden Shockweave just comes, on purpose robs my friend and then we start a fight. That's literally promoting Deathmatching.. but due to current rules it's all fine, cause he was orange.

FYI, We can take revenge From cops for arresting us or taking us down. It's in the rules.
So People not taking revenge and being cool with cops isn't really a problem. Shockwave had right to kill those cops as he can take revenge.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Solid on May 22, 2020, 08:08:49 pm
FYI, We can take revenge From cops for arresting us or taking us down. It's in the rules.
So People not taking revenge and being cool with cops isn't really a problem. Shockwave had right to kill those cops as he can take revenge.

Yeah, I'd understand that if it was in the same life w/o death. But if he goes after us 3 times in a row and 2 of those he dies and then finally is successfull, that's just hunting us down on purpose.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: LinkOscuro457 on May 28, 2020, 08:19:20 pm
-1 Is it part of the game that the police will lose because of being killed?
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: RavenGuard69 on June 01, 2020, 11:17:11 am
-1 Is it part of the game that the police will lose because of being killed?
just read all of the topic newb and you'll see
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Devon007 on June 01, 2020, 05:39:46 pm
Yes, this needs to be stopped. currently, cops are weak and helpless as compared to robbers. I have experienced and seen players getting killed just because they are playing as cops. maybe that's why the teams are unbalanced, 65 players playing out of which only 7 - 10 are cops.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: legend on June 01, 2020, 05:59:17 pm
Yes, this needs to be stopped. currently, cops are weak and helpless as compared to robbers. I have experienced and seen players getting killed just because they are playing as cops. maybe that's why the teams are unbalanced, 65 players playing out of which only 7 - 10 are cops.
Let me be honest at this part, 20 cops is enough for 80 players, if half of them are skilled. The only reason cops are unbalanced mostly, because theres mostly 1-3 well skilled cops in the city out of 15 non-skilled. I'm starting to get used to cop hunting rule already, which probs will stay there, until Mike or M3E6 decides to change it.

Me as criminal and even some my friends, don't cop hunt, If there will be cop after me or my friends if were together, ofc we will take care of it. So should others aswell, but we shouldn't encourage new players to cop hunt. There's plenty other ways to kill cops, without chasing them down, its simple, drive past them, mostly they will come after you, if not, bad luck, find another cop. Rather lure them into your death trap, than hunt them down with your 4 man sultan tank.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: Devon007 on June 01, 2020, 06:59:08 pm
Me as criminal and even some my friends, don't cop hunt.

yes, only you and your friends don't. what about the others? there should be a global rule.

cops have already too many restrictions. Not all cops want to start a fight, not at least with some 4 man sultan tank.even if a cop is minding his own business like fishing or driving around people still kill them how is that FAIR.

Let me be honest at this part, 20 cops is enough for 80 players, if half of them are skilled. The only reason cops are unbalanced mostly, because theres mostly 1-3 well skilled cops in the city out of 15 non-skilled.

what about the new cops? they always get hunted by people

people are just looking for a reason to DM and "the player was a cop" is a perfect one.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: legend on June 01, 2020, 07:26:21 pm
cops have already too many restrictions. Not all cops want to start a fight

agreed on that part.

I also want that rule to be removed. It causes unneccesary dm in the server.

even if a cop is minding his own business like fishing or driving around people still kill them how is that FAIR.

Old people should actually pay attetion to that. You can tell instantly if that cop is minding his own business. But there are some sneaky cops who pretend like they mind their own business, and woala, you were just crushed by car.

what about the new cops? they always get hunted by people

Right now its in the players hand, if he wants to hunt cops, if he wants do to so, its fine by the rules, but lot people wish the rule to be removed, because it will bring out the douche part of the people. Some people are controlled by rules, some not.

people are just looking for a reason to DM and "the player was a cop" is a perfect one.

I totally agree with that one.
Title: Re: Cop Hunting shouldn't be allowed
Post by: DepressedKid on June 02, 2020, 02:24:16 pm
+1 but most of pro players ive seen they wont kill cops while they are white first they do something to get wanted he this should be official