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Messages - Ast

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
Suggestions and Ideas / Re: More Export Vehicle Batches
« on: Today at 05:19:33 am »
Abandoned Airport is the best place to export Aircrafts and it can be used as a common export point for all 3 cities.
I guess you're right thought.

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Allow /duel in jail
« on: Today at 05:14:59 am »
uh never.

Accepted Complaints / Re: xmk_
« on: Today at 01:11:26 am »
Nvm, Player is already banned. close it

Accepted Complaints / xmk_
« on: Yesterday at 06:34:14 pm »
Your in-game nameAst
Their in-game namexmk_
Date & Time of incident (UTC)now here
DetailsCheating: Pretty sus guy.
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

Yep, but How can that apply to discord echo as possible?

why not make to so that we turn it off completely
It's always annoying when someone sents a random invite to accept their property, maybe new option that turn it completely from /set (/settings) as you said
or If just one cmd only existed than. this option may be as final solution.

I wonder, Why only /api exists for accepting property's offer so they can purchase it quickly than. why not add /deny thing too for who doesnt wanna accept it?

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Calling Lester through the Payphone
« on: May 27, 2024, 12:16:15 pm »
I had the biggest stroke reading this.
Even as always, idk why everyone had *stroke and blah blah something etc* reading my words
It gets me  confused tho

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: Calling Lester through the Payphone
« on: May 27, 2024, 11:18:42 am »
Be able to call Lester (Doesn't have to be specfically Lester) but the idea is that you can go to a payphone and buy away the amount of wanted stars you have. (Ofcourse not available as MW)

1 Star - 1k
2 Stars - 2.5k
3 Stars - 5k
4 Stars - 10k
5 Stars - 20k

I know there is /bribe and stars you can find across the map, but let's be honest if a cop is refusing your bribe and you can't find 5 stars at once your not really getting anywhere. Ofcourse the prices could be increased. Let me know your guys opinions!
That's another feature of gta online which used to get rid of stars by free or cash, So. Payphone exists for a reason, maybe possible or not, But we do have bribe Pickups which used for common, isn't that necessary? Also, once Calling Lester or some other character from the game though the Payphone which pays the cash and bribes the stars, even if cooldown would be added to avoid calling Lester - other characters thought payphones multiple times, for example, We called Lester (Other Character) and bribed the cops - stars, May I think this might not needed in future, idk what ppl thinks in their own way

Suggestions and Ideas / Re: More Export Vehicle Batches
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:58:47 pm »
Can we export aircraft - vehicles  (planes and boats) of lv/ls/sf's export's location?

It's not possible or it's maybe possible 'if mike adds it somewhere at Abandoned Airport (or LV-LS-SF Airport maybe not)

For boats (Nothing to say regarding this.)

I don't know why Moneybag gives only cash, it should give too score together with it.


As we know, We are already had Condom / Lube / Disease Relief Pill

So why not increase chance of getting them from Hotdog from stalls of it's risk, avg percent isn't that much, Also, when fishing,  unknown dk Risk Chance - some random percent, gets too fast if depends on on your luck or not. of its STD

Last thing, Isn't Disease Relief Pill's expire (10 minutes) from Medical Services - Red Checkpoint, enough or not?

What do you think.

P.S I am not suggesting even a idea, just trying to improve that more currently

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Ingame Chat Tags
« on: May 24, 2024, 09:51:59 am »
uh nah nah,

Denied Complaints / Re: Destorying My PV
« on: May 18, 2024, 08:42:31 pm »
The video is unavailable, please reupload it within 24h.
Please deny it, I couldn't reupload it due to the video was deleted.

Denied Complaints / Destorying My PV
« on: May 15, 2024, 01:35:04 pm »
Your in-game nameAst
Their in-game nameLeon_Capone / [R2V]Babymetal (maybe another guy)
Date & Time of incident (UTC)today
DetailsAfter I died, I haven't saw that my bullet was destoryed by them so, nobody of them didn't answer anything, even they left ig
Evidence (Images/Videos etc.)

@Mike sais as long as a skin doesnt interrupt the gameplay, doesnt give u any advantage ingame, doesnt brake the game, doesnt affect other players since they see the original skin, skins are allowed. Just like weapons skins or hud skins or sound mods are allowed which are used from most players, even this simple skin is allowed.
for some reasons, Crosshair Mods aren't allowed anymore, so Hud (skins/mods of its kind isnt allowed here) It's not updated on forums which is here since a year (allowed/disallowed modifications) (topic) - something etc on forum, (Hud's Mods. has custom crosshairs and I can't think if kind of other hud's mod could have original crosshair, that's not possible even idk, also for skins mods, I have noidea if its allowed or not, (I heard something on discord, not too much - idk)

Rejected Suggestions / Re: Increase prison time for most wanteds
« on: May 09, 2024, 12:20:50 pm »
Where is Daryl_Dixon we need him and his crews support on this
Daryl_Dixon is literally banned here (forums not in game) I guess or not,, also I saw him playing mcnr, but he has gone somehow since some weeks

Denied Complaints / Re: Cop hunt dem Starbucks and hibye
« on: May 09, 2024, 09:08:03 am »
I know, that you were trying to kill me but, both tried to help me, (maybe) i guess so, i just turned on fps limiter to low fps so that's made it faster of swimming, whatever

Fix Pending / Re: /vcolor
« on: May 08, 2024, 02:35:15 pm »
Anything new regarding this?

Fix Pending / /vcolor
« on: May 06, 2024, 04:31:24 pm »
- What was the script version?
2.0.3 Version

- Your in-game name (we may credit bug reporters with in-game cash if it's a major or exploitable issue)

- What happened? Please give as many details as you can. Even if you think it's irrelevant it might be just the piece of information we need to pin point the issue.
    - Where were you?
    - What were you doing?
    - Did you have some sort of special circumstances happening at the time?

I just was trying /vcolor with ID(s) for example, /vcolor 1 1 and it didnt cost/pay anything when using dialog menu, it does (pay/cost)

- Is this a reoccurring issue? Has it happened to you or others before?

- Please provide steps for us to reproduce the issue ourselves, if possible.
-> type /vcolor ID - Color ID(s) (well, I just tried it on my main heli and it doesnt seem to pay that cost of price its color.) (dialog menu worked but with using Color IDs it wont work tho.) If I am right or not.

- Images and videos help a LOT. Press F8 in-game to take a screenshot and upload it here for us to see the issue for ourselves. Please crop/resize large images.

- Date and time of incident if known
today rn.

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