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Messages - Andrey

Pages: [1]
Approved Appeals / again, it's
« on: December 02, 2019, 10:41:42 am »
me banned from-for bugs server Andrey_Kostin I was banned mistakenly I fell in texture when spawn

Denied Appeals / bugs with the server
« on: December 02, 2019, 09:09:34 am »
My nick on a Andrey_Kosten me banned on mistakes I not cheteril repeat that this bug server now I you will talk as me gave ban this was 30.11.19 I played friend I have flew SAMP I zashol zanova and this not the first races when crashes SAMP when I spawn me etc in texture I been running in texture then died through of seconds 2-3 then me pan in is place where I wanted to then I again died and in end I span in hospital antichit perhaps thought that cheater but I not the first time so sspavn can this From-for moreover that I live in Russia have my friends, too, game case crashes.
Мой ник на сервере Andrey_Kosten меня забанили по ошибки я не четерил повторюсь что это баг сервера сейчас я вам расскажу как мне дали бан это было 30.11.19 я играл  другом у меня вылетел самп я зашол занова и это не первый рас когда вылетает самп когда я спавн  меня тп в текстуру я бегал в текстуре потом умер через секунды 2-3 потом меня пан в том месте где я хотел потом я опять умер и в итоге я спан в больнице античит наверно подумал что  читер но я не первый раз так сспавн может это из-за того что я живу в россии у моих друзей тоже игра бывает вылетает.

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 04:06:28 pm »
Hello I Andrey_Kostin I was banned anticheat by mistake I was banned for being a Spaniel in texture

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 04:05:54 pm »
Hello I Andrey_Kostin I was banned anticheat by mistake I was banned for being a Spaniel in texture

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 03:47:34 pm »
as me Mona unban

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 03:42:16 pm »
Hello I Andrey_Kosten I was zabanin on mistakes when I went into the game I got into the texture I think Cho ban is not provoked because I did not cheat this bug sampa was banned because when I went to the server I got into the texture anticheat thought that I cheater and banned me and I have so every time first in tektura then in the hospital Andrey_Kosten I was zabanin on errors when I went into the game I got into the texture I think Cho ban is not provoked because I did not chiteril is bug Sampa

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 03:40:27 pm »
Hello I Andrey_Kosten I was zabanin on mistakes when I went into the game I got into the texture I think Cho ban is not provoked because I did not cheat this bug sampa was banned because when I went to the server I got into the texture anticheat thought that I cheater and banned me and I have so every time first in tektura then in the hospital Andrey_Kosten I was zabanin on errors when I went into the game I got into the texture I think Cho ban is not provoked because I did not chiteril is bug Sampa

Denied Appeals / ban appeal
« on: December 01, 2019, 03:29:18 pm »
Hello I was banned because-that when I has gone on yerver I fell in texture anticheat thought that I cheater and banned me and I have so every time first in tekturu then in hospital

Denied Appeals / Andrey_Kosten
« on: December 01, 2019, 02:55:28 pm »
I not chiteril I have baguet server when I spawn I emerge within texture then die then I spawn in is place where I wanted to then I die and there and in end I in hospital and I have take 500$ and so can be 1 times or 2 unban please

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