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General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« Latest post by DimitRizz on Today at 09:39:44 am »
yet u got like what 60 hours this month ?
Opinion Not valid.

General / Re: Staff unfairness strikes again
« Latest post by punisher on Today at 09:25:18 am »
Damn y'all mad hating fr , give a break to yourselves from being a poison , y'all literally got no value and no dignity ,zero honor and zero respect irl that's why y'all seeking this in a virtual world , desperate mindset , get mature ffs.
yet u got like what 60 hours this month ?
Opinion Not valid.
Suggestions and Ideas / Re: small group idea
« Latest post by [RsA]Ikevoodoo on Today at 09:20:19 am »
Could be a pretty cool idea, for example, make it always the case for group members. Where when the robbery starts, chat prompt tells them, for example, "type /share to vote for sharing the robbed sum" and if all the members in the group, or maybe 80%, type /share, then the final rob sum will be shared equally between the group members

 This would mean no group member would be left out in case they die, but it takes the money from the rest of the members, of course, to divide it equally across all the group members.

Now the problem would be, what if there's more people in the group chat? people that aren't robbing, or are even cops, medics etc.. How would you approach this?
maybe a system where the server checks who robber and in which group
Marketplace / Re: buying donator
« Latest post by [RsA]Ikevoodoo on Today at 09:16:58 am »
i am also buying who is selling l,mao
Accepted Complaints / Re: harakakiko aimbot version 2.0.3
« Latest post by MrEris on Today at 08:56:22 am »
Player banned.
Ban and Infraction Appeals / Re: The Great Reset
« Latest post by puuro on Today at 08:05:46 am »
i stole your money
Ban and Infraction Appeals / Re: The Great Reset
« Latest post by Epic on Today at 07:54:30 am »
Bro Greatreset happend(Everything got removed)

I also got 6 houses cars and much more but I grind it back so u should do cuz reset is for everyone
Ban and Infraction Appeals / Re: The Great Reset
« Latest post by Abdul Hannan on Today at 07:52:01 am »
I dont have proofs but I had friends like Moody I think he remembers me ingame
Help and Support / Re: error help!
« Latest post by Epic on Today at 07:51:10 am »
when i spawn on any location an error occurs which says spawnblock something and then the admin removes me as he thinks i am using cheats, when i get spawned i come to an unknown location inside a building and i cant even come out of that please help!!

It's about your internet connection sometimes my internet is f so I got spawned inside church at lv
Ban and Infraction Appeals / The Great Reset
« Latest post by Abdul Hannan on Today at 07:50:40 am »
Hey its me My Ingame name is Leith I had about 2.7-2.8million dollars money and I dont remember much but I had like cars a bullet a heavy bike if you guys cant give that vehicles atleast give money for buying them again I also had a house in SF and I was top rank police officer aswell
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