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Messages - Faksy

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Updates and Changelogs / Re: THE GREAT RESET - Version 2.0
« on: January 21, 2024, 01:28:54 pm »
Really enjoying the reset, it's a nice breath of fresh air

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Balancing rustler
« on: December 12, 2023, 09:07:57 pm »
A video of what exactly ? Nvm found something working on it, uploading


Absolutely bonkers, I ever tried to fly low to avoid dmg, now imagine there's 2 or 3 of them in that car I can't even circle around once... There's no point in using rustler anymore really like this
When I said almost 300 percent earlier I didn't take increased dmg into account, its more like at least 500% nerf, even with vehicle armor it would be weaker than it was before

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Balancing rustler
« on: December 12, 2023, 08:04:31 am »
Just one more thing to paint a clearer picture... If we had 1000hp before and could /vr it twice at 350hp, thats 1950 effective health. Now it's 750 effective health we're working with. That's almost 300% nerf. Not to mention ramming damage nerf and weapon damage to vehicles being buffed (i'm fairly sure?). A group of 3 (2 shooters) blasted me out of air in couple seconds few days ago. And MCNR was always much harder to rustle anyway, compared to certain other CNR server. Rustler was truly gutted however you put it. One last ping @Mike cause if I don't make my case I don't think anyone will, peace.

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Balancing rustler
« on: December 11, 2023, 12:51:33 am »
Everything was nerfed into the earth's core, I think the ramming damage was nerfed at one point, on the other hand civ's got their better payouts and stuff... Idk, I'm not too invested over here, just saying... I'll leave it at that.

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Balancing rustler
« on: December 09, 2023, 04:57:07 am »
what do you mean lil bro

Suggestions and Ideas / Balancing rustler
« on: December 08, 2023, 07:42:18 pm »
I like what was done with recent patches for the most part but removing the /vr mid air makes rustling underwhelming and really tough. I might be wrong cause I'm out of practice. I barely play anymore, I join once in a while but from what I hear, there are pretty much no pilots on the server.

@Mike do you think it would be reasonable to at least have the option to put vehicle armor on the rustler, or maybe even raising base HP to 1100hp or something and keeping an eye on it until rustling is more viable again. I don't wanna be biased here and toot my own horn but I honestly believe rustling is in a objectively bad spot right now.

Balance it to the point it's viable again and have some kind of balancing lever like adjusting hp in case it becomes too strong again, you can simply nerf it by 50 or 100 hp again. Balance it properly to the point people actually give it a shot, if possible. I'm patient and I don't even play enough to care lately, but I think it would be fair, that's why im writing this post.

Otherwise I see server doing well, the latest update(s) were good, and I'm grateful for everyone's contribution. However I'm a pilot at heart and I'd love to enjoy rustling more those rare times that I join the server.

Thanks and be well

Well, you're already fighting like 1500hp if I repair it twice in the air

I will make it so you can purcahse repair kits from the plane/boat checkpoints.

I think that's a good solution with the possibility to buy them at boat checkpoints as well.

As for the hp, I didn't really think too hard about it ngl, I may reverse my decision..

I think that would be fair, at 800hp you lose engine power way too fast, with a small bump into something.

I think the alternative could be nerfing /vr in aircraft, making it only usable when aircraft is standing still, and buffing hp to 1300-1500, or being able to buy vehicle armor.

Anyway, thank you for listening and being open for change. Really appreciate that.

People nowadays abusing that, can’t u see that sparrow now has 1800 HP cuz of the /vr cmd

Lol, vehicles catch fire at 250hp, and you need to /vr before they do, so at BEST you have 900hp to work with if you repair it twice. Which doesn't really work out in practice really.

Also, I don't think it's fair to even talk about rustler and seasparrow in the same sentence as it's entirely different bird. One can be piloted by paraplegics, another needs years to learn.
It's sad that people doing balancing and complaining about rustler balance can't even properly take of with it. Would love to see one of you try to catch one of the regulars.

Also, making easier to buy vehicle repair kit is barely even about balance, its about getting rid of STUPID POINTLESS SYSTEM of hopping in and out of plane REPEATEDLY to simply buy a repair kit.
It's beyond stupid and nobody cares about it cause nobody flies but this desperately needs change.

I barely play lately anymore and I was hesitant to post this, but since I joined MCNR in february 2021, the state of rustler/rustler balance went from very challenging to downright stupid as of late nerf from 1000 to 800hp.
I mean what are you even thinking @Mike ???

You're balancing it around like 2 people, it took us years of dedication and practice to get a hang of it and you want it to be same power level as a car or something, what the fuck.
You now slightly damage/bump it into something and the engine loses power and needs repairs.

Which brings me to next issue that I tried to bring up on github long time ago and was ignored...
If you have 0 repair kits in inventory, you need to:
1. exit rustler
2. buy repair kit
3. enter rustler
4. repair rustler
5. exit rustler
6. buy another repair kit
7. enter rustler again

Its frustrating and tiresome as all hell and there is no point to it. WHY did you have to change it so we can't buy repair kits from inside of rustler in gas stations ? It absolutely makes no sense and contributes NOTHING to the balance, only makes it stupidly tiresome and frustrating to repair rustler, especially now, with 800hp.

Honestly, if there was a humane way to buy repair kits from rustler, I wouldn't complain, although it was absolutely pointless and unnecessary change (that you can't buy in gas stations from inside rustler anymore).

I'm just baffled where the idea to nerf rustler to 800hp came from tbh. Seasparrow at 600 and rustler at 800 ? Seriously ? Any paraplegic can fly seasparrow and destroy cars with it, while only like 2 people can properly wield rustler.

Anyway, just make it less frustrating to buy repair kits from rustler and we good. And maybe try to keep in mind the effort and time it takes to learn to fly it.

//sorry for a bit of a harsh post, it's only years of frustration pouring out

General / Re: a UNHAPPY idiot guy wants destroy MCNR
« on: February 07, 2023, 08:13:50 pm »
Sure, it sucks not being able to play in peace cause of a tool like that. Think how much it must suck to be him 24/7 though. That's where the real DDoS happens.
I hope you get well, if you're reading this. For yours and everyone's sake.

Denied Complaints / Re: attacked with rustler on 4 stars
« on: February 06, 2023, 09:56:56 pm »

1:04:30 if link doesnt work properly

Denied Complaints / Re: attacked with rustler on 4 stars
« on: February 06, 2023, 09:32:57 pm »
Only told you like 5 times that it got publicly announced on discord announcements

Denied Complaints / Re: attacked with rustler on 4 stars
« on: February 06, 2023, 08:36:03 pm »
Dear god, I tried explaining the rules to him 5 times and still he does not understand and complains here. I'm sorry you have to deal with this staff, dealing with tools like this is what I don't miss. Some people just shouldn't have a privilege of reporting people. If you can't write half coherent sentence and can't be bothered to check what the rules are before reporting, you probably shouldn't. @xxzc1g this goes for you too

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Update rustler/seasparrow tooltip
« on: January 14, 2023, 12:01:37 pm »
The issue is tooltip/lack of information for players who are unaware of this.

Rejected Suggestions / Update rustler/seasparrow tooltip
« on: January 13, 2023, 07:08:35 pm »
@Mike a while ago you said we're able to attack threat suspects with rustler/seasparrow (I believe your exact words were to treat everyone like they're on foot, basically meaning we can attack threats)

I see a lot of people often confused about who we can attack with rustler/sparrow, as the tooltip when entering them is outdated(stating you may only attack mw)
Simply change the tooltip to show proper rustler/seasparrow rules - able to attack suspects in water, air, mw and threats, (possibly bank robbers and securicar? )

Denied Complaints / Re: Using Rustler on non-mws.
« on: January 13, 2023, 07:00:58 pm »
Now hold on, let's not confuse rules.
Rustler&Sparrow are allowed to be used on
1. MWs
2. any 2star+ criminals swimming or piloting an aircraft
3. for self-defense.

That means you CAN NOT attack random threat criminals (2-5stars) who aren't shooting directly at you.

Hey, excuse me for interrupting here but a while ago Mike said when in rustler/sparrow "treat suspects as if they're on foot". I'm not sure if anything changed since then, I doubt it because being able to attack threat suspects makes sense IMO. The text when entering rustler/seasparrow is outdated and should be finally fixed and rules regarding rustler/sparrow updated and stated clearer.

edit: in fact I'll make a suggestion to update tooltip right away.

Kill Compilations/Montages / Re: Aimbot
« on: December 14, 2022, 08:52:06 pm »

Accepted Complaints / Re: [NYPD]_Fabry
« on: December 14, 2022, 01:04:19 am »
Will be punished.

Denied Complaints / Re: [NYPD]_Fabry cop rules violation
« on: December 14, 2022, 12:59:17 am »
This is obviously not the whole story and you were baiting somewhat, also you hit his car, not just drove around it, dismissed.

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